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Russia, Egypt Reach Initial $3 Bln Arms Deal


May 21, 2006
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MOSCOW, February 14 (RIA Novosti) – Egypt has reached an initial agreement on how to implement a new Russian arms delivery deal worth over $3 billion, Vedomosti newspaper reported Friday.

Egypt's defense minister and likely new president Field Marshal Abdel Fattah el-Sisi negotiated the agreement, aimed at replacing decreased assistance from Washington, during talks in Moscow on Thursday between Russian and Egyptian foreign and defense ministers. The military leader was warmly received by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his first trip abroad following his seizure of power in a coup last year.

Vedomosti cited Russian defense sources as saying that at the meeting the sides initialed or signed contracts for the delivery of MiG-29M/M2 Fulcrum fighter jets, air defense missile complexes, Mi-35 helicopters, coastal anti-ship complexes, light weapons and ammunition.

The arms deal was originally proposed during a November visit by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to Cairo. Various media reports have indicated the value of the deal could be several billion dollars.

The deal is reportedly to be funded mainly by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
No announcement on the arms deal was made following Thursday’s meeting. Putin said, however, that Russia was prepared to strengthen cooperation with the country following presidential and parliamentary elections.

El-Sisi has taken firm control over the country since the ouster of Islamist former President Mohammed Morsi in July. The often violent crackdown unleashed by the el-Sisi government has led to a cooling in relations with Washington, which announced in October that it would slash longstanding military aid to Cairo.

According to US officials, aid cuts included halting shipments of F-16 fighter jets, Apache helicopters, M1A1 tanks and advanced anti-ship missiles.

Moscow is apparently seeking to exploit the Egyptian demand for defense materiel created by US disengagement.
Russia, Egypt Reach Initial $3 Bln Arms Deal – Report | Russia | RIA Novosti

whats better MI-35 or MI-28

MI 35 carries more gun rounds ( 1400 or something ) = better against personnel, it can carry 8 troops or they can use that space for more fuel extending the range.

MI 28 is better armored, gun sight aim is just like the Apache linked to the helmet, 30mm rounds and a heavier load ( better against armor ).

Since Egypt already has Apache the equivalent of MI 28 it's better to get MI 35M, with it's dual barrel 23mm high rate of fire and high ammo capacity it's useful against terrorists/militants.
MI 35 carries more gun rounds ( 1400 or something ) = better against personnel, it can carry 8 troops or they can use that space for more fuel extending the range.

MI 28 is better armored, gun sight aim is just like the Apache linked to the helmet, 30mm rounds and a heavier load ( better against armor ).

Since Egypt already has Apache the equivalent of MI 28 it's better to get MI 35M, with it's dual barrel 23mm high rate of fire and high ammo capacity it's useful against terrorists/militants.

excellent review thanks
MI 35 carries more gun rounds ( 1400 or something ) = better against personnel, it can carry 8 troops or they can use that space for more fuel extending the range.

MI 28 is better armored, gun sight aim is just like the Apache linked to the helmet, 30mm rounds and a heavier load ( better against armor ).

Since Egypt already has Apache the equivalent of MI 28 it's better to get MI 35M, with it's dual barrel 23mm high rate of fire and high ammo capacity it's useful against terrorists/militants.
the terrorists or militas we can handle but i want to be sure that Egyptian sky is secure i would like more fighters and air defence what i wish we signed for
1 su 35
2 S 300 or 400
3 kornet ATGMs
4 produce AK 12 to replace our version (maadi AK)
MiG-35 Fulcrum-F Multirole Fighter

MiG-35 is a new export variant that combines the modern systems of the MiG-29M2 with an AESA radar. The fighter plane has the thrust vectoring of the MiG-29OVT as an additional option. Improved avionics and weapon systems, notably the new AESA radar and the uniquely designed optical locator system (OLS), make the aircraft less dependent on ground-controlled interception (GCI) systems and enables the MiG-35 to conduct independent multirole missions.

MiG-35 is compatible with Russian and foreign-origin weapons applications and an integrated variety of defensive systems to increase combat survivability. The fighter plane is being marketed globally under the designation MiG-35 (single seat) and MiG-35D (dual seat). MiG Corporation made their first official international MiG-35 presentation during Aero India 2007. MiG-35 Fulcrum-F is an export version of the MiG-29M OVT (Fulcrum F).

MiG-35 AESA radar
MiG-35 will be the first Russian aircraft to be fitted with active electronically scanned array radar. The Zhuk-MA's antenna consists of 160 modules, each with four receive-and-transmit modules. It is believed to offer a 160km (85nm) air target detection radius and 300km for surface ships.

Like radar, OLS allows the MiG-35 to detect targets and aim weapon systems. But, unlike radar, OLS has no emissions, meaning it cannot be detected.

OLS works like a human eye by getting the picture and later analysing it. NII PP, the federal space agency science and research institute's engineers have chosen more short-wave bands for the matrix, which has increased sensitivity of the complex several times and has increased detection range.

"MiG-35 is a new export variant that combines the modern systems of the MiG-29M2 with an AESA radar."
The OLS on the MiG-35 is considered to help pilots to spot even the USAF's stealth planes. OLS includes a complex of powerful optics with IR vision that makes it impossible for any plane to hide.

OLS solves the problem of blurred vision. At speed, each piece of dust can cause harm to the glass of the OLS. The new OLS uses leuco-sapphire, the next-hardest material after artificial diamonds, making the lifetime for such glass much longer. According to NII PP engineers, leuco-sapphire is clear for all the OLS emissions and doesn't corrupt the signal, an important factor for the optical systems.

MiG-35 engines
The MiG-35 is powered by two RD-33MKBs that can be fitted with KliVT swivel-nozzles and a thrust vectoring control (TVC) system. The MiG-35's combination of TVC and advanced missile-warning sensors gives it the edge during combat.

RD-33 engines generate 7% more power compared to the baseline model due to the modern materials that go into the manufacturing of the cooled blades. The engines provide a higher-than-average thrust of 9,000kgf. RD-33 engines are smokeless and include systems that reduce infrared and optical visibility. The engines may be fitted with vectored-thrust nozzles, which would result in an improvement in combat efficiency.

Russia's developmental work on thrust vectoring started in 1980s. The Sukhoi and Saturn / Lyulka engine design bureaus led the way, and their efforts resulted in the Su-30 MKI aircraft. The MiG and Klimov engine bureaus began their work in the field of thrust vector engines a little later and aimed at all-aspect thrust vectoring, as opposed to Sukhoi / Saturn's two dimensional (horizontal / vertical) vectoring.

Klimov achieved all-aspect vectoring with the aid of three hydraulic actuators that deflect the nozzles, and are mounted at 120A° intervals around the engine nacelle. This enabled MiG-35 to fly at very low speeds without angle-of-attack limitations, and ensured that it will also remain controllable in zero-speed and 'negative-speed' (tail-forward) areas for sustained periods.

The MiG-35 is a highly manoeuvrable air superiority fighter, which was shown for the first time in August 2005 during the MAKS Air Show outside Moscow. The fighter is powered by RD-33 OVT thrust vectoring control engines. The RD-33 OVT engines provide superior manoeuvrability and enhance the fighter's performance in close air-to-air engagements.
The MiG-35 presents super-manoeuvrability, a capability to fly at supercritical angles of attack at increased level of sustained and available g-loads and high turn-angle rate, which requires a greater thrust-to-weight ratio and improved wing aerodynamic efficiency.
"The MiG-35 is a highly manoeuvrable air superiority fighter."
MiG-35 weapons
The aircraft's suite of guided weapons includes Kh-31A anti-ship missiles with active radar seekers, the Kh-31P anti-radar missiles, Kh-29TE missiles and KAB-500Kr TV-guided bombs. Added, when equipped with an external optical / laser targeting pod, the fighter can use the Kh-29L air-to-surface missiles and KAB-500L laser-guided bombs. These weapons will allow the aircraft to engage aerial and land targets.
Italy-based Elettronica signed an agreement with Mikoyan in 2007 to support in incorporating ELT/568(V)2 self-protection jammer in the MiG-35. The jammer renders self defence from radar controlled anti-aircraft artillery.

An addition of a strap-on tank behind the cockpit has allowed MiG-35 to have a higher internal fuel capacity of 950l. The capacity of the external fuel tank suspended under the fuselage has increased up to 2,000l. Ferry range with three external fuel tanks has also been increased, rising to 3,100km, and with one in-flight refuelling the range will be 5,400km.
The fuel management system has also been digitised, and includes a new digital fuel metering system...
The MiG-35 can climb at the rate of 330m/s. Its maximum speed is 2,400km/h. The normal and ferry range of the aircraft are 2,000km and 3,100km respectively. The service ceiling is 17,500m. The aircraft weighs around 11,000kg and its maximum take-off weight is 29,700kg.

MiG-35 Fulcrum-F Multirole Fighter - Airforce Technology


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The smaller MiG-35 shares the high agility of the Su-35BM/Su-35-1, but lacks its brute force in raw performance, combat persistence, radar range, and internal volume for mission avionics. All of the Western fighters will compare more favourably against the MiG-35 series, but this may be another entirely academic comparison given that none have been ordered as yet.

If we compare a late model AESA equipped F-15K/SG subtype against the late model Su-35BM/Su-35-1, both likely to be rolled off a production line at the same time, these Flankers will outperform these F-15s in much of the flight envelope, especially at transonic speeds. With the AL-41F engine the Flanker will be able to sustain decent supersonic speed on dry thrust, giving it an energy advantage throughout the envelope. How much supercruise capability the hybrid AL-31F-117 series engine will provide remains to be seen. With conformal fuel tanks the F-15 will have comparable range to the Flanker with external PTB-2000 drop tanks. Equipped with the Irbis E the Sukhoi will achieve a first look / shot capability over the F-15 with an APG-63(V)2 AESA radar. In terms of EWSP capability, the Sorbstiya jammers will deliver better EIRP than the legacy ALQ-135 series, and the Khibiny-M will be comparable to the ALR-56M series. An area of uncertainty is how much of their newer radar signature suppression technology the Russians will incorporate in export Flankers.

In performing an overall summary, the Flanker will outperform or match the F-15 in most cardinal parameters and capabilities.

The other production Boeing fighter is the F/A-18E/F Block II Super Hornet with its much vaunted APG-79 AESA radar. The Su-35BM/Su-35-1 outperforms it on all cardinal parameters, including radar range, but excluding the somewhat academic measure of clean radar signature – academic since in combat external stores must be carried by both fighters.

Lockheed's F-16E / Block 60 subtype with AESA and conformal fuel tanks is not competitive against the Su-35BM/Su-35-1 on any parameters, the Sukhoi cleanly outclasses it across the board.

The Lockheed-Martin F-35 JSF will be outclassed in all cardinal performance parameters, with the exception of radar signature when the JSF is flown clean with internal stores only. That advantage may also be entirely academic if the Flanker is networked with low frequency band radar to cue it to the JSF. It is also not entirely clear whether the radar signature of the export variants of the JSF will be low enough to deny lock-on by the powerful Irbis E at useful missile ranges.

The Eurofighter Typhoon with AMSAR will compete with the Su-35BM/Su-35-1 in terms of close combat agility and dash speed, but it does not have a decisive advantage in systems and sensors and cannot match the radar range of the Irbis E, and will not match a supercruise engine equipped Flanker.

The Dassault Rafale share many qualities with the Typhoon, but is smaller, and much the same comparisons apply to the Su-35BM/Su-35-1.

A key advantage the Flanker will possess against all but the conformal tank equipped F-15 is combat persistence, which provides far more flexibility in choosing engagements and the opportunity to run an opponent out of gas.

The only Western fighter which offers a decisive advantage in all cardinal parameters over the Su-35BM/Su-35-1 is the Lockheed-Martin F-22A Raptor. On internal fuel and subsonic profiles the Flanker will outrange the F-22A slightly, and it is likely that in high alpha low speed manoeuvre the Flanker may perform better. However, in the classical high altitude high speed long range missile combat regime the Raptor will beat the Flanker every time due to the generational advantages of all aspect wideband stealth and supersonic cruise.

In conclusion, the notion that contemporary production Russian fighters are inferior in technology, performance and overall capability to their US/EU peers is largely not correct, and predicated on assumptions about Russian technological capabilities which ceased to be true a decade or more ago. The disdain toward the Flanker shown by many senior bureacrats in Western defence establishments reflects, sadly, nothing more than their lack of insight and understanding as to how far the Russians have progressed since 1991 in a globalised high technology economy.

Assessing Russian Fighter Technology


Egypt should definitly go for the SU-35.
MIG 29M/M2 and MIG 35 are quite good and sophisticated in the 4++ generation, where the SU-35 can provide a real combat edge for Egypt against any enemy.
No one in the Middle East is having the F-22, so with the SU-35 Egypt will be in par or better yet than USrael with its F-15s.
With an addition of some Mig-29Ms and a JV with pakistan for the F-17 block 2 and up, it will have a very powerful and potent airforce in the middle east.
You can not compare F16 with mig35. F16 is multirole fighter i dont see russian against ground targets using mig35. Stupid comparions...

Wasted money! What do you gonna use on mig 35? What does egypt have in its weapon arsenal from air air missile to ground air missiles? Or you gonna buy russian missile after this deal? You can not use american missiles and financial egypt is not strong.

Are they really stupid?
You can not compare F16 with mig35. F16 is multirole fighter i dont see russian against ground targets using mig35. Stupid comparions...

Wasted money! What do you gonna use on mig 35? What does egypt have in its weapon arsenal from air air missile to ground air missiles? Or you gonna buy russian missile after this deal? You ocan not use american missiles and financial egypt is not strong.

Are they really stupid?

The Russians do not use the Mig-35 against ground targets for one simple reason, the platform is not in service with the Russian air force nor has it started full scale production.

The Egyptian Air Force uses a variety of Russian made platforms, this includes the Mig-21. Egypt has extensively upgraded the Mig-21 over the years so much do it now can carry the sophisticated Russian R-73 short ranged air to air missile and multiple types of precision guided munitions. The Mig-21s have also been modified to be able to use western munitions such as the AIM-9, which brings me neatly to my next point. The Russians ad of late have allowed their export customers to pick and choose what they want on the aircraft, if the customer wants to have western equipment in order to use western munitions that can be arranged. In any case, new fighter deals or any deals for major hardware includes the sale of munitions for the platform sold.

It is you who is stupid.
The russians never allow to use american missiles and the americans wil never allow to use missiles on a russian fighter. If you think you can buy it to use it then you are the most stupid member of pdf.

3 billion wasted money.....
The russians never allow to use american missiles and the americans wil never allow to use missiles on a russian fighter. If you think you can buy it to use it then you are the most stupid member of pdf.

3 billion wasted money.....

Well, the Su-30MKM used by the Royal Malaysian Air Force has various western components in it (HUD/NAVFLIR/LDP all by Thales) and can fire the MBDA MICA (which Egypt operates). The IAF Su-30MKI carries a Litening targeting pod which is produced by Northorp Grumman in cooperation with Rafael. The Egyptian Mig-21s can already use US munitions alongside the Russian munitions. It is a matter of negotiations, either way every fighter deal will be accompanied by a purchase of munitions (which is included in the total cost of the deal). You have no idea what you are talking about.
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