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Rohingya crisis: Maldives ceases trade with Myanmar.

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01:17 PM, September 05, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 03:43 PM, September 05, 2017
Rohingya crisis: Maldives ceases trade with Myanmar


Displaced Rohingya refugees from Rakhine state in Myanmar rest near Ukhia, at the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar, as they flee violence on September 4, 2017. A total of 87,000 mostly Rohingya refugees have arrived in Bangladesh since violence erupted in neighbouring Myanmar on August 25, the United Nations said today, amid growing international criticism of Aung San Suu Kyi. Photo: AFP
Star Online Report
Condemning the atrocities committed against the Rohingya community, Maldives today ceased trade ties with Myanmar.

“The Maldives is deeply concerned by the recent cycle of violence that resulted the death of dozens of Rohingya Muslims and displacing several thousands,” a press release issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives on September 3 reads.

The Government of Maldives has decided to cease all trade ties with Myanmar, until the Government of Myanmar takes measures to prevent the atrocities being committed against Rohingya Muslims, according to the release.

The country requests the United Nations Secretary General and the United Nations Human Rights Council to look into the grave violations of human rights against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
Burma dosent have enough trade with muslim world, we are too far away from them

Only Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia can exert pressure
My village has more to trade with than entire Maldives put together. Bunch of jokers.
Myanmar's Health Minister cancels trip to Maldives
  • Maldives, on Sunday, announced decision to cease all trade ties with Myanmar
  • Maldives called on the Government of Myanmar to take measures to prevent the atrocities being committed against Rohingya Muslims
  • The seventh Regional Committee session of WHO South-East Asia Region is to be held in Maldives, from 6-10 September
K. Male' | Aishath Shaany | 04-September-2017 | Monday 13:31 | Shaaknee | Local | 1,737


Myanmar's Health Minister Myint Htwe -- Photo by: Rizna Zareer

Following the government's decision to cut all economic ties with Myanmar, the country's Health Minister Myint Htwe has cancelled a scheduled visit to the Maldives.

A credible source informed RaajjeMV that while the Minister was to arrive in the Maldives on Tuesday, that he has since cancelled the trip.

Minister Htwe was to arrive in the Maldives to take part in the annual meeting of World Health Organization (WHO)'s South-East Asia Region.

The government is yet to reveal any details regarding Minister Htwe's trip.

While the Government of Maldives had, on Sunday night, announced the decision to cease all trade ties with Myanmar, it condemned the atrocities committed against Rohingya Muslims.

In its statement, the Foreign Ministry said that it will cease all trade ties with Myanmar 'until the Government of Myanmar takes measures to prevent the atrocities being committed against Rohingya Muslims,' further calling on the international community to 'act swiftly and firmly to stop the bloodshed'.

The seventieth Regional Committee session of WHO South-East Asia Region, the annual governing body meeting of WHO is to be held in Maldives, from 6-10 September.

While Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan, WHO's Goodwill Ambassador for Hepatitis, is to take part in the meeting as well, some locals have started a campaign, calling on the Bachchan to boycott trip to Maldives.
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I think Pakistan should stop selling jets to burma until it solves rohingya problem , they should be given nationality and all human rights or this country Burma should be broken in to separate parts.

Also send back their diplomatic envoy don't need any relation with savage country ruled by savage monks.
I think Pakistan should stop selling jets to burma until it solves rohingya problem , they should be given nationality and all human rights or this country Burma should be broken in to separate parts.
i am ready to trade one Rohingya for 50 Afghans and Bengalis living in Pakistan
My village has more to trade with than entire Maldives put together. Bunch of jokers.
Than ask Myanmar's health minister to visit your open toilet village instead of Maldives.
Myanmar's Health Minister cancels trip to Maldives

Maldives has far far better economy than whole Bharat. Now go back to you village and eat some rat.
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I think Pakistan should stop selling jets to burma until it solves rohingya problem , they should be given nationality and all human rights or this country Burma should be broken in to separate parts.

This would be a great idea if it weren't for the fact that Pakistan would once again be forsaking our national interest for Bengalis who betrayed Pakistan and Islam in 1971 which has left them with a nation with a indian leash around their neck
This would be a great idea if it weren't for the fact that Pakistan would once again be forsaking our national interest for Bengalis who betrayed Pakistan and Islam in 1971 which has left them with a nation with a indian leash around their neck

Lets forget 71 for good and move forward.
Lets forget 71 for good and move forward.

Its central to the problem

For all Pakistans faults regardless of consequences if Bangladesh was still Pakistan it would not only be better armed but in no mood to pander to india whom we hate nor tolerate the Rohingya crises and be so dickless in front of Burma
We are with our Buddhist friends...

Of course!!

We in Pakistan understand that, we hate hindus because we know you.
Jinnah understood the hindus better then Gandhi, Nehru and the hindus themselves

Its why we have built up 150+ nuclear warheads

Its up to Indian muslims, Bangladesh followed by Afghanistan, Iran, GCC snd rest of the muslim world to understand why Pakistan hates india so much
Of course!!

We in Pakistan understand that, we hate hindus because we know you.
Jinnah understood the hindus better then Gandhi, Nehru and the hindus themselves

Its why we have built up 150+ nuclear warheads

Its up to Indian muslims, Bangladesh followed by Afghanistan, Iran, GCC snd rest of the muslim world to understand why Pakistan hates india so much
If Muslims countries support rohingia because they are Muslims only then Buddhists should support Buddhist victims of terrorism...

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