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Review: ‘India’s Daughter’ Explores a Gang Rape and Its Galvanizing Aftermath

Jun 12, 2014
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Review: ‘India’s Daughter’ Explores a Gang Rape and Its Galvanizing Aftermath

A scene from “India’s Daughter,” opening Friday, about an attack on a young woman and a debate about the treatment of women. Paladin
“A decent girl won’t roam around at 9 o’clock at night” — certainly not with a man who is not her father or brother. That’s what Mukesh Singh, interviewed in Tihar Jail in Delhi in Leslee Udwin’s documentary, “India’s Daughter,” says about the young woman he and his friends picked up in their bus on Dec. 16, 2012. They raped her, brutalized her (Mr. Singh dispassionately recounts how one of them “put his hand in her and pulled out something long — it was her intestines”) and then dumped her by the side of the road. Sitting in his cell, Mr. Singh can’t figure out what the big deal is. Things would have gone easier with her if she hadn’t fought back, he says. And, after all, haven’t others done worse?

The victim’s story made headlines and incited protests across India about rape and the treatment of women. Ms. Udwin’s film also made headlines: It was to air on Indian television but was banned because officials said they feared it would cause more civil unrest. If the contours of this story are well known from news accounts, Ms. Udwin adds some chilling images, especially the interviews with Mr. Singh and with his lawyers, who parrot similar ideas about appropriate conduct for young Indian women. (“Kissing from the mouth is bad,” one says.)

The tale that Ms. Udwin, a British filmmaker, tells is the one that captured the Indian imagination and made the victim’s case a sensation: an aspirational young woman, modern and educated — she was a medical student; her parents sold their ancestral lands to pay for her schooling — cut down by men whose attitudes about women seem to come from a different world. At the end of her film, Ms. Udwin reminds us of the obvious — violence against women is not merely an Indian problem. But “India’s Daughter” is a portrait of a place and time. And for all of its horrors, the movie has a positive message, too: Out of tragedy — and this case is just one of many — can come galvanizing change. RACHEL SALTZ

“India’s Daughter” is not rated. English and Hindi with English subtitles. Running time: 1 hour 3 minutes.
It is really disgusting to know the thinking of this vile creature and in what kind of society he grew up that he is not ashamed but rather proud of his act....what kind of faith he believes in that has brainwashed the last ounce of humanity from this brainless head. But he is just one of tens of millions of faith fellows who occupying the top most govt positions in india. It is because of this the rape rampant in india and makes it the rape capital of the world.
What about rape & blackmail of 250 children in a village in Pakistan.
Of course disgusting and painful. So now Whats Ur take about the disgusting act narrated in this thread?
This is disgusting especially the Indians shrugging it off. According to these Indians a women deserves to be raped because she was walking alone at night.
I must say i admire your mentality. its the same one those guys on the bus had.
It was a bad thing to happen. But this thing has been given too much importance & now being used to demonise India. I said it in this context.
It was a bad thing to happen. But this thing has been given too much importance & now being used to demonise India. I said it in this context.
You should choose your words more carefully mate , people tend to get the wrong idea from what you have written , i did too.

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