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Report: Israel spies on the US far more than other close US allies


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Report: Israel spies on the US far more than other close US allies | JPost | Israel News

A US Congressional panel discussing Israel's entry into the US visa waiver program was told that Israel's espionage activities in the US "go far beyond that of other close American allies, such as Germany, France, the UK and Japan.

This according to a report in the US news magazine Newsweek, citing a current US Congressional staffer as well as a former Congressional aid.

According to the report, Israel's efforts to "steal US secrets under the cover of trade missions and joint defense technology contracts have crossed red lines."

The House Judiciary Committee, is the Congressional panel with jurisdiction on the issue of visas and whether to allow Israel into the US visa waiver program.

Permitting Israel into the visa waiver program would exempt Israeli nationals from having to produce a tourist visa, allowing them to stay in the country for a period of up to 90 days.

Until recently, the widespread perception has been that two major obstacles have kept Israel from joining the program - allegations by US officials that Israel has discriminated against Arab- and Muslim-Americans seeking entry, and a proliferation of young Israelis traveling to the United States as tourists and then working illegally.

But according to the Newsweek report, and a report from last month in the Washington DC newspaper Roll Call, intelligence officials in Washington have expressed their reservations to Congress regarding the potential harm that could be done to US national security by Israeli spies who could exploit the waiver.

A congressional staffer familiar with a briefing last January told Newsweek that the testimony given to the panel on Israeli espionage was “very sobering…alarming…even terrifying.”

According to Newsweek the primary targets of Israel's spying were American industrial and technical secrets.

According to a former congressional aid cited in the report, who was present at a different classified briefing in 2013, “No other country close to the United States continues to cross the line on espionage like the Israelis do.”

“I don’t think anyone was surprised by these revelations,” the former aide said. “But when you step back and hear…that there are no other countries taking advantage of our security relationship the way the Israelis are for espionage purposes, it is quite shocking. I mean, it shouldn’t be lost on anyone that after all the hand-wringing over [Jonathan] Pollard, it’s still going on.”

With regard to the alleged Israeli espionage, Paul Pillar, the CIA’s former national intelligence officer for the Near East and South Asia, told Newsweek that Israel was dispatching spies to America before there even was an Israel, to gather money and materials for the cause and later the fledgling state. Pillar said key components for Israel’s nuclear bombs were clandestinely obtained in the US.

“If we give them free rein to send people over here, how are we going to stop that?” the former congressional aide asked. “They’re incredibly aggressive. They’re aggressive in all aspects of their relationship with the United States. Why would their intelligence relationship with us be any different," Pillar told Newsweek.


Who needs an ally when they have Israel?
I wonder if they're passing on secrets to Russia and China like they have in the past to get those two superpowers to ally with them.

I disagree with you here , the way US support Israel on every issue , Russian or Chinese can or will never do such...
its only that Israel and jewish powerful lobby is using USA against arabs ..
Highly Plausible idea!!

I'm disappointed in Russia and China, they claim to ride the anti-American/NATO/Israel camp but it stops short with Israel. They both have good relations with Israel and do nothing to endorse the opposition against Israel which would suit their narrative.

I'll say it again, my dream was to join the army, however thanks to our support to this state which occupies a whole entity I couldn't do it. I would personally stand with American interests, I'm not pro-Russia or China, I don't trust either nations. However, the US policy in the Middle East needs to change on a large scale for the Muslim community to embrace this military and protect the US from all espionage.

I disagree with you here , the way US support Israel on every issue , Russian or Chinese can or will never do such...
its only that Israel and jewish powerful lobby is using USA against arabs ..

They still have relations with Israel and cooperation on several fields. They also are politically immune to the scene when they should embrace the side that rebels against their proclaimed enemy. I wouldn't trust either of those nations to be honest, for Pakistanis it's a different story since it's in China's interests to support you.

Although for Palestinians nobody has political opposition to Israel's activities, my personal guess would be that they receive military secrets in exchange for being quiet about Israel's occupation.
I'm disappointed in Russia and China, they claim to ride the anti-American/NATO/Israel camp but it stops short with Israel. They both have good relations with Israel and do nothing to endorse the opposition against Israel which would suit their narrative.

I'll say it again, my dream was to join the army, however thanks to our support to this state which occupies a whole entity I couldn't do it. I would personally stand with American interests, I'm not pro-Russia or China, I don't trust either nations. However, the US policy in the Middle East needs to change on a large scale for the Muslim community to embrace this military and protect the US from all espionage.

They still have relations with Israel and cooperation on several fields. They also are politically immune to the scene when they should embrace the side that rebels against their proclaimed enemy. I wouldn't trust either of those nations to be honest, for Pakistanis it's a different story since it's in China's interests to support you.

Although for Palestinians nobody has political opposition to Israel's activities, my personal guess would be that they receive military secrets in exchange for being quiet about Israel's occupation.

you made your point clear , but I don't seems that Russia support Israel , that can happen in one scenario because india ( close ally of Russian ) hold very good relationship with Israel ... but china its difficult I don't see any interest of Chinese in this conflict , and I don't think Chinese will support a nation who forcefully occupy another nation...
what do you think on that ??
and I want @Chinese-Dragon your opinions on this
you made your point clear , but I don't seems that Russia support Israel , that can happen in one scenario because india ( close ally of Russian ) hold very good relationship with Israel ... but china its difficult I don't see any interest of Chinese in this conflict , and I don't think Chinese will support a nation who forcefully occupy another nation...
what do you think on that ??
and I want @Chinese-Dragon your opinions on this

China is more neutral but they still have cooperation on economical levels which will lead to political stability with Israel and maybe diplomatic relations in the future. Russia isn't neutral, they don't have a problem cooperating with Israel and politically supporting Israel in some cases. Yet at the same time they claim to support Iran and Syria although stop short of sending Iran necessary weapons.

So this neutral position is the problem, with Ukraine, Russia had it's position on the situation which China also supported. When it comes down to the I/P conflict, the same side Russia and China are at conflict with endorse Israel and support it immensely, yet nothing close is down by the other side to the Palestinians. Not even little diplomatic efforts are taken.
Israel slams Newsweek report, claiming it's tainted by 'whiff of anti-Semiti... - Israel News, Ynetnews

Israel slams Newsweek report, claiming it's tainted by 'whiff of anti-Semitism'

Israel has responded to a report in Newsweek according to which Israeli spying efforts against the US had “crossed red lines."

The Israeli embassy in Washington issues a denial, saying that "Israel does not conduct any spying activities (against the US), and condemns any attempt to tarnish Israel with false allegations."

A senior diplomatic source said Israel would send the US a strong message against the report, evening going as far as saying it some of it was "tainted with a whiff of anti-Semitism."

I'm disappointed in Russia and China, they claim to ride the anti-American/NATO/Israel camp but it stops short with Israel. They both have good relations with Israel and do nothing to endorse the opposition against Israel which would suit their narrative.

I can't speak for Russia, but we have never claimed to ride the anti-Israel camp. Our policy has never been to meddle in other countries internal affairs and bilateral relations between two states, and Israel-Palestine is a bilateral relation. For issues that have a wider ambit, we will operate through the appropriate multilateral institute, usually the UN. On that front, I think we've been more consistently pro-Palestine than not, mainly because Israel has a tendency to violate international law.

Ultimately, the Middle East is not China's backyard, but the US' and Russia's. Every other actor in the region is just a pawn. Your best bet is to wait for US-Iran relations to thaw, which they appear to be doing, which puts pressure on Arab states to take you more seriously.
However, the US policy in the Middle East needs to change on a large scale for the Muslim community to embrace this military and protect the US from all espionage.

The US policy is now what it will be, until Muslims in America begin to show their political prowess. The Muslim Community in America, is well established throughout the American Society. I think it was some State Department paper also posted on this forum confirming that.

But look at Muslim attitudes. 'Oh look at that Pakistani, why should I say Sallams to him?' 'That Arab is an idiot.'

Ask an Arab to Donate money to a non-profit that helps Muslim Youth, or does economic work in poverty stricken areas. Never going to happen.

Until Muslim attitudes change, American Foreign Policy isn't going to change.

I don't understand the last part, what espionage are you talking about from the side of Muslims?

The Israeli embassy in Washington issues a denial, saying that "Israel does not conduct any spying activities (against the US), and condemns any attempt to tarnish Israel with false allegations."

Damage Control. Back with the Pollard affair, the Deputy CIA threatened to resign. That's not something Chiefs or Deputies just throw around.

Not to mention more than 6 Sect of Defense, Admirals, FBI on the record against his release.

Israel has one of the robust covert networks in the world. Comparable to CIA; i wouldn't be surprised if they're more into the signals intel than human intel.
Any spy for Israel (or any other country for that matter) should be jailed for life. in some cases, they should be executed.
The US policy is now what it will be, until Muslims in America begin to show their political prowess. The Muslim Community in America, is well established throughout the American Society. I think it was some State Department paper also posted on this forum confirming that.

But look at Muslim attitudes. 'Oh look at that Pakistani, why should I say Sallams to him?' 'That Arab is an idiot.'

Ask an Arab to Donate money to a non-profit that helps Muslim Youth, or does economic work in poverty stricken areas. Never going to happen.

Until Muslim attitudes change, American Foreign Policy isn't going to change.

I don't understand the last part, what espionage are you talking about from the side of Muslims?

Damage Control. Back with the Pollard affair, the Deputy CIA threatened to resign. That's not something Chiefs or Deputies just throw around.

Not to mention more than 6 Sect of Defense, Admirals, FBI on the record against his release.

Israel has one of the robust covert networks in the world. Comparable to CIA; i wouldn't be surprised if they're more into the signals intel than human intel.

I meant that we would join the ranks of the CIA and FBI to humiliate Israelis spying on us. :lol:

I agree with your two points as well.
Any spy for Israel (or any other country for that matter) should be jailed for life. in some cases, they should be executed.

They actually aren't that many executions of captured spies or their assets. Most,if not the vast majority, are used as pawns in the greater shadow war.

There are always trades of captured spies/ assets.
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