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Reinventing America Summit Preview: Oil Visionary Harold Hamm on His Outlook for The U.S.


Jul 22, 2012
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Dan Bigman, Forbes Staff
Managing Editor for Business News at Forbes

On March 26-28 Forbes will host its first Reinventing America Summit in Chicago, Illinois (click for attendance details), a congress of more than 300 innovators, business leaders, growth-focused policy makers and academics who are helping usher in the next industrial revolution.

Leading up to the event, we’ve asked some of our participants to give us some quick insights into how they see economic conditions in the country–and their view on the future. First up is Harold Hamm, the Chairman and CEO of continental resources whose pioneering oil exploration in North Dakota’s Bakken shale formation helped usher in the most important energy revolution in the U.S. in almost a century.

Hamm, along with Bill Ford, David Cote, Sam Zell and a host of others, will be among the key speakers at the Reinventing America Summit. (Full list)

Forbes: On a scale of 1-5, how optimistic are you that the American economy has really turned a corner?

Harold Hamm: I believe we are only beginning a recovery economically in the U.S. This is being driven by oil and gas.

What’s your outlook for your industry/community for the next couple years? What makes you most excited? What are you pessimistic about?

The oil and gas renaissance brought about by horizontal drilling is the largest, most impactful event since the internet. The stance to oppose this renaissance by the Obama Administration and The Sierra Club makes me sad for our country and the hardships it causes the American consuming public.

What overlooked trends do you see that hold promise for the overall economy and productivity? What, on the other hand, is being over-hyped?

There is a tremendous amount of pent-up enthusiasm and industry in America if only the administration would become pro-growth in promoting business, free-trade, and fostering U.S. development. Too much emphasis is being given to the environment and climate change theories which is costing jobs and growth in America.

If you were starting your career over right now what area of the economy/industry would you focus on? What holds the most promise for the coming decades?

The oil and gas industry holds great promise for America. It is home-grown. We are the envy of the whole world again! We are changing the world!

If you could say one thing to President Obama right now about how best to foster growth in your industry or community, what would it be?

Allow crude oil exports and foster free trade. Remove bureaucratic constraints. Allow business the latitude and freedom to work. Trust the American entrepreneurial spirit again. It was the one thing which made our country great. The free enterprise system works!

Reinventing America Summit Preview: Oil Visionary Harold Hamm on His Outlook for The U.S. - Forbes
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