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Rear Admiral: PLA capable of warfare in 2 seas


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Rear Admiral: PLA capable of warfare in 2 seas
2016-11-29 16:21 | China.org.cn | Editor: Li Yan


PLA Air Force H-6K bomber is reported to be frequently flying to the western Pacific for exercises.
(File photo/ China.org.cn)

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force is now capable of responding to warfare in two different bodies of waters at the same time, as shown by its latest drill, said military expert Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo.

The Chinese Air Force made an unprecedented move to send military aircraft over the Bashi Strait and the Miyako Strait – at the same time – for a routine drill in the western Pacific on Nov. 25.

Yin said that the synchronized flights over two straits means that the PLA Air Force is capable of combating in two seas at the same time.

Bashi Strait is the water channel in the South China Sea that separates Taiwan from the Philippines, and the Miyako Strait is the waterway which lies between Miyako Island and Okinawa in the East China Sea.

"Flying over two straits at the same time is indeed a serious challenge for the PLA Air Force," said Yin, explaining that the Bashi Strait is up to 1,000 kilometers away from the closest Chinese airport and the flight could encounter complicated weather and maritime conditions. "Even if warfare breaks out in the East China Sea and the South China Sea at the same time, the PLA Air Force is still capable of responding."

Media reports show that PLA Air Force had earlier conducted seven drills in the western Pacific but that simultaneous flights over two straits were unseen before.

Air Force Senior Colonel Shen Jinke, spokesperson for the PLA Air Force, said on Nov. 26 that the PLA Air Force accomplished its anticipated goals in the drill, saying that the Air Force will continue to conduct drills in remote waters.

He added that PLA Air Force should raise and maintain a "strategic capability in accordance with China's national interest."
Expert: Chinese Air Force capable of simultaneous combat on different fronts
(People's Daily Online) 15:04, November 29, 2016


Aircraft from the Chinese Air Force fly over the Bashi Channel and Miyako Strait
in a West Pacific drill on Nov. 25, 2016. (Photo/Xinhua)

Aircraft from the Chinese Air Force flew over the Bashi Channel and Miyako Strait on Nov. 25 during a West Pacific drill. The drill indicates that the remote sea combat capability of the Chinese Air Force has significantly improved, and that forces can simultaneously meet combat requirements in two different directions, said military expert Yin Zhuo in an interview with People’s Daily Online.

The drill involved "multiple types of warplanes," meeting the set target, said Shen Jinke, an Air Force spokesperson, responding to media inquiries on Nov. 26.

The Chinese Air Force is a strategic military force, and its strategic power should match national interests, said Shen. The Air Force will continue to conduct regular remote sea drills to further its capabilities in safeguarding national sovereignty, security and peaceful development.

Some media pointed out that, although the Chinese Air Force has conducted seven remote sea drills, this is the first time warplanes flew over the Bashi Channel and Miyako Strait at the same time.

"It is indeed a big challenge for Chinese Air Force warplanes to fly over different straits at the same time," said Yin. The warplanes had to fly almost 1,000 kilometers to reach the Bashi Channel, even from the nearest airport. What's more, the climate and sea conditions were complicated.

According to Yin, China’s armed forces will gradually develop an integrated joint operational system in which all elements, including command, control, information, communication and security, are seamlessly linked. Under this system, all operational platforms will perform independently but in coordination with one another. This is in line with requirements for responding to potential future wars.
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