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Reality of TTP, a documentary worth watching...

Hasan ibn sabah was leader of Assasins and not khawariz
Dr.Tahir UL Qadri also mentioned nearly 100 hadith of Muhammad S.A.W where similarities can be linked with Khuwarij and TTP. Hope the message may reach to the right people and may ALLAH! bless our beloved Islam and Pakistan. Aamin!
Apparently no one is interested in reality ........

Let's keep discussing theories like... an uneducated man in mountains, never been to any city.. one day found billions of $ and at the same time re-discovered Islam, without even meeting Muslims, where girls can be raped, ski resorts be leveled to earth, schools be destroyed, RADARS and anti submarine be targeted, civilians from all walks of life shall be targeted, establish state wide network, and can bomb at will any point in Pakistan, hosted and trained in neighboring states all by chance.
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