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Ram Leela and a new Pakistani love affair with India


Apr 8, 2013
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LAHORE: Popular conversation in Lahore's affluent society these days revolves around whether they have seen Bollywood's latest release, 'Ram Leela', which is running to packed audiences in many cinema halls. This is not the only movie being lapped up by the denizens of Lahore. Though the reviews in the local papers have dubbed the movie as being mediocre, 'Gori Tere Pyar Mein' is also drawing audiences. On a Sunday evening show at a multiplex in the city's posh Gulberg area, the audience breaks into thralls as the hero of the movie, the dhoti clad Imran Khan, runs away from the marriage mandap.

This is not all. Pakistani newspapers carry huge ads of television serials like 'Kahta Hai Dil Jeele Zara' and 'Afsar Bitiya' that you thought were accessible only in India. But in Lahore you can switch on the TV and see the machinations in the house of Big Boss and more.

Pakistan is having a new love affair with India and wants to be recognized for this. "We feel close to India and we perceive that there is little to differentiate us. We have to be close friends and have intense cultural interactions," says Ataul Haq Qasmi, a well-known Urdu columnist and chairman of the Lahore Arts Council. Nasrullah Khan, a well-known ENT surgeon concurs: "There is no other way for us."

It is not only such moderate Pakistanis who are airing such views. At a meeting to discuss the role of the media in promoting Aman ki Asha, a participating TV anchor gets emotional: "I was a brilliant student but took the same training like the Taliban and indulged in the same activities as the Taliban. But then I realized that the rich and the famous are sending their students to English schools and enjoying life. What's the point of wielding the gun?" he asks. Another TV journalist delivers a sermon to a huge audience collected at the same meeting: "These leaders misled us and talked about a one thousand year war with India and led us on by saying that one day the Pakistani flag will fly at Delhi's Red Fort. All this is trash. Get ready for peace because there is no other way but amity."

It is this new context of increased love for India that makes Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif cry out for dismantling the requirement of visa for movement between the two countries. "You must tell your government that we want peace and want to move forward," he told this correspondent.

"Let me assure you there is a consensus across the board in Pakistan that peace talks must be renewed and good relations must be built with India," says well-known journalist and for a brief while the chief minister of Punjab, Najam Sethi. He is almost right but not absolutely. A day after Nawaz Sharif called for dismantling visa requirements between India and Pakistani, the chief of the Jamaat-i-Islami lashed out at him for now trying to 'sell' the Indian agenda. But local analysts say that his opposition is not serious. They point out that new love for India has much to do with the growing Pakistani disenchantment with the US. "They are using us for fighting their battles and giving us dollars which makes our elites dependent on them. We have to shake off this American dependence," says Feroz, a taxi driver. What has incensed Pakistanis most are the US drone attacks on Pakistan. Though aimed at flushing out the Taliban targets in 'settled' areas in cities of the frontier Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa province has led to large-scale demonstrations in major cities of Pakistan. "They cannot take our sovereignty for granted. India and Pakistan must work together to form a bulwark against outsiders meddling in our region," Feroz adds.

Stories about Narendra Modi are appearing in the Pakistani press and many want to know about the future of the relations between the two countries if he becomes prime minister. Leading journalists like Nazir Naji, group editor of Roznama Dunya, have detailed information about the political scene in India like the strength or otherwise of BJP in a state like Andhra Pradesh.

The general Pakistani feeling is that in this new love affair, the Indians are not reciprocating with the same zest. "Our channels are not being shown in India nor are our movies. We know your Deepika, Kareena and Priyanka, but do you know our heroines?" asks Rukhsana Noor of Hush Films. Journalist Naji says that the perception in Pakistan is that India is one of the largest acquirers of defence equipment in the global market and this amassment is for use against Pakistan. "This makes us apprehensive," he points out and refuses to buy the argument that India shares a huge border with expansionist China also. Other analysts point out that being a scion of huge industrial group, Prime Minister Sharif's Aman ki Asha has much to do with opening up of the Indian market to Pakistani companies.

Incidentally, Pakistan is probably one of the few countries that you can across over by foot from India. But it is the only country where Indian cellphone operators cannot provide international roaming facilities. At the border, before the cellphone went dead, when this correspondent called up his host on the other side of zero line, a Border Security Force official said: "With this call your phone is now on watch."

Pakistani civil society has this new obsession with India, but on the fifth anniversary of the Mumbai blasts can this affair of the heart progress much before the civilian governments play a dominating role in Pakistan? As is known, the perpetrators of the Mumbai carnage are still roaming free in Pakistan and there is no indication that they will ever be punished.

Ram Leela and a new Pakistani love affair with India - The Times of India
A bit old news, but the message is very relevant. :-)
The association is quite understandable - we are just a few countries in South Asia that can identify with each other and have a few similarities, food habits and a few common languages.

And common ancestry!! :)
watching indian fimls and serials is another thing and appeasing anty india jaihadies as freedom fighters is another thing but the problem is indians just dont care any more it will sound bad but most indians specially the middle class and elite dont want to do buisness with pakkistan for the fear of yet another back stabb as they got in kargil or when relations seemed on right track the mumbai attack to which most pakistanies instead of showing compassion very vocalli and enthusiatically termed as an indian intellegence conspiracy which was later found indeed to be a attack launched from pakistan by its so called "non state actors" apart from few bollywood producers indrustrialists and old fools like MMS and balbir punj no one in india wants to keep relations with pakistan most want to keep a distance

no ammount of love shown by the pakistanies is going to break ice till pakistan gives india hafiz saeed and dawood ibrahim and the prpertrators of khandhar hijak

as for so called love i feel its just a smoke screen for yet another round of attacks non state actors and there handlers are prepairing to unleash on hindu india and its pretty close
beware indians dont fall into this honey trap yet agian ..... im not against common pakistanies but the ones who want to inflickt pain and suffering to my mother land and fellow citizenz
watching indian fimls and serials is another thing and appeasing anty india jaihadies as freedom fighters is another thing but the problem is indians just dont care any more it will sound bad but most indians specially the middle class and elite dont want to do buisness with pakkistan for the fear of yet another back stabb as they got in kargil or when relations seemed on right track the mumbai attack to which most pakistanies instead of showing compassion very vocalli and enthusiatically termed as an indian intellegence conspiracy which was later found indeed to be a attack launched from pakistan by its so called "non state actors" apart from few bollywood producers indrustrialists and old fools like MMS and balbir punj no one in india wants to keep relations with pakistan most want to keep a distance

no ammount of love shown by the pakistanies is going to break ice till pakistan gives india hafiz saeed and dawood ibrahim and the prpertrators of khandhar hijak

as for so called love i feel its just a smoke screen for yet another round of attacks non state actors and there handlers are prepairing to unleash on hindu india and its pretty close
beware indians dont fall into this honey trap yet agian ..... im not against common pakistanies but the ones who want to inflickt pain and suffering to my mother land and fellow citizenz

how conveniently you remember Kargil back stab but forget Bangaldesh shooting in the back
i wondered in a country like India where you cant carry one bullet how the fk they had exaggerated constant shoot out in ram leela

kab jaana hai ramleela dekne.......:D:D

i wondered in a country like India where you cant carry one bullet how the fk they had exaggerated constant shoot out in ram leela

few pakistani people will always criticize .....even after watching each bolly move 10 times......:P
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how conveniently you remember Kargil back stab but forget Bangaldesh shooting in the back
and how conveniently u forget 1965...considering in 1971 we did exactly what u did to us in 1965...we trained disenfranchised people from ur country and infiltrated them and later launched a full scale war...except the difference was...we executed the plan flawlessly whereas u failed in urs spectacularly
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why do pakistanis watch Indian movies ?

Go and make ur own movies and watch them.

with this theory in mind I doubt any Indian watches hollywood movies, with the kind of taste for movies they have it would be easy not to watch any good movies.
why do Indian use any foreign products, go make your own and use them.
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