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R&AW calls for urgent review of 'unsafe' Mi-8 helicopters


Feb 28, 2013
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The aviation wing of the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), India's external intelligence agency, has sounded alarm bells in the most important corridors of power over the use of Russian Mi-8 helicopters.

It claimed the lives of its key intelligence gathering operatives are at stake.

It has been reliably learnt that the Aviation Research Centre (ARC), which functions under the Cabinet Secretary's office, has written an urgent letter informing its superior authorities about the need to "phase out and replace four Mi-8s by early next year".


In return as replacement, the agency has sought the Mi-17V5s, which the Indian Air Force (IAF) is procuring for itself.

A source said the government is fully aware of the ARC's demand and has indicated that the IAF will be asked to procure more number of these aircraft for the agency.

"Rather than piecemeal procurement that the ARC does, it is better that an expert organisation like IAF will look at it. Anyway they are buying the same helicopter in bulk," said a source.

However, what may upset the spy agency is that the IAF has not received any orders for additional procurement.


An IAF spokesperson told Mail Today: "We have already procured 80 V5s and an order for 59 more has been placed with Russia which we should receive by 2015-16. But all of these helicopters are only for the IAF. No orders for any other organisation have been placed with us."

The missions of the ARC require its operatives to undertake high altitude flying, especially in border areas, and get external intelligence to the R&AW. Several slippages have come to light in the Mi-8 helicopters, most of which can be attributed to an ageing fleet.

"We have used these helicopters to the end of their potential. In a few months, by utilising them we will be jeopardising the safety of our staff as well as security of the mission," said a source.

The ARC presently operates multiple fixed-wing as well as rotor-based aircraft. Of the approximately 15 helicopters it has, most are of Russian origin, divided equally between the older variants of Mi-17s and the Mi-8s apart from a few Chetak helicopters.

Since the ARC's tasks largely pertain to gathering of intelligence along the land borders and beyond, the need for high-powered helicopters which can do high altitude missions cannot be over-emphasised.

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