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Question of Fighting Pakistan's War

Irfan Baloch

Apr 12, 2009
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This compendium relates to the history of Pakistan & Afhgan Taliban and traces back their history in Islam.
Build a case for physically and ideologically fight the Taliban/ TTP/ Al Qaeda and their apologists on ground and on the virtual world
To help people better understand why Pakistan army needs to fight the Taliban and compile the crimes against society & humanity at the hands of Taliban. provide links with examples of Taliban modus operandi.

What is included
Pakistan & Afghanistan with reference to the war on terror. The driving force of the terrorists and their terrorist acts in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.
What is not included
Problems in Kashmir, Palestine, Central Asia or Africa.

Relevance to the Pakistan’s war section
To counter pro-Taliban propaganda & Present the reader some facts with examples to justify Pakistan Army’s operations.Also to help Pakistani people to decide if its our war or not.

Pakistani & Afghan Taliban

The brutality and ruthlessness and disregard for human life are one of the many qualities that Taliban on either side of Pak-Afghan border share. There is no difference in Pakistani or Afghan Taliban, both have vile & hateful belief system which is not only antisocial and inhumane but also confrontational, condescending & threatening to anyone happening to be on the wrong side of Taliban.
In a Taliban world, no other human being deserves a peaceful & dignified life if he or she is not a Muslim (and even being Muslim is not enough if he/ she) doesn’t follow the Taliban version of Islam.

Under Taliban rule
There is no room for dissent (punishment is death)
There is no room for a non-Muslim & Shia/ hazara (punishment id torturous death)
There is no room for Shrines (desecration & destruction)
There is no room for coexistence/ respect of any other religion. (sacrilege/destruction of historical sites)
There is no room for education, except terrorist training fuelled with Salafi/ Deobani faith.

Order of business
Beheading & Dismembering captives is a religious ritual
Denying access to health & medicine to women & children (hospitals/ schools)
Banning basic hygiene and cleanliness (if someone dies, accept it as a will of God)

Rules of engagement
Nothing is off limits, mosques and shrines
Schools, colleges & universities
Hospitals and dispensaries
Shops, hotels and restaurants, all are legitimate targets
No concept of taking prisoners or sparing their lives. Video tapped or public executions are a way of religious expression.

The driving force
Hate and violence is their life blood. The consequence of this dislike is death
Fear, intimidation, intolerance is their way of life.


Schools, teachers & Taliban


The 130-page Amnesty report, As if Hell Fell on Me, was based on nearly 300 interviews with residents of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and the surrounding areas.
The report quotes a teacher, who fled the Swat valley with his family in March 2009, describing how the Taliban operated.
"[The Taliban] took over my school and started to teach children about how to fight in Afghanistan. They kicked out the girls from school, told the men to grow their beards, threatened anybody they didn't like."

Taliban kill head of Afghan girls' school
Government officials say teacher had ignored death threats from hardline Islamists warning him not to teach girls
Taliban gunmen have killed the headteacher of a girls' school near the Afghan capital after he ignored warnings to stop teaching girls, government officials have said.
Khan Mohammad, the head of the Porak girls' school in Logar province, was shot dead near his home on Tuesday, said Deen Mohammad Darwish, a spokesman for the Logar governor. "He was killed because he wanted to run the school,"

Female teacher shot dead in Khar
BAJAUR AGENCY – Unidentified armed assailants gunned down a female teacher while two of her colleagues got injured in the incident that took place in Khar Tehsil of Bajaur Agency here on Thursday.
Eyewitnesses said that unknown armed men opened fire at three female teachers of a government primary school in Dak Qila locality, situated almost two kilometres away from Khar. As a result of firing, one of the teachers was killed and the other two received multiple wounds

Afghan teacher shot dead after condemning suicide bombings as un-Islamic

A teacher was shot to death in northern Afghanistan after he gave a speech condemning suicide bombings, it was revealed today.
Abdul Hadi claimed the attacks were un-Islamic and un-Afghan during a speech yesterday in the Archi district of Kunduz province.
He spoke at a gathering of about 700 people, including the Kunduz governor, and was on his way home when he was killed, .

Women Teachers Targeted and Killed
Five people belonging to the same family where killed in their house on 9 December 2006 by Taliban militants. Two sisters of the family worked as teachers. They were killed because of their jobs, it is reported that they were warned in a letter to quit teaching. The two dead sisters brought to 20 the number of teachers killed in Taliban attacks this year, said Zuhur Afghan, the spokesman of the Education Ministry.
He said 198 schools have been burned down this year, last year the number was 150. These attacks follow precise indication dictated by Taliban leaders.


The Taliban have circulated a list of rules for their militants, they were signed by Mullah Omar, the fugitive Taliban leader and "the highest leader of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan," according to the document. These rules, contain a grave warning for aid workers and educators. For instance, rule No. 24 forbids anyone to work as a teacher "under the current puppet regime, because this strengthens the system of the infidels." The following rule, No. 25, says teachers who ignore Taliban warnings will be killed.

Rule N.26 states: "If a school fails a warning to close, it must be burned. But all religious books must be secured beforehand".

Mohammad Hashim Mayar, the deputy direct of ACBAR _ the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief _ an oversight body for almost 100 aid organizations in Afghanistan, said the rules are no surprise. He declared: "They've been practicing this in the past. We already knew when they were burning schools, when they were killing people, we said that they were against education, and they are well aware of the importance of education."

Taliban campaign targets girls' schools

The notice pinned to the board outside the Mohammed Hussain Maila girls' school in Dara Adamkhel was uncompromising: "We have decided to bomb the school building. If any of the students shows up and dies as a result, she will be responsible for her own death."
It was a warning the young pupils at the school in Pakistan's North-West Frontier knew should be taken seriously. Four other schools in the lawless tribal region area had already been bombed. Within a matter of days, half of the 506 pupils at the school had been withdrawn

Mosques/ shrines

Pakistan Rawalpindi mosque suicide attack kills many

Militants are said to have killed at least 35 people, including 17 children, at a mosque near the Pakistani army's headquarters in Rawalpindi.
At least four attackers opened fire on worshippers during Friday prayers attended by many military staff in the garrison city.
Security forces fought back in an hour-long gun battle before three attackers blew themselves up, reports say.
The Pakistan Taliban later said they had carried out the strike.

Taliban blamed for suicide attack on Pakistan mosque
Man challenged by security guards at mosque in Chakwal blows himself up, killing at least 22 people

A suicide blast ripped through a crowd outside a Shia mosque south of Islamabad today, killing at least 22 people and wounding many more.
The explosion, in Chakwal, 50 miles from the capital, happened as the country reeled from a weekend of renewed Taliban violence.
It came less than a day after a presumed Taliban suicide bombing in Islamabad killed six paramilitary soldiers and two civilians.

Taliban militants attack Lahore mosques, kill 70
Terror revisited Pakistan's cultural city, Lahore, when Taliban militants simultaneously attacked twin-mosques of minority religious sect during Friday prayers, that left at least 70 people dead and more than 90 injured.
The brazen attacks on mosques were carried out in Lahore's Model Town and Ghari Shahu areas just after prayers when most of the worshippers were inside the mosques. Both mosques belong to the Ahmadi (Qadiani) sect.
More than 70 people were killed in the attacks, according to Sajjad Bhutta, the district administrator of Lahore. Hospital officials spoke of dozens of people who were injured.

Taliban Attack Mosque on First Day of Ramadan
KABUL, Afghanistan (Aug. 11) - An insurgent-fired rocket-propelled grenade struck a mosque near Asadabad at approximately 8 a.m. toady. The RPG, one of four, broke windows and knocked down a tree. Nobody was injured in the blast. The attack came on the first day of Ramadan and only two days before children were killed by insurgent fighters.

"It is sad that these insurgents have total disregard for their own brothers and holy places during this especially sacred time of the year," said U.S. Navy Cmdr. Mark Edwards, Provincial Reconstruction Team Kunar commander. "We will continue to with the Kunar Provincial government to ensure these people are held accountable for their actions.

Attack on mosque in north-west Pakistan 'kills 55'

At least 55 people have been killed and nearly 100 injured in a suicide bomb attack on a mosque in north-west Pakistan, local officials say.
The attack took place during prayers in the Darra Adam Khel area, near Pakistan's tribal regions
Hours later, grenades thrown into a second mosque, near Peshawar, killed at least two people, police said.
It was not immediately clear who carried out the attacks, the latest in a series of mosque and shrine bombings.
The Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for such attacks in the past and have been particularly active in recent years in and around Peshawar.

Taliban increasingly using mosques to launch suicide attacks

Taliban militants are not only targeting worshippers in mosques, but are also using mosques to launch attacks against civilians, according to the Afghan intelligence service Authorities say they are taking steps to protect worshippers by increasing security.
"Unfortunately, enemies of peace and stability in Afghanistan are using holy places for their attacks," Lotfullah Mashal, spokesman for the National Directorate of Security (NDS), told Central Asia Online. "According to our investigations, the few recent suicide bombers who have carried out attacks in Kabul had spent the night in mosques, (pretending) they were poor guests."

At least 40 dead as Taliban suicide bombers attack Muslim shrine
TWO Taliban suicide bombers struck one of Pakistan's most important Sufi Muslim shrines yesterday, killing more than 40 people and wounding 100.
Another bomber was wounded when his explosive vest partially detonated, and he was arrested along with a fourth militant who was seized before he could attack, police said.

The attack on Sakhi Sarwar ended a months-long respite in a relentless militant campaign against the shrines.

PAKISTAN: Taliban claim deadly attack twice in a Sufi shrine

PAKISTAN: Taliban claim deadly attack twice in a Sufi shrine
AFP – Two suicide bombers killed Sunday at least 41 people by detonating bombs at the entrance of a Sufi shrine in central Pakistan, a country gripped by a wave of extremely deadly ‘bombings Taliban allied with al-Qaeda, police said.
The attack targeted the pilgrims who came to pray at the tomb of Sultan Ahmed, a Sufi saint of the 13th century, more known as Sakhi Sarwar in Dera Ghazi Khan district where the Taliban and other groups allied to them are quite active.

Deadly blasts hit Sufi shrine in Pakistani city Karachi
At least nine people have been killed by two suspected suicide blasts at a Sufi shrine in the Pakistani city of Karachi, say officials.
Two children were among those killed and some 55 people were injured, a senior police official told the BBC.
The blasts hit the busy Abdullah Shah Ghazi shrine in Clifton district as people were leaving evening prayers.
A spokesman for the Taliban told the BBC it had carried out the attack.
Eyewitnesses said the blasts hit close to the entrance to the shrine on its busiest night of the week, when people had gathered to distribute food to the poor.

Deadly blasts hit Sufi shrine in Lahore

Two suicide bombers have carried out a deadly attack on a Sufi shrine in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore.
At least 42 people died in the blasts at the popular Data Darbar shrine late on Thursday evening, officials say.
At least 175 other people were hurt in the attack, believed to be the first to target a shrine in Lahore.
Thousands of people were visiting the shrine at the time, officials say. It holds the remains of a Persian Sufi saint, Abul Hassan Ali Hajvery.
No group has yet said that it carried out the attack, but the finger of blame is being pointed at the Taliban.
The type of target, a Muslim shrine, is unusual. There are some elements among Islamist extremists, including the Taliban, who believe that worshipping at the shrines of saints is un-Islamic, and this is one theory why this shrine was attacked.
There was another sectarian attack just over a month ago in Lahore in which 80 people died, when two mosques used by Ahmadi Muslims were hit by militants.
This could be a battle within a battle that the militants are having with the Pakistani state.
The shrine is visited by hundreds of thousands of people each year from both Sunni and Shia traditions of Islam.

Sufi Shrine 'blown up by Taliban'
Suspected Taleban militants in north-west Pakistan have blown up the shrine of a 17th Century Sufi poet of the Pashtun language, police say.
No casualties are reported but the poet Rahman Baba's grave has been destroyed and the shrine building badly damaged.
Rahman Baba is considered the most widely read poet in Pashto speaking regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Clerics and scholars killed

Suicide bomber kills anti-Taliban cleric Allama Naeemi

LAHORE Allama Dr Sarfraz Ahmed Naeemi, a renowned religious scholar of the country and principal of the Jamia Naeemia, was killed, in what police believe was a targeted suicide attack at his seminary`s office in Garhi Shaho on Friday.
His close aide, Maulana Khalilur Rehman, Abdul Rehman, an ex-student and a journalist, and two students were also killed while five others suffered injuries in the attack which destroyed furniture and religious books lying in the single room office and smashed all the windowpanes of madrassa-cum-mosque where over 1,000 students are receiving religious education.

'Taleban' kill two Afghan clerics

Two pro-government clerics have been killed in separate attacks by suspected Taleban militants in Afghanistan, government officials say.
Mohammad Gul was shot dead near a mosque in Lashkargah, Helmand, and Noor Ahmed Jan was killed in Ghaziabad district of the eastern Kunar province.
This brings to three the number of religious figures killed in three days.
About 5,000 people protested on Sunday in Khost, urging the government to protect religious scholars.

TTaliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba kill a Barelvi scholar

Sunni leader gunned down in Quetta

QUETTA: Unidentified men killed Jamaat Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal Jamaat-Noorani provincial leader Maulana Iftikhar Ahmed Habibi in Quetta on Wednesday, sparking a wave of protests. Police said Habibi, who was also a regular Islamic commentator on the Pakistan Television (PTV), was killed by unidentified men when he was on his way to work

Moderate scholar Dr Farooq shot dead in Mardan
MARDAN, Oct 2 Dr Mohammad Farooq Khan, a religious scholar and vice-chancellor of Swat Islamic University, was gunned down in his clinic here on Saturday. One of his assistants was also shot dead.
Police quoted eyewitnesses as saying that two armed men entered Dr Khan`s clinic, in Baghdada locality, saying that they were patients. But as soon as they saw the doctor, they opened fire, killing him on the spot.

Doctors/ Health workers killed


Taliban behead Afghan health worker
The Taliban's new southern commander said the militia beheaded an Afghan health worker and would kill one of their other hostages every day until the body of the former Taliban commander was handed over.
A man claiming to be Mansoor Dadullah, the brother of slain commander Mullah Dadullah, said that the militants had four captive health workers and 15 captive Afghan soldiers and that one would die every day until Mullah Dadullah's body was returned to his relatives.
"We are giving a warning to the government to hand over the body of [Mullah] Dadullah," the man said by satellite phone on Tuesday. "Today we beheaded one of the doctors and we will behead the others as well."

Militants kill female health worker

GHALANAI: Unidentified gunmen shot dead a female health worker stationed at a clinic in the Baytha area of Safi tehsil late on Thursday night. Eyewitnesses blamed local Taliban for the killing of Nihar Begum

Doctor killed on Afghanistan aid mission was not religious, say family
The family of the British doctor shot dead by gunmen in Afghanistan, today rejected Taliban claims that she was preaching Christianity to Muslims, saying she was not religious at all.
Karen Woo, 36, a surgeon from London, was among 10 medical workers killed in a remote area of northern Afghanistan on Friday.
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the killings, with a spokesman saying the group was shot because they were "spying for the Americans" and "preaching Christianity".

AFGHANISTAN: Taliban blocks polio vaccination

For polio vaccinators working on the frontlines of an emerging Taliban resurgence and earning just US $50 per month, the 15 or 20km trip from the provincial capital to outlying towns and villages is too much of a risk to take.

“While I was traveling to Tarinkot, the Taliban stopped my bus and forced me outside,” said Hamdullah, a government polio vaccinator who was beaten and harassed on 16 February while on duty.

“They slapped my face. They held me for eight hours before releasing me,” the 35-year-old said. “They made me promise that I would not vaccinate any more children – threatening to kill me if I did.”

Government battles Taliban's campaign against polio vaccinations

PESHAWAR – The Taliban has kept millions of Pakistani children from receiving polio vaccinations, calling them a Western plot. Now the children run the risk of disability and death.
Last year doctors confirmed polio in 20 children in Swat and 14 in Bajaur Agency. None of the victims had received the vaccine, which the Taliban bans in areas it controls.
“Polio vaccine is a tool of the West to render recipients sterile and to reduce the Muslim population", Swat Valley Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan said before authorities arrested him last September. Muslims should wait until they contract the disease before seeking treatment, he said.
Some medics have become casualties of militants while fighting the disease. In 2007, Bajaur Agency surgeon Abdul Ghani Khan and two vaccinators were killed in a roadside blast while returning from a polio-related function.

Dr. Gulalai was attacked in Peshawar, fortunately she survived
The attack on Dr Gulalai comes as a surprise because under the code of Pashtunwali (the way of the Pashtuns), women are not targeted, but this attack signals that women and children are now equally in the frontline and at risk. If anyone was in doubt about the barbarity of the Taliban, this attack should put an end to that sorry assumption. Dr Gulalai is not just a woman, she is also a doctor. By targeting aid workers and doctors, the Taliban have proved that they do not care about human life and only want to pursue their own nefarious designs.
The local Taliban are no different than the Afghan Taliban who publicly flogged and then executed a pregnant woman on charges of adultery. Though the Afghan Taliban have denied that the execution was carried out by them, it must have been either their supporters who follow in their footsteps or the Taliban themselves who are denying it because they are now aware of the diminishing returns of their anti-human policies. No law, culture or religion allows the execution of a pregnant woman because an unborn cannot be killed for no fault of his or hers. In civilised societies, even if a woman is on death row, she has to give birth before she can be sent to the gallows. Thus, the Taliban or whosoever killed this Afghan woman are guilty of ending two lives.
We have to understand that both the local Taliban and the Afghan Taliban share the same mentality and mindset. They are the antithesis of every tradition, culture, civilized behaviour, and humanity. The Taliban apologists must stop their propaganda that the Taliban are fighting only the Americans. They are also fighting against the state of Pakistan and killing our people. We have to obliterate them if this sorry tale of bloodshed is to come to an end.

Funding & Ideology

Extortion ,Kidnap for ransom, Protection money, Drug trade

Note: from News archive 2009

1. In war-ravaged Helmand, where much of the province has been under Taliban control for the past two years, residents grumble about the tariffs. “It’s a disaster,” said a 50-year-old resident of Marja district. “We have to give them two kilos of poppy paste per jerib during the harvest; then we have to give them ushr (an Islamic tax, amounting to one-tenth of the harvest) from our wheat. Then they insisted on zakat (an Islamic tithe). Now they have come up with something else: 12,000 Pakistani rupee (approximately $150) per household. And they won’t take even one rupee less.”
2. Up until quite recently, most experts thought that drug money accounted for the bulk of Taliban funding. But even here opinion was divided on actual amounts. Some reports gauged the total annual income at about $100 million, while others placed the figure as high as $300 million — still a small fraction of the $4 billion poppy industry.
Now administration officials have launched a search for Taliban sponsors. Richard Holbrooke, U.S. special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, told a press conference in Islamabad last month that drugs accounted for less of a share of Taliban coffers than was previously thought.
“In the past there was a kind of feeling that the money all came from drugs in Afghanistan,” said Holbrooke, according to media reports. “That is simply not true.”
The new feeling is that less than half of the Taliban’s war chest comes from poppy, with a variety of sources, including private contributions from Persian Gulf states, accounting for much of the rest. Holbrooke told reporters that he would add a member of the Treasury Department to his staff to pursue the question of Taliban funding.

The Saudis have spent at least $87 billion propagating Wahhabism abroad during the past two decades, and the scale of financing is believed to have increased in the past two years. The bulk of this funding goes towards the construction and operating expenses of mosques, madrasas, and other religious institutions that preach Wahhabism. It also supports imam training; mass media and publishing outlets; distribution of textbooks and other literature; and endowments to universities (in exchange for influence over the appointment of Islamic scholars).

Wikileaks: Saudis 'chief funders of al-Qaeda'
Private individuals in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states friendly to the United States are the chief source of funding for al-Qaeda, the Taliban and other terrorist groups, according to leaked US diplomatic cables.

Despite extensive efforts to limit the distribution of funds to extremists from the Middle East, the documents show deep frustration in Washington with the level of co-operation from governments in the region.
"It has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority," read a cable from Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, dated Dec 30, 2009.
"Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide," added the document.


Ibn `Abdul Wahhāb at-Tamīmī of Najd, a descendant of Dhul-Khuwaisarah, revived the Kharijite sect, some of whom call themselves Wahabis and others who call themselves Salafis.
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab belonged to the Bani Tamim tribe (a group belonging to this tribe originally revolted against Ali, spilled the blood of many Muslims & eventually assassinated Ali)

Saudi Arabia, UAE financing extremism in south Punjab
KARACHI: A US official in a cable sent to the State Department stated that “financial support estimated at nearly 100 million USD annually was making its way to Deobandi and Ahl-i-Hadith clerics in south Punjab from organisations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates ostensibly with the direct support of those governments.”
The cable sent in November 2008 by Bryan Hunt, the then Principal Officer at the US Consulate in Lahore, was based on information from discussions with local government and non-governmental sources during his trips to the cities of Multan and Bahawalpur.
Hunt refers to a “network of Deobandi and Ahl-i-Hadith mosques and madrassahs” being strengthened through an influx of “charity” which originally reached organisations “such as Jamaat-ud-Dawa and Al-Khidmat foundation”. Portions of these funds would then be given away to clerics “in order to expand these sects’ presence” in a relatively inhospitable yet “potentially fruitful recruiting ground”.
Children recruited would be given age-specific indoctrination and would eventually be trained according to the madrassah teachers’ assessment of their inclination “to engage in violence and acceptance of ****** culture” versus their value as promoters of Deobandi or Ahl-i-Hadith sects or recruiters, the cable states.
Recruits “chosen for jihad” would then be taken to “more sophisticated indoctrination camps”. “Locals identified three centres reportedly used for this purpose”. Two of the centres were stated to be in the Bahawalpur district, whereas one was reported as situated “on the outskirts of Dera Ghazi Khan city”. These centres “were primarily used for indoctrination”, after which “youths were generally sent on to more established training camps in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and then on to jihad either in FATA, NWFP, or as suicide bombers in settled areas”.


So one may ask what does the quotation from Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the Taliban and their funding by Saudi Wahabis and the Khawarij has in common and has anything to do with Pakistan’s war on terror?

The answer is that they are all interlinked. the Taliban follow the Salafi/ Wahabi ideology, wahabis themselves have shown little to none regard for human life and have been ruthless while dealing with fellow Muslims hence they and the Taliban find much in common in terms of practice and faith.
The reason to quote the Porphet Muhammad PBUH is to indicate the followers of Islam, the similarities of the Taliban and Al Qaeda with the people, Prophet Muhammad PBUH was referring to.
As has been a signature of the these particular fanatics, they have always justified their brutalities on Quaranic verses although as Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, they lacked the understanding and meaning and misquoted both Quran and hadith hence not only these fanatics did great harm to Islam but also presented a very horrible face of Islam to the rest of the world.
It is up to the ordinary Muslims not to be disheartened by the situation and deceived by the Taliban/ wahabi ideology but challenge it based on the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

The airwaves, cyberspace and print media is filled with Taliban apologists who are out of spite towards Americans have just decided to condemn and criticise the Pakistan Army and its operation against the Taliban with the usual taunts of slave army, mercenary army.

Some religious organisations and their leaders go even further and declare it (Pakistan’s war on terror) “shameful” and “sinful” to accept the money from the infidels to kill its “own people”. Then a lot of tears are shed for the loss of civilians (in case of drone attacks and army operation ONLY)

But what these religious organisations and pro-taliban apologists seem to ignore is the Saudi funding of the Taliban who are killing indiscriminately everywhere. While the army operation is cantered in the tribal areas, the Taliban are busy blowing up people in the cities.
It seems that the funding by the Saudis is acceptable hence there is no voice against the Taliban or the Saudis that why the pretro-dollars are being used to spill the blood of Afghans and Pakistanis? If it is because Saudis are our Muslim brothers then nothing can be more shocking and appalling if such funding is seen as justifiable or a criminal silence is observed.

Yes, it would be desirable that Pakistani state can fight this war on its own and not seen as being funded by a super power to fight its war but as it happens, no country can exist in today’s world in isolation and an event in one place has its impact on another. This cooperation between Pakistan and America is for the mutual benefit and is only giving more steam for a war effort that is very much a Pakistani war.

If Saudis funding of the Taliban and the radicalisation of our population (through madrassah) stops, then this Taliban terrorism will meet its death soon both in Afghanistan and Pakistan and there wont be any more complaints about receiving American money to kill our “own” people.
Sir, when reality is too bitter to accept, and our own faults so blatant, it is easier to live in denial that to try and improve things.

we keep looking for outsiders to blame, sometimes its the "devil" tattoos on the dead terrorists and sometimes it Raymond Davis and some times its the drones.

on the other hand we have a vengeful judiciary which wants to teach army a lesson and lets go terrorists who are cought on site of terrorist atrocity who openly declare in the court that they have killed before and will kill again after serving their jail or after being freed altogether.
Related by Abu Hurayrah:

The Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam said: "(Armies carrying) black flags will come from Khurasan (Afghanistan). No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Jerusalem where they will erect their flags."

"Pity poor Taliqan (a region in Afghanistan) that at that place are treasures of Allah, but these are not of gold and silver. There are people who have recognized Allah as they should have. They are the supporters of the Mahdi in the End Times."

(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p.59)

Thawban (R.A) reported that Dear Propet(salallaho alayhay wa sallam) said, “ In your old age three men will be killed . Each of them will be the son of a Khalifah. Then the black banners will come out of the east, *1 and they will slaughter you in a way that no Nation has ever done before.Then Dear Prophet(salallaho alayhay wa sallam) said soemthing that I didn’t remember.Then again Dear Prophet(salallaho alayhay wa sallam) said if you see him give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi.(2 Reference Ibne Majah Page 300, Also in Ahmad's Musnad, al-Haakim's Mustadrak and others)
we keep looking for outsiders to blame, sometimes its the "devil" tattoos on the dead terrorists and sometimes it Raymond Davis and some times its the drones.

on the other hand we have a vengeful judiciary which wants to teach army a lesson and lets go terrorists who are cought on site of terrorist atrocity who openly declare in the court that they have killed before and will kill again after serving their jail or after being freed altogether.

Yes sir, you are correct in saying that the judiciary has plenty of blame on its head, but please let me assure you that there is plenty more blame that needs to be apportioned between all other branches too. We are failing collectively and massively.
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