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Qatar’s foray into Gaza politics: Bad for Iran, good for Israel?


Oct 19, 2012
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The monarch of oil-rich Arab gulf nation Qatar, Sheik Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani, this week became the first foreign head of state to visit Gaza’s militant Islamist rulers since they won power over the Palestinian territory in 2007. The emir, who has long deployed Qatar’s astounding energy wealth toward outsized international influence, also handed over $400 million in Gazan reconstruction aid. Hamas, long seen as an ally of Iran, opposes Israel, sometimes violently.

Nothing dashes hopes and humbles would-be peacemakers quite like the Israel-Palestine peace process, so there’s little reason to think that al-Thani will succeed where more experienced statesmen have failed. Still, there is some reason to think that Qatar’s outreach to Hamas could do some good for a part of the world that badly needs it. Here’s what some Middle East analysts are saying about it.

Pro-Western Qatar could undermine Iran’s often-nefarious influence in the region, analyst David B. Roberts argues at Foreign Policy. “While Israel and the Palestinian Authority may view Qatar’s embrace of Hamas with chagrin, it is Iran that is the central loser in this drama. The emir’s visit is part of a larger Qatari policy to unseat and reorient crucial Iranian allies around the Middle East — and by extension, amputate a long-used, effective limb of Iranian foreign policy,” he writes. This is a bit surprising, since Qatar has long maintained friendly relations with Iran, its much more powerful northern neighbor. He adds, “The fact that Qatar is overturning one of the key tenets of its foreign policy by antagonizing Iran is a surprising and forthright move by the Qatari elite, which clearly does not accept conventional limits on what is and what is not possible in the Middle East.”

A Reuters analysis suggests that Qatar could help soothe divisions between Hamas and another major Palestinian political group, Fatah: “Analysts think Qatar, building up a leader’s role in the Sunni Muslim world and influence beyond the Gulf, hopes to tame Hamas, get it to reconcile with the Fatah movement of Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and perhaps advance the cause of Middle East peace.” It’s a long way from Palestinian unity to Middle East peace, but the former would still be a step in the direction of the latter, in part by making negotiations easier for Israel.

That may explain why some analysts believe Israel and the United States gave Qatar the go-ahead for this trip, as Israel-Palestine watcher Hamadi El-Aouni told Deutsche Welle. Their goal seems to be to “re-orient” Palestinian groups away from supporters Iran and Syria and help them establish “new partners in the western-oriented and Sunni Middle Eastern countries,” the paper explains, such as Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, and yes, Qatar. As Syria burns and Iran struggles under sanctions, these stabler and richer Sunni states — though at times perceived as too close to the U.S. or even to Israel — could be attractive allies for Hamas. Cash-strapped Palestinian groups such as Hamas must prove to Palestinians that they can provide for them, which costs money.


Pretty much sums up whats going on in Syria right now. This is a plot by the USA Specially ISREAL to stop real resistance movements like Syria, Hezbollah, Iran and replace them with Fake ones that are pro-western and pro-Israel.
Syrian didn't do anything when Israel bombed there nuclear facility and occupying their land, their getting brave to us but don't know we have our limits. So shows that assad is doing nothing against Israel and the new Syrian government will be against Israel even more.
Syrian didn't do anything when Israel bombed there nuclear facility and occupying their land, their getting brave to us but don't know we have our limits. So shows that assad is doing nothing against Israel and the new Syrian government will be against Israel even more.
I highly doubt that a new "government" in Syria will be anti-Israel, maybe only on the surface. But since this conflict was made and promoted in washington and the Council of Foreign Relation which are ALL pro-israel , the "new" Government will be a pro-western , pro-israel one. Assad has been consistenly anti-Israel, helping to arm Hamas and Hezbollah, consistenly through out the years. Syria is the only Arab country without an Israeli embassy and any Israeli relation. Qatar , Turkey and Saudi Arabia deal with Israel behind close doors, anytime you deal with Israel, you have fallen to the decit.
Syrian didn't do anything when Israel bombed there nuclear facility and occupying their land, their getting brave to us but don't know we have our limits. So shows that assad is doing nothing against Israel and the new Syrian government will be against Israel even more.
What do you expect from Syria?to invade Israel?
What did Turkey do when Israel killed its citizens in international waters?Except asking for apology?
Syria,Iran and Hezbollah are the real ones standing against Israeli aggression and rogue acts.
What do you expect from Syria?to invade Israel?
What did Turkey do when Israel killed its citizens in international waters?Except asking for apology?
Syria,Iran and Hezbollah are the real ones standing against Israeli aggression and rogue acts.
These people are brainwashed , they think their government is independant, their government is only in power b/c USA and Israel puts them in the first place. the best thing we can do is ignore them , let them live in their delusion. They are too brainwashed to understand world politics and see whats going on. They don't understand that these middle eastern conflicts were manufactured at the Council of Foreign Relation in Washington.
Pretty much sums up whats going on in Syria right now. This is a plot by the USA Specially ISREAL to stop real resistance movements like Syria, Hezbollah, Iran and replace them with Fake ones that are pro-western and pro-Israel.
Real resistance movements:

1) Syria - did not fire a bullet towards Israel since 1974. Slaughters Muslims by thousands each month.
2) Hezbollah - did not fire a bullet towards Israel since 2006. Together with Syria slaughters Muslims.
3) Iran - did not fire a bullet towards Israel ever. Together with Syria slaughters Muslims.
Real resistance movements:

1) Syria - did not fire a bullet towards Israel since 1974. Slaughters Muslims by thousands each month.
2) Hezbollah - did not fire a bullet towards Israel since 2006. Together with Syria slaughters Muslims.
3) Iran - did not fire a bullet towards Israel ever. Together with Syria slaughters Muslims.

these nations have been crushing israeli influence and Mossad agents for decades. Have kept the trash out . That does the job, Attacking an nation like Israel a Child of America, with powerful army is not a good military move. The reason why Syria, Iran and Hezbollah are being attacked now is b/c they are becoming powerful enough to do some major damage to Israel. That's why they have to go according to Israel. It's called having a strategy, not just start shooting randomly :sniper: How would you win aganist the enemy without a good long term strategy:devil: These nations have a plan obviously.

Hezbollah has killed more IDF members than any other country or military.

Israel has killed more MUSLIMS and caused conflicts like the one in Syria than any other nation.
Attacking an nation like Israel a Child of America, with powerful army is not a good military move.
I see. Attacking Israel is not good military move, but slaughtering Muslims is good military move. Thanks for explaining Iran's way of thought.
I see. Attacking Israel is not good military move, but slaughtering Muslims is good military move. Thanks for explaining Iran's way of thought.
LOL, you love diverging attention from Israel's murders and blaming Iran. It's not gonna work. Muslims are not stupid. your tactics to blame iran is NOt working. Of course this is part of Israel's strategy to cause a Shia/Sunni war , put them against each other. this way you can weaken both at the same time. But Israel is # 1 enemy,You can't brainwash people with your decitful way. syria, hezbollah strategy has always been to crush Israel and IDF.
US puppet Qatar is trying to buy-out Palestinians, to stop the resistance and to surrender to USrael. In such case Palestinians would never have a true independence, but its up to them to decide if they have dignity not to sell-out or not.
So they crush IDF by slaughtering Muslims. So far over 30,000 in year and half. That makes sense.

You mean the conflict that Israel started in order to destablize the region? You ISRAEL responsible for this conflict. You hands are gulity in killing people of all religions. not just muslims. Your also responsible for destabilizaing Iraq, all the car bombs in iraq and all the killings in pakistan in order to destablize pakistan and cause a civil war. Your hands are guilty. Also in car bomb in lebanon in order to destablize Lebanon , and drive out Hezbollah, your worse nightmare. decitful trash.
OK, I got u, everything bad that happens to Iran and its buddies is ISRAEL.

I just did not get why Syria slaughters own people instead of attack Israel then. And why Iran and Hezbollah are also helping Syria in that slaughter instead attacking Israel.
What do you expect from Syria?to invade Israel?
What did Turkey do when Israel killed its citizens in international waters?Except asking for apology?
Syria,Iran and Hezbollah are the real ones standing against Israeli aggression and rogue acts.

stfu like Iran did anything when American killed 260 of its citizens in the air. What did you do when Israel killed your scientists in your own country, nothing so stfu, iran and Persians should stfu all they do is talk, their leaders talked against Myanmar didn't even do sht or help, Somalians dying in hunger they didn't help, when Pakistan had problems with India help India two faced country, we help them with Brazil but they are ungrateful little, let me not carry on.
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