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Putin says Internet is a CIA project


Mar 31, 2014
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Vladimir Putin, the Russia’s president, has called the Internet a “CIA project” and warned Russians against making Google searches.

Speaking to a group of young journalists during a televised event on Thursday, Putin said the Internet was developed by the US as a “special project” by the Central Intelligence Agency.

When asked about Google, the Russian leader said the company’s web traffic “goes through servers that are in the States”, adding “everything is monitored there”, the a foreign news agency reported.

Shares in Russia’s biggest search engine, Yandex, fell as Putin expressed concern about its overseas investors, reiterating his fear of foreign control of the Internet.

“We must fight determinedly for our own interests. This process is happening. And we will support it from the government side, of course” he said.

The Kremlin has been anxious to exert greater control over the Internet, which opposition activists, who are barred from national television, have used to promote their ideas and organise protests, the AP news agency reported.

Russia’s parliament passed a law earlier this week requiring social media websites to keep their servers in Russia and save all information about their users for six months.

Another new law allowed the government to block blacklisted sites without a court order, and businessmen close to the Russian president now control the country’s leading social media network, VKontakte.

Opposition leader Alexei Navalny had his popular blog blocked and a widely read news site that covered opposition causes sacked its long-term editor and changed its stance after a warning on extremism from the state watchdog.

Putin has frequently been scathing about the Internet, which he once described as “half pornography”.

Putin says Internet is a CIA project | Pakistan Today
You can ban Google if you want like our government has banned YouTube in Pakistan. You can create your own web search engine and stream website to facilitate and stop citizens to use other websites which you think are CIA projects.
You can ban Google if you want like our government has banned YouTube in Pakistan. You can create your own web search engine and stream website to facilitate and stop citizens to use other websites which you think are CIA projects.
He said Databases are operates in States
good move, russia is drifting in the right direction. Putin needs to ban google and force yandex to bringing their office back to russia.

It will make russia more stable, less spied by america and the most important thing it will create more russian jobs increasing IT business and keep russias internet in russian hands and so its profits.

Yandex has already 60% the reaming from google would make it a huge company.

China was very smart by censoring the internet, it helped to boost Chinese culture and Chinese made stuff in their country and now around the world.

All over the world people are now shopping in Alibaba instead of amazon for example.
Ironically, Putin is somewhat right.

The internet is the evolution of a DARPA project, so he got the wrong agency but in the right ballpark.

Of course, that's not quite what he meant, but still...
He said Databases are operates in States
What I was saying that create your own search engine to facilitate citizens rather than banning each and everything on internet.
Social media site are a tool for creating chaos in the world.
the world of Shaitan

Putin must watch RT. :crazy:

Now its Putin's turn to press red button.
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Putin is half right, Internet is controlled by NSA not CIA (those Two are different organization).

In fact, people in the field know this open secret, that "Social Media" like Facebook and MySpace are tools for NSA to gather intelligence on certain group.

Look at it this way, after 9/11, the US wanted to group all potential threat together, but one things that's very hard to do is to group the social dynamic and interaction between user and group. And with pre-social media age, you cannot just ask a person what is your affiliation to anything.

So social media, although invented in 1990s, was reborn and have a new general direction toward people's own affiliation.. remember in the 1990s we have ICQ and AOL online or something like that? If you look at the program closely, it's a point to point program, where one friend invite another. It is good for collecting intel but it will take time.

Then come 2002 when Myspace and Linkin started, those are not point to point anymore, while both have established that a user group a user belong to and you now have the ability to add a whole group of people, instead of going to 1 person and find the next (a la ICQ), now you go to 1 person and you can find the whole group and the whole social dynamic.

It turns out that the government do not need ask the question anyway, and people are more than gladly to fulfill that requirement and disclose their intention for some "Friends" and some "Following" That's where the current Social Media started and they are opened rumored to be a brain child of NSA Intel farming.

So, it's an open secret that Social Media controlling the internet (the other being Pornography) so NSA controlled and created social network, thus NSA control the internet.

Those who don't know, CIA do not have enough asset to operate on US Soil, and most internet infrastructure are operate based on US, so CIA would not have been able to control the Internet, however, NSA with enough resource to control the asset within US, it's very likely that NSA is the one controlling the internet, not CIA
I'd choke that little prick out in three seconds. He's like 4'8".:taz:

Putin is a master level judoka. Ex KGB and extremely intelligent. You're an extremely ignorant internet troll who obviously doesn't spend much time outdoors since you're always trolling the internet for NATO propaganda. He'd beat you senseless, make you his bitch and then sell you off to the Chinese. In that order.
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