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Punjab University Scientists Successfully Develop Plates for Resistive Plate Chamber


Feb 28, 2014
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In the pathway of upgrading the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, the scientists at Punjab University have developed the first resistive plate chamber.


Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle collider that has been built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). It was built in collaboration with more than 10,000 scientists and engineers from 100 countries.

The purpose of the collider is to test the predictions of a number of theories of particle physics and high-energy physics. Besides, it also encompasses the aim to prove or disprove the existence of the theorized Higgs particle and also a large family of particles predicted by supersymmetric theories.

Earlier in 2013, the Higgs particle was confirmed by the data from the LHC. Now it is expected to offer answers to some unsolved questions of physics; further improving human understanding of physical laws.

LHC carries seven detectors; each one designed for some specific research. The LHC resides in a tunnel that is 27 kilometers in circumference and is as deep as 175 feet beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland.

First resistive plate chamber

PU, besides Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, is the first higher education institution where a lab of this kind has been set up to assemble these detectors. In the next three months, a team of 15 scientists and PU students would be working 24X7 to offer resistive plate chamber (RPC) plates used for particle detection as part of the CMS detector.

The laboratory for the purpose has been established on the ground floor of the physics department building, which roughly costs 2.5 crore.

Speaking about the project work, JB Singh, professor of physics at Panjab University under whose guidance the project is being conducted, said, “Earlier our teams went to Geneva and Mumbai to work on similar project tasks. With the lab having been set up on the campus we’ll now be sending nine RPCs to be used in the project.”

He said that the scientists have been working round the clock in the laboratory as the air pressure and temperature have to be constantly monitored and even an iota of change can result in big problems.

The laboratory also carries a closed-loop gas recycle unit to deter any damage to the environment by gases. It encompasses Freon gas, which is considered to cause depletion of the ozone layer. “But it’s being recycled in the lab,” said assistant professor of physics Vipin Bhatnagar, who has been associated with the project.

In the laboratory, some Bakelite sheets 1.5 by 1 metres in size, which have been made in Italy and later conditioned in South Korea, are kept under physical, pressure and leakage tests and further a 10,000 volt electric current is passed through them at 12-hour intervals.

Singh said, “If the results are satisfactory the plates are then assembled and the readout strips, etc, are put in, and the process is repeated again. The plate is tested over a 15-day period again.” These plates have a life of 15 years nd so they are continuously tested to ensure that there is no speck of error in the process.

It roughly takes a fortnight to prepare a resistive plate chamber, which includes initial checks, assembling and testing, with another 15 days spent in observation. In the beginning of May, the nine plates will be shipped to Geneva. Singh added, “We’re updating scientists in Geneva on the results we’re getting here every day. The next step will be taken only when the Geneva team approves the results.”

World’s biggest ever physics experiment is treading its journey and PU scientists have been putting all their efforts to make it a success. We hope PU leaves an indelible mark in the field!

Punjab University Scientists Successfully Develop Plates for Resistive Plate Chamber | Live Punjab
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