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Progress on train to Europe


Aug 29, 2009
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پاکستان کے وزیر برائے ریلوے حاجی غلام احمد بلور نے کہا ہے کہ انڈیا سمیت سارک ممالک نے یورپ تک ٹرین چلانے کے لیے پاکستان سے رابطہ کیا ہے اور وہ جلد اس معاملے کو منظوری کے لیے وفاقی کابینہ کو بھجوا رہے ہیں۔
یہ بات انہوں نے لاہور میں ایک تقریب میں میڈیا سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہی۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ پاکستان کی جغرافیائی اہمیت ایسی ہے کہ بھارت اور چین سمیت تمام سارک ممالک کو یورپ تک ٹرین چلانے کے لیے پاکستان کی ضرورت ہے۔

واضح رہے کہ جنوب ایشیائی ممالک کے تعاون کی تنظیم سارک میں پاکستان اور بھارت کے علاوہ بنگلہ دیش، سری لنکا، بھوٹان، نیپال اور مالدیپ شامل ہیں۔

حاجی غلام محمد بلور نے کہا کہ سارک یورپ ریل لنک کے لیے پاکستان کو سارک تنظیم کی طرف سے باقاعدہ خط موصول ہوچکا ہے اور وہ اس کی سمری بنا کر منظوری کے لیے کابینہ کو بھجوا دیں گے۔

اس مجوزہ منصوبے کے تحت سارک ممالک کی ٹرین انڈیا سے واہگہ کے راستے لاہور داخل ہوگی اور ایران اور ترکی سے ہوتی ہوئی یورپ پہنچے گی۔

حاجی غلام محمد بلور نے کہا کہ اگر منصوبے میں پاکستان کو شامل کرلیا گیا تو ملک میں معاشی انقلاب آجائے گا۔

انہوں نے کہا کہ پاکستان ریلوے کو عالمی معیار تک لانے کے لیے دوسو ارب روپے درکار ہیں جس سے ریلوے کو منافع بخش ادارے میں تبدیل کیا جاسکتاہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ وہ ریلوے کی ترقی کے لیے انڈیا کے سابق وزیر ریلوے لالو پرشاد یادیو کو پاکستان بلانے کو تیار ہیں۔

?BBC Urdu? - ????????? - ?????: ???? ?? ???? ?? ??????
Please post an English summary.

Somewhat similar article

Saarc-European trade via Pakistan: summary moved to Prime Minister for approval, says Bilour
LAHORE (March 05 2010): On the request of members of the South Asian Association of Regional Co-operation (Saarc) including Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives, Bhutan, seeking transit train route from Pakistan to access the European countries for business promotion, the Ministry of Railways has moved a summary to the Prime Minister for approval to give transit train route to the Saarc countries through Balochistan.

While talking to the reporters Thursday after addressing the participants of a seminar on "Future Vision of Pakistan as a Transit Country" at Mayo Garden Club, Federal Minister for Railways Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour said that Saarc countries wrote a letter to Pakistan Railway saying, "Pakistan can play a pivotal role for the promotion of business activities by providing train route from Pakistan to Europe". Minister for Railways further said that after completing feasibility report in this regard, summary had been forwarded to the competent authority for final approval.

Bilour said, "I am optimistic that deliberations and recommendations here will help a lot in further exploring the potential in promoting trade among China, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Central Asian states and Europe. He said, "Transit trade is not a new activity for Pakistan because Railway is already transporting 3.3 million tons of Afghan transit trade.

He lamented that the potential of Pakistan to promote imports and exports to China, Afghanistan, India and Iran remained untapped owing to various reasons. Long-standing political issues with India, absence of a comprehensive transit trade agreement, security concerns and lack of adequate infrastructure and services were a few causes that had been the major bottlenecks hampering any headway in this regard.

"The present government has taken a number of measures to facilitate around 2.8 billion consumers under the Economic Co-operation Organisation (ECO) and the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (Saarc) he observed. He termed the successful launch of ECO Container Train between Islamabad, Tehran and Istanbul a major milestone in this regard.

"For further promotion of transit trade, negotiations are underway between Kabul and Islamabad for Afghan and Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement. This agreement will not only cover Afghanistan's international trade transit through Pakistan, but would also allow Pakistani bilateral and Central Asia's international trade to move to and from the region handled at the ports of Karachi, Port Qasim and the new deep sea facility at Gwadar.

Replying to a question, he said that unfortunately, all the policies regarding Pakistan never had been in the hands of the rulers or the policy maker. Rather, 'foreigners powers' were actively and closely involved in the policy making of Pakistan," he said.

A number of dry ports are near to completion while agreements for the procurement of locomotives and freight wagons from China have been finalised, he enunciated. He said that it would not only help in enhancing the mutual trade and strengthening the economy of Pakistan, but also its bordering countrie

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Good News. But the last part of Yadav is a .....
it would be nice to have a bullet train and once built this would change the face of transportation in our counrty
so this mean providing transit to india??
then wat was all the fuss about not letting india export guds to afghanistan
I think this is a good start....allow India goods to Europe in days, allow oil route to India and China as well as gas and in return, Pakistan gets access to Indian market........this is very good for relations which will help to build relations....

Both India and Pakistan have grabbed the wrong end of the sticj in the last 6 decades......both hold positions of not talking or any trade until outstanding issues are reolved....Kashmir/terrorism/water blah blah.........however, if there are trade agreements like these in place, it would FORCE both countries into a compromise and make deals, why......because the people of these countries will force them too, as there is too much to loose by going to hostilities and everything to gain....

Pakistan has my vote to this a try.....need a partner from India though....then again, who cares about what I say.....
Freight train to europe; add SAFTA and south asia will rule the world
ballay hi ballay !
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