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Productive Debates on the Internet


Aug 31, 2018
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United Arab Emirates
In free societies, freedom of speech is one of the basic human rights, so we can debate and talk about anything we believe in. The only way to grow as a species and improve as humans are to hear new ideas and be changed through them. Everyone has a different way of viewing the world and something different to bring to humanity.

The internet allows us to practice freedom of speech more than ever. People socialize and give their opinions all the time online. Because of usernames, we can post things anonymously. We can express our opinions more often without facing as many social consequences.

This has caused more people to speak without thinking and to be more controversial because they are safe, hidden behind a computer screen. A lot of people can't handle the internet, saying it's a vicious place that brings out the worst in people.

But because the internet connects us with people we would never normally meet in real life, it allows us to exchange ideas with a larger group of people and get our message out there and not just out to people in our local area. In some ways that make debating online more important than in person.

But in most online debates, emotions get involved and people get hurt. A lot of people want to avoid that, so how can you get into more productive debates online that will be less stressful and healthier to participate in?

1. Get a feel for the environment before you start

2. Know what you are looking to get out of it

3. Be aware of what this debate means to you personally

4. Take your ego out of it

5. Bring people into the debate who agree with you

6. Know when to walk away

7. Don't expect people to change their mind right then and there

8. Don't call everyone who disagrees with you an internet troll or close-minded

9. Reason with them at their level

10. Avoid personal stories

11. Control your tone

12. Be aware of your limitations and research

Know When to Break These Rules
There’re always exceptions to everything. Sometimes you need to stand up to a group of people even when it will endanger your life. You may know the room is hostile, but what is right is right. Sometimes there are arguments that are so emotional that no one can be rational about it, but it's still important that you speak up in some of those situations.

Know when to ignore these rules, but also know that things might not be as productive or calm as you might hope if you break them.

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