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Private Merceneries and Americans in Ukraine Mainland

Star Wars

Jan 7, 2013
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The Ukrainian Pendulum. Two Invasions and a Putsch. American Special Forces in Ukraine under Cover | Global Research

The American soldiers are “military advisors”, ostensibly members of Blackwater private army (renamed Academi); a few hundred of them patrol Kiev while others try to suppress the revolt in Donetsk. Officially, they were invited by the new West-installed regime. They are the spearhead of the US invasion attempting to prop up the regime and break down all resistance. They have already bloodied their hands in Donetsk.

It is only the Russian presence which is described as an “invasion” by the Western media, while the American one is hardly mentioned. ”We have a moral duty to stick our nose in your business in your backyard a world away from our homeland. It’s for your own good”, wrote an ironic American blogger.

The below Video is in Donetsk



The Last Argument of Kings » Greystone Limited mercenaries operating in Ukraine

All these people were identified as employees of private security companies Greystone Limited. It is a subsidiary of Vehicle Services Company LLC (which is a private security company Blackwater USA’s notorious was renamed in 2009). Currently, the number of employees of this company in Ukraine is said to be up to 300 people.

The Requirement Qualifications for the Mercenary group (Black Water/Academi)

Required qualifications:
U.S. citizen/TCN/LN as specified in the task order
Level 3 English proficiency (see exhibit A)
Fluent in native language of TCN guard force
Completed or served at least three (3) years in the military, law enforcement, or protective security from the private sector
Two (2) years must have been in protective security assignments
Experience can be gained in the employ of any Federal, State, Local or commercial entities providing high threat protective services that require skills similar to those outlined in Exhibit E (Training) Curriculum) of the base contract.
how you are sure they are from Black Water ??? just for a bag???
well that is hard to believe
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