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Prepare for massive flood in August

Banglar Bir

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DCs asked to prepare for massive flood in August
Field admin assured of steps for UN peacekeeping jobs

Mohiuddin Alamgir | Published: 00:05, Jul 27,2017 | Updated: 01:08, Jul 27,2017

The government on Wednesday asked the deputy commissioners and others to prepare for ‘massive flood’ in the third week of August.

Emerging from a business session on the second day of the deputy commissioners’ conference at the secretariat, water resources minister Anisul Islam Mahmud said that there was a possibility of massive flood in late August and necessary steps would be taken to tackle the situation.

‘Real flood occurs when the water level of the major rivers like Padma, Meghna and Jamuna marks a substantial rise,’ he told reporters.

Water Development Board officials were also directed to take necessary steps to face the possible flood in August, the minister said.

He claimed that recent water rise across the country was not flood and it could be dubbed as waterlogging caused by excessive rainfalls.

The government would take initiatives for appointments of Bangladeshi civil bureaucrats in United Nations peacekeeping missions abroad, said a cabinet division statement issued Wednesday evening.

It also said that proper steps to upgrade the position of divisional commissioners to Grade I would be taken after a review.

The Dhaka Divisional commissioner proposed an upgrade of divisional commissioners’ position while Narayanganj deputy commissioner recommended that civil servants should be sent to United Nations peacekeeping missions abroad.

After another session, public administration minister Syed Ashraful Islam said that the issue of mobile court operation by executive magistrates would be resolved. He made the comment when several deputy commissioners told the conference that there was a public perception that the law and order situation might slide in absence of mobile courts run by executive magistrates.

The deputy commissioners also sought guidelines from the policymakers as the High Court earlier declared illegal the operation of mobile courts by executive magistrates. The matter was now pending with the Appellate Division, said officials.

The cabinet division statement also said that the government would take initiatives to turn the DC offices built during the British period into library and museum.

It also said that the government would examine the issue of introducing haor allowance for public servants posted in haor region.

During a session with road transport and bridges minister, the deputy commissioners said that they could not keep three-wheelers and non-motorised vehicles off the national highways because of political inference.

Road transport and bridges minister Obaidul Quader asked them to inform him directly about any such political inference.

He also asked them to give full efforts to stop plying of trucks and covered vans with extra and dangerous bumpers, angles and hooks.

He asked the deputy commissioners not to spend too much time for protocol to VIPs.
Health minister Mohammad Nasim asked the deputy commissioners to take necessary steps to prevent spread of chikungunya, an Aedes mosquito-transmitted viral disease, across the country.
Commerce minister Tofail Ahmed directed them to take steps to keep the prices of essentials within people’s purchasing capacity.

Civil aviation and tourism minister Rashed Khan Menon asked them to promote domestic tourism through branding of attractive spots of their respective districts.
Menon told reports that the survey over the site selection for the proposed Bangabandhu International Airport would be completed by July.

Deputy Commissioners attending the conference said that agriculture minister Matia Chowdhury asked them to take steps to stop the use of top soil in brick field and construct embankments to increase agricultural production.
Environment and forests minister Anwar Hossain Manju urged the deputy commissioners to take steps to shut down the brickfields hazardous to environment and public health in their respective districts.

The deputy commissioners have made 349 proposals relating to 52 ministries and divisions for the three-day conference to end today.

Disaster management and relief minister Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury Maya on Tuesday also instructed the deputy commissioners to take preparations amid apprehension that water might rise in the central and lower parts of the country.

Over 15 lakh people were already affected by floods that gripped nine northern and north-eastern districts in the country since June, according to the department of disaster management.

The flood waters began to recede on Saturday and the department of disaster management said it would prepare the complete report of losses only after the waters receded fully.
According to the department, standing crops on 40,220 hectares were destroyed while 60,000 houses were partially or completely damaged.
উন্নয়নের জোয়ারে ডুবে গেছে ঢাকা: এরশাদ

staff reporter
রাজধানীর জলজটের জন্য সরকারকে দায়ী করেছেন জাতীয় পার্টির চেয়ারম্যান হুসেইন মুহম্মদ এরশাদ। সরকারের সমালোচনা করে তিনি বলেছেন, ‘উন্নয়নের জোয়ারে ঢাকা ডুবে গেছে। সরকার কথা কথায় বলে দেশ এখন উন্নয়নের মহাসড়কে। আমরা তো দেখি এখন মহাসড়কে শুধু পানি আর পানি।’

শনিবার রাজধানীর রমনায় ইঞ্জিনিয়ার্স ইনস্টিটিউটে জাপার যৌথ সভায় এসব কথা বলেন সাবেক রাষ্ট্রপতি হুসেইন মুহম্মদ এরশাদ। সভায় বিশেষ অথিথি ছিলেন জাপার সিনিয়র কো-চেয়ারম্যান বিরোধী দলীয় নেতা বেগম রওশন এরশাদ। এতে সারাদেশ থেকে আসা কয়েক হাজার নেতাকর্মী অংশ নেন।

দেশের সার্বিক পরিস্থিতির জন্য আওয়ামী লীগ ও বিএনপিকে দায়ী করেন প্রধানমন্ত্রীর বিশেষ দূত এরশাদ। তিনি বলেন, দেশের সব কিছুতে জট লেগেছে। উন্নয়নে জট, চাকরিতে জট, রাস্তাঘাটে জট, দুনীর্তিতে জট। আওয়ামী লীগ-বিএনপি এ জট লাগিয়েছে। জট খুলতে তিনি আগামী নির্বাচনে জাপাকে ভোট দিতে দেশবাসীকে অনুরোধ করেন।

সংসদে প্রধান বিরোধী দলের আসনে বসলেও সরকারের অংশীদারিত্ব রয়েছে জাপার। দলটির তিনজন নেতা মন্ত্রিসভার সদস্য। এরশাদ যৌথ সভায় দলীয় মন্ত্রীদের উপস্থিতিতেই সরকারের সমালোচনা করেন। সাবেক এ সেনাশাসক দাবি করেন, সরকার যতটা উন্নয়নের প্রচারণা চালাচ্ছে, আদতে ততটা হয়নি। এরশাদ বলেন, ‘সরকার কথা কথায় বলে দেশ এখন উন্নয়নের মহাসড়কে। আমরা তো দেখি এখন মহাসড়কে শুধু পানি আর পানি। পানি দিয়ে সরকার কী উন্নয়ন করছে তা তো দেশের মানুষ হাড়ে হাড়ে টের পাচ্ছে।’

এরশাদ বলেন, সরকার রাষ্ট্র পরিচালনায় ব্যর্থ হয়েছে। মানুষের জান মালের নিরাপত্তা দিতেও ব্যার্থ। ঘুষ দুর্নীতি লাগাম ছাড়িয়েছে। ব্যাংকের টাকাও নিরাপদ নয়। বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক থেকেও টাকা লুটপাট করে নিয়ে যাওয়া হচ্ছে। কিন্তু সরকার কিছু করছে না।

গত এপ্রিলের জাপার নেতৃত্বে সম্মিলত জাতীয় জোট (ইউএনএ) নামে ৫৮ দলের ঢাউস একটি জোটের আত্মপ্রকাশ হয়। এরশাদ জানান, জোটের ব্যানারেই আগামী নির্বাচনে ৩০০ আসনে প্রার্থী দেবে জাপা। তিনি বলেন, নির্বাচনী প্রস্তুতি হিসেবে আগামী তিন মাস সারা দেশে জাতীয় পার্টি ও জোটের ব্যানারে সভা সমাবেশ হবে। আগামী নভেম্বর মাসে ঢাকার সোহরাওয়ার্দী উদ্যানে জোটের পক্ষে মহাসমাবেশ করার ঘোষণা দেন এরশাদ।

যৌথসভায় বক্তৃতা করেন জাপার কো চেয়ারম্যান জিএম কাদের, মহাসচিব এবিএম রুহুল আমিন হাওলাদার, প্রেসিডিয়াম সদস্য কাজী ফিরোজ রশীদ এমপি, জিয়াউদ্দিন আহমেদ বাবলু এমপি, সৈয়দ আবু হোসেন বাবলা এমপি, সালমা ইসলাম এমপি, সৈয়দ আব্দুল মান্নান, রত্না আমিন হাওলাদার এমপি, মীর আবদুস সবুর আসুদ প্রমুখ।

2:26 PM, July 26, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 12:46 PM, July 27, 2017
Rain downs Dhaka, threatens landslide in hilly regions

Commuters and vehicles wade through an inundated Azimpur bus stand road on July 26, 2017 during a downpour. Photo: Rafiul Islam
Star Online Report

Torrential rainfall of monsoon continued for the fourth consecutive day today and battered Bangladesh, including Dhaka city, throwing life out of gear.

The central Met office has forecast more rains for the next 24 hours and has warned of landslides occurring in the hilly regions throughout Bangladesh.


An alley in Razabazar area near Farmgate inundated in knee-deep water. Photo: Wasim Bin Habib
Bright side is, the squally weather over northern Bay of Bengal, that had prompted the hoisting of cautionary signal no. 3, has passed and the signal will be lowered.

In its latest report, the Met office recorded 12mm rain in Dhaka from 6:00am to 9:00am this morning, UNB reports. Until 6:00am in the last 24 hours, 30mm rain was recorded.

The water logging inside Dhaka University near the vice chancellor's residence. Photo: Rafiul Islam
The downpour inundated several key areas of Dhaka city, including Dhanmondi, Dhaka University, Azimpur, Farmgate, Green Road, Mirpur, Mouchak, Malibagh, Motijheel and Gulistan.

It also flooded the Secretariat at Abdul Gani Road and front of the parliament on Manik Mia Avenue which remain so till filing of the report at 3:30 in the afternoon.


Bangladesh secretariat at Abdul Gani Road in Dhaka is also flooded due to ceaseless rain on July 26, 2017. Photo: Helemul Alam
Cumulated with the morning hour rush, it created “intolerable” sufferings for commuters as long queues of vehicles were seen in most of the roads in the city.

It took two and half hours for office-goer Farhana Ahmed to reach her office at Farmgate from her home in Eskaton Garden. “Usually it takes 10 minutes”, she told The Daily Star.

06:19 PM, July 25, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 10:01 PM, July 26, 2017
Chittogong water logging becomes unbearable for city dwellers
Hasan Jahid Tusher

The present water logging condition of Chittagong city this monsoon, triggered by the incessant rainfall over the last few weeks, has become unbearable for the city dwellers.

Most of the areas under the Chittagong City Corporation are inundated, causing immense sufferings for the commuters every day.

The video captured today on the Chittagong-Kaptai road shows a vivid picture of the present scenario, which has been prevailing for the last five days.

The roads have also become damaged and bumpy, causing the commuters experience moon ride on their way to the destination. Often people and vehicles topple over as they attempt to make way through the waterlogged roads, with the mounting risk of severe injuries, reports our staff correspondent from the spot.

The drainage system of the city has also been totally broken down. Most of the canals, which snake through the city, have been filled up with garbage, sedimentation and encroachment deterring the excess flow of water during monsoon.
04:26 PM, August 01, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 04:35 PM, August 01, 2017
After flood, Teesta erosion tossing villagers into uncertainty
Abdul Wahed, Kurigram
Flood waters have receded in Kurigram, but on its footsteps, a more compelling and treacherous adversity has followed into the lives of those living on the banks of the Teesta river.

Teesta erosion has already thrown over 200 families into a homeless state in July and snatched away hundreds of acres of cultivated lands in Bidyananda and Najimkhan unions in Rajarhat upazila.

At least 68 families of Shom Narayan village of Najimkhan union have been evicted already, said Bishnu Chandra Das, 45, a fisherman and erosion victim, complained to The Daily Star.

Shafiqul Islam, executive engineer of Water Development Board in Kurigram, acknowledged the gravity of the situation and said he received insufficient funds for embankment.

“I sent a proposal for a 700-metre embankment in Tayab Kha village. But I only received only Tk 33 lakh in two terms as allocation. We are working on a 400-metre embankment,” he said.

“I have prayed for additional Tk 83 lakh for proper embankment,” he added.
04:15 PM, August 02, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 04:25 PM, August 02, 2017
Heavy rain drowns Dhaka again

Inadequate storm-water drainage system managed by seven different authorities with little coordination among themselves is the reason why Dhaka streets suffer deluge every time there is moderate rain. The photo was taken in Motijheel area today. Photo: Shaheen Mollah/Star

Star Online Report

The storm-water drainage system of Dhaka is in a shambles and the capital’s residents were reminded of that yet again after one and a half hours rain inundated many busy thoroughfares.

Dhaka witnessed 24-mm rainfall from 1:27pm to 3:00pm, the Bangladesh Meteorological Department told The Daily Star.

Some of the busiest roads in the city’s Motijheel, Karwan Bazar, Fakirapool and Kakoli went underwater in the rains.

According to the Met office’s 24-hours forecast commencing at 9:00am today, Rangpur, Rajshahi, Dhaka, Mymensingh, Khulna, Barisal, Chittagong and Sylhet divisions will experience light to moderate rain/thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty wind with moderately heavy to heavy falls at places over the country.

The highest rainfall in the country of 92mm was recorded in Sandwip of Chittagong in the last 24hours till 6:00am today, according to the Met office.

Poor drainage
According to The Daily Star report published on July 6, inadequate storm-water drainage system managed by seven different authorities with little coordination among themselves is the reason why Dhaka streets suffer deluge every time there is moderate rain.

In a well-managed network of storm drainage system, rainwater instantly runs into the low-lying retention areas. But, it takes hours for rainwater runoff if the network is faulty or destroyed, leading to immense public sufferings, according to the report.

The worst-affected areas in the capital include Shantinagar, Khilgaon, Bashabo, Malibagh, Shantibagh, Rajarbagh, Mugda, Mohammadpur, Badda and different parts of Old Dhaka, say the officials and urban planners.
2:00 AM, August 13, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 03:55 AM, August 13, 2017
Heavy rains raise fresh flood alarm

Dhaka-Agartala highway in Akhaura, Brahmanbaria, gets flooded after incessant rains in the last two days. People tried to make the best of it by trying to catch any fish in the flowing water beside the road. The photo was taken yesterday. Photo: Masuk Hridoy
Star Report

Flash floods, triggered by continuous downpour over the last couple of days and onrush of water from the hills, inundated Hili and Akhaura land ports yesterday, halting export-import activities there.

Thousands of hectares of land with Aman crops were also damaged, several hundred schools were closed and many people were forced to take shelter on high ground as vast areas of Dinajpur, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Brahmanbaria, Sunamganj, Panchagarh, Thakurgaon and Habiganj went under water.

At least 15 rivers, including the Jamuna, Teesta, and Surma, were flowing above the danger mark. They may continue to do so in the next 72 hours, further deteriorating the situation, Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre officials warned.

According to the FFWC, the Jamuna was flowing 25cm above the danger level at Serajganj point while the Surma 116cm above the danger mark at Kanaighat point around 8:00pm yesterday.

Houses being washed away as floodwater enters Char Kulaghat area of Lalmonirhat. Photo: S Dilip Roy/Masuk Hridoy/Quamrul Islam Rubaiyat
The Brahmaputra-Jamuna and the Ganges-Padma rivers are likely to continue rising in the next 72 hours, and the Surma-Kushiyara rivers in the next 24 hours.

The rivers are swelling due to continuous downpour in Bangladesh and India, and the onrush of water from the hills, Sarder Uday Raihan, sub-divisional engineer of the FFWC, told The Daily Star.

Weather forecast says light to moderate rain is likely to continue at most places in Rangpur, Rajshahi, Dhaka, Mymensingh, Khulna, Barisal, Chittagong and Sylhet, and heavy rain may occur at some of the places in the next 24 hours.

In Dinajpur, import and export activities at the Hili Land Port was halted as the entire port area went under water.

Sohrab Hossain Mallik, public relations officer of the port, said not a single goods-laden truck could go through since yesterday morning as the main road remained submerged.

The flood water left some 2,000 families living in low-lying areas of six upazilas marooned.

In Brahmanbaria, activities of Akhaura Land Port were suspended around 1:00pm after the port area went under waist-deep water.

Shafiqul Islam, assistant customs officer at the port, said only two goods-laden trucks could go through since morning, forcing the authorities to halt export-import activities.

Twenty-five villages in Akhaura upazila were inundated.

In Lalmonirhat, around two lakh people of 145 villages in five upazilas were marooned due to the onrush of water from upstream and heavy rainfall over the last three days.


Akhaura land port in Brahmanbaria gets flooded. Photo: S Dilip Roy/Masuk Hridoy/Quamrul Islam Rubaiyat

Along with their goods and domestic animals, the affected people, especially in the char areas, have taken shelter in high places, like roads and embankments, and their relatives' houses. They are facing crisis of food and drinking water.

“The flood situation in Lalmonirhat has continued to deteriorate, increasing the woes of the affected people as the water level of two rivers [Teesta and Dharla] was increasing,” Krishno Kamol Sarker, executive engineer of WDB in Lalmonirhat, told The Daily Star.

Bidubhushan Roy, deputy director at the Department of Agricultural Extension in the district, said “At least 16,000 hectares of cropland have been submerged.”

A woman trapped in flash flood in AC Land Bosti area by Tangon river in Thakurgaon being rescued by locals. The photos were taken yesterday afternoon. Photo: S Dilip Roy/Masuk Hridoy/Quamrul Islam Rubaiyat

Jamal Hossain, of Aditmari upazila, who along with his family took shelter on a high road, said, “We are facing a crisis of food and drinking water. We need immediate help.”

Lalmonirhat Deputy Commissioner Shafiul Arif said cash and relief goods were being distributed among the victims.

In Kurigram, about 40,000 people of around 150 villages and char areas have been marooned afresh.

Local WDB officials said water of the Dharla river has been flowing 49cm above the danger level at Dharla bridge point in Kurigram Sadar upazila since 3:00pm.

In Sunamganj, authorities of around 893 government primary schools in seven upazilas closed the institutions.

As many as 40 villages of Habiganj were hit by floodwater.

Mina Akhter, a student of class-IV at Jamlabaj Primary School in Sunamganj Sadar upazila, said she and her classmates were not going to school.

Our Thakurgaon correspondent reported that over 20,000 families in Panchagarh were hit by the flash flood.

Besides, rail communications on Panchagah-Dinajpur route stopped since yesterday morning as water washed away soil and stones on rail tracks in an area between Noyoniburuj and Kismat railway stations in Panchagarh.

During a visit to Thakurgaon municipality area yesterday, our Thakurgaon correspondent saw firefighters and locals rescuing flood-hit people there.

In Gaibandha, Aman seedbeds in Saghata upazila went under rain water following downpour over the last couple of days. Local farmers feared a crop loss.

[Our correspondents in the districts contributed to the report]
Fresh floods inundate 14 dists
India opens all 54 Gajoldoba gates, People marooned; education, communications disrupted
Staff Correspondent | Published: 00:11, Aug 13,2017 | Updated: 01:15, Aug 13,2017

People remove the roof, made of corrugated iron sheet, of a house at Mohishkhocha under Aditmari upazila in Lalmonirhat as it was inundated by onrush of water from India. The photo was taken on Saturday. — New Age photo

Floods inundated many areas in at least 14 districts afresh after a break of a few weeks as all major rivers were overflowing in north-eastern regions on Saturday because of onrush of waters from India along with continuous rainfall caused by active monsoon.
Thousands of people were marooned, education and communications systems were disrupted and agricultural lands with standing crops were submerged as flood situation worsened in several districts, including, Panchagarh, Thakurgaon, Kurigram, Lalmonirhat as Indian authorities opened all the 54 gates of Teesta Barrage at Gajoldoba in Jalpaiguri of India Saturday morning.
Water at 17 river points covering 14 districts was flowing above the danger marks on Saturday, said Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre officials.

As the three river basins would continue swelling for few more days, floods would inundate more districts in the country’s mid and southern regions, said flood forecast issued on Saturday.
Rail communications between Panchagarh and Thakugaon districts and the rest of the country were suspended on Saturday after the rail tracks went under water.

Low lying river areas in Panchgarh, Thakurgaon, Nilphamari, Rangpur, Kurigram, Jamalpur, Bogra, Sirajganj, Sherpur, Netrakona, Habiganj, Sunamganj, Sylhet and Moulvibazar were inundated by the onrush of water from India and heavy rainfall.

Flood forecasting centre’s summery report said that the Brahmaputra-Jamuna, Ganges-Padma and Surma-Kushiyara rivers were rising.

The Brahmaputra-Jamuna and Ganges-Padma rivers might keep rising in the next 72 hours from Saturday morning while the Surma-Kushiyara was supposed to continue rising till this morning.
Bangladesh Railway officials said the rail communications between Panchagarh and Thakugaon districts and the rest of the country were suspended due to flood while some other rail sections in other districts were also under threat.

A railway ministry release issued on Saturday said that the Panchagarh-Thakurgaon section went under 1-5 feet water at places.
The movement of trains in the section was suspended at 8:00am on Saturday while the release said that train movement would resume after repair of the rail tracks when the flood water would recede.
A senior railway official said that flood water was rising in Kaunia (Rangpur)-Lalmonirhat and Kurigram-Ramna Bazar (Kurigram) sections.

If water level continued to rise, rail communications between Rangpur, Lalmonirhat and Kurigram districts and rest of the country might be suspended, the official added.
Bangladesh Railway general manager (west) Khairul Alam said that rainfall continued in the northern region, especially in Panchagarh and Kurigram, and they were trying to repair the railway tracks with sand and stone chips.

New Age staff correspondent in Sylhet reported that Sunamganj district administration postponed primary school half-yearly examinations scheduled for Saturday and today in seven upazilas––Sadar, Dakkhin Sunamganj, Tahirpur, Derai, Bishwambharpur, Doarabazar and Dharmapasha––as most parts of the district were flooded by onrush of water from India.
District education officer Bayezid Khan said that the next decision in this regard would be taken considering the flood situation.

According to the flood forecasting centre of the Bangladesh Water Development Board, the Surma River was flowing 77cm above the danger mark in Sunamganj at 3:00pm on Saturday.
Sunamganj deputy commissioner Sabirul Islam said that the upazila administrations were already asked to prepare for the situation.

‘No flood shelter is needed so far in the district,’ the deputy commissioner said.
New Age correspondent in Lalmonirhat reported that flood situation in the district deteriorated as the Teesta and Dharla rivers were overflowing because of onrush of water from India and heavy rainfall in the past three days, leaving several thousand families marooned.

Water Development Board officials said, Teesta was flowing 30cm above the danger mark while the Dharla was flowing 45cm over the red level at 5:00pm on Saturday.
Indian authorities opened all the 54 gates of Teesta Barrage over the Teesta at Gajoldoba Saturday morning, said Water Development Board sub-assistant engineer Abdullah Al Mamun in Lalmonirhat.
At least 45 villages in four upazilas were submerged by the flood waters and flood control dyke in Etapota and Shiberkuti areas under Sadar upazila was under threat of erosion.
Patgram upazila nirbahi officer Nur Kutubul Alam said that 10,000 people of the upazila were affected by the fresh flood.

Lalmonirhat district primary education officer Nabez Uddin Sarker said that 127 government primary schools were declared closed in the four upazilas.

In Brahmanbaria, at least 65 villages at Akhaura and Kasba upazilas were inundated by onrush of water from hilly areas of Tripura of India, leaving thousands of people marooned, 200 ponds washed away and standing crops damaged.

New Age correspondent in Kurigram reported that 16 rivers including the Dharla, Brahmaputra, Teesta, Dudkumer, Phulkumer, Kaljani, Sonavory and Zinzeram, in Kurigram district were rising because of onrush of water from India and rain in the past three days.

About 50 villages,150 low lands and islands as well as river side areas were inundated and about 30,000 people were marooned in the second spell of flood.
Kurigram Water Development Board executive engineer Shafikul Islam said that the Dharla was flowing 41cm above danger mark at Dharla bridge point on Saturday and other rivers were flowing near the danger mark but kept rising.

In April-May, heavy early floods caused by onrush of water from India and heavy rains destroyed standing boro and other crops across the country’s 56 of the 64 districts, according to the Department of Agricultural Extension.
12:25 PM, August 13, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 01:58 PM, August 13, 2017
Villages inundated as Dharla, Teesta flow above danger mark

The embankment of the Dharla near Mondolpara area of Kathalbari union of Sadar upazila of Kurigram was damaged around 11:00am on Sunday, August 13, resulting in floodwaters rushing into the villages. Photo: Abdul Wahed/Star

Star Online Report

Villages in the northern districts of Lalmonirhat and Kurigram have been hit hard by flood as the water of Dharla and Teesta rivers were flowing above the danger mark today.

In Kurigram, villages in two unions of Sadar upazila were inundated following onslaught of flood waters after two embankments of the Dharla River gave away today.

Read More: Heavy rains raise fresh flood alarm

The embankment of the Dharla near Mondolpara area of Kathalbari union of the upazila was damaged around 11:00am resulting in floodwaters rushing into the villages, our Kurigram correspondent reports from the spot.

The local bazaar in the area went under knee-deep water in minutes following the damage, the correspondent reports.

Meanwhile, another embankment near Mondolpara area gave away around 3:00am today. Many people of the villages have been reported missing as well, the correspondent reports quoting locals.

Over loudspeakers, residents of Kathalbari union are being urged to move to the Government High School in the area as soon as they can.

The water of the Dharla River is flowing 108cm over the danger mark, the correspondent quoted Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) sources as saying.

Kurigram Deputy Commissioner Abu Saleh Mohammad Ferdous Khan visited the affected areas today.

Meanwhile, UNB reports, more than two lakh people of 30 unions in Lalmonirhat district's five upazilas -- Patgram, Kaliganj, Hatibandha, Aditmari and Sadar -- have been marooned by floodwaters as both the Teesta and Dharla rivers were flowing above the danger level.

The flood bypass road on the Teesta Barrage broke down due to opening of 54 gates of Gajoldoba Barrage in India and onrush of water coupled with heavy rain in the last five days, said BWDB Executive Engineer (Dalia Division) Mustafizer Rahman.

Meanwhile, at least 34 villages were flooded following the broke down of flood bypass road.

Local BWDB office on Sunday morning has issued red alert in Teesta Barrage area, asking the people living in 63 chars of Teesta and Dharla to keep updated with the latest flood situation, said Mustafizer Rahman.

The floodwaters also prompted disruption of bus and rail communications of Lalmonirhat with other parts of the country.

Local officials of BWDB said Teesta River was flowing 65 centimetres above the danger mark early Sunday.

Meanwhile, 18 villages went under water as Itpota dam, Shiberkhuti and Khatamari dams in Moghalhat area in Sadar upazila have broken down due to heavy current of the river. Patgram town saving embankment also collapsed.

The worst affected areas are Dahgram of Patgram upazila, Dauabari, Patikapara, Sindurna, Saniajan of Hatibandha upazila, Bhotmari, Tushbhander of Kaliganj upazila, Mohishkhocha, Durgapur of Aditmari upazila, Rajpur, Gokunda Khuniagach, Borobari, Kulaghat and Mogolhat under Sadar upazila.

Houses, roads and educational institutions have been eroded by the heavy current of Teesta and Dharla rivers.

Regarding measures taken to prevent erosion, WDB Lalmonirhat deputy-Assistant Engineer Kamrul Islam said, "We have started dumping GO bags (sandbags) to prevent erosion at the vulnerable points of the barrage."

District Education Officer Nobez Uddin said a total of 168 educational institutions in the district were declared closed for floodwaters.

Several thousands of farmers have to face heavy losses as more than 300 ponds were washed away by flashfloods, said Rezaul Karim, district fisheries officer.

Lalmonirhat deputy commissioner Shafiul Arif told UNB that overall flood situation in the district has turned serious, leaving more than two lakh people marooned. Bus and train connection have declared suspended due to the floods.

On last Sunday, some 1,600 packets of dry foods have been distributed among the flood-affected people, he added.
Govt takes no effective step to tackle flood: Khaleda
Staff Correspondent | Published: 00:05, Aug 14,2017 | Updated: 23:54, Aug 13,2017
Bangladesh Nationalist Party chairperson Khaleda Zia on Sunday alleged that the government had not taken any effective initiative to tackle the severe situation in fresh flood-hit districts in the north-eastern region of the country. In a statement, Khaleda, who is now in London for treatment, said the government was only rendering lip service without providing realistic service.

She said the government had no emergency relief work in the affected areas and still did not take any effective step to evacuate the flood-hit people. If revengeful attitude towards opposition was the key driving force of the government, the government would never be able to reduce sufferings of people and tackle natural disaster, reads the statement signed by BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi.

She said as the only objective of the present government was to cling to power ignoring people so they (government) never took public sufferings into account.

The BNP chairperson said the flood situation in the country now worsened with swelling of rivers due to heavy rain for the past few days. Besides, due to opening up of gates of barrage in India in the upstream of Teesta, danger level of the river water broke all previous records, she said. Crops in vast areas, homesteads, communication, lives and livelihood of people on both sides of many rivers including Teesta in Bangladesh were affected badly, Khaleda said.

She said a large areas of the country was now under water due to on rush of water from upstream. The district towns of Panchagarh, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram and Ragnpur went under flood water, she said. Khaleda urged her party leaders and activists and affluent people to immediately stand beside the flood-affected people.

10 lakh people marooned, 18 die as flood engulfs 20 districts
Army deployed in Rangpur, Dinajpur to repair dams
Md Owasim Uddin Bhuyan | Published: 00:05, Aug 14,2017 | Updated: 00:33, Aug 14,2017

Clockwise from top left: two men pull a boat with people and goats on board moving to safety in Dinajpur; members of Bangladesh Army are deployed to repair a river embankment damaged by onrush of water from India at Mahutpara in Dinajpur, and; a man carries a child on his shoulder and a goat in his lap at Chilmari in Kurigram. The photos were taken on Sunday. — Focusbangla and New Age photo

At least 18 people were killed in three districts and more than 10 lakh people were marooned as fresh flood engulfed 20 districts on Sunday while major rivers continued to rise because of onrush of water from India and heavy rains.

Three platoons of Army were deployed in Rangpur, Dinajpur and Thakurgaon on request of the deputy commissioners concerned to rescue marooned people and repair flood protection dams, according to an Inter Services Public Relation Directorate release.

‘The situation has warranted deployments of troops to repair Dinajpur town protection dam and rescue marooned people,’ said Rangpur divisional commissioner Kazi Hasan Ahmed.
He said that army was also deployed to rescue people in Thakurgaon on Saturday as more areas continued to be inundated in the northern districts.

At least 13 people were killed in floods in Dinajpur, deputy commissioner Mir Khairul Alam confirmed.
He, however, could not elaborate the identities of the deceased.

The flood bypass road on the Teesta Barrage in Lalmonirhat broke as because of opening of all the 54 gates of Gajoldoba Barrage on the Teesta River in India and onrush of water from India coupled with heavy rain in the past five days, said Bangladesh Water Development Board Dalia Division executive engineer Mustafizer Rahman.

Over 10 lakh people in Thakurgoan, Dinajpur Kurigram, Rangpur, Lalmonirhat, Bogra and Jamalpur were already marooned while hundreds of schools were closed and un-estimated standing crops were washed away or submerged by rising floodwater that also disrupted road and rail communications.
Water Development Board officials said that situation might worsen in the next three-four days if the major rivers and their braches kept rising.

In Lalmonirhat, bodies of four people, who went missing Sunday morning, were recovered from the Dharla River at Sadar upazila Sunday afternoon.
The deceased were identified as Mozam Ali, 45, his wife Asma Begum, 38, Abdul Hanif, 35, and his son Redoy, 9, of East Baruia village in Lalmonirhat.
Lalmonirhat police station officer-in-charge Uday Kumar Mondal said that police recovered the bodies from the river and sent them to the hospital morgue for autopsy.
Kularghat union chairman Idris Ali said that he came to know that the victims were drowned while trying to save their house from the onrush of water.

In Thakurgaon, a housewife drowned. She was identified as Rehana Parvin, 32, of Pirganj upzilla.
Elderly people in Kurigram and Lalmonirhat said that they had not seen such a flood for past 20 years. They said the situation reminded them of the floods in 1988 and 1998 that hit hard the whole country.
The ministry of disaster management and relief cancelled all leaves for their officials and employees to meet the situation.

Local people, however, alleged that the affected people were hardly receiving relief and food.
The fresh floods caused by onrush of water from India along with heavy rainfall engulfed the northern and middle regions of the country and disrupted road communication and forced authorities to shut educational institutions in the past two days, said officials.

Major rivers continued rising 50cm per day and such trend might continue
in the next three days, said Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre executive engineer Sazzad Hossain.
He said that rivers might continue rising until August 16 and flood in the northern-eastern regions might further worsen.

Within a day or two, the country’s middle regions which remain now at warning level might go under water, he said.

The flood situation in the country’s north-eastern regions worsened marooning several lakh people, damaging standing crops and properties as almost all rivers were overflowing in Thakurgoan, Nilphamari, Dinajpur, Kurigram, Gaibandha, Jamalpur, Bogra, Sirajganj, Netrokona, Sylhet, Maulvibazar and Habiganj districts because of onrush of water from India and hilly water.
Rivers were flowing at warning level in Rajbari, Manikganj, Shariatpur, Gazipur, Barhmanbaria, Rajshahi, Sirajganj and Jessore, the flood forecasting centre said.

The fresh flood already inundated the country’s one third districts as the water level at some 77 points rose and was flowing above the danger marks at 25 point, the flood forecasting centre said.
The Brahmaputra-Jamuna, Ganges-Padma and Surma-Kushiyara rivers were rising and the Brahmaputra-Jamuna and the Ganges-Padma rivers might continue rising in the next 72 hours from Sunday morning.

The Surma-Kushiyara rivers were supposed to continue rising until this morning, according to the flood forecasting summery statement.

In Thakurgaon, more than 30 villages of different upazilas were inundated marooning over three lakh people in low-lying areas as Tangon, Senua, Tirnoi, Nagor, Sukh, Kulik, Vulli and Rosea river basins were flooded.

Thakurgaon water development board executive engineer Soriful Islam said that all the rivers were rising alarmingly and if the trend continued, another three lakh people would be marooned.
The rail communication on Dinajpur-Thakurgaon-Panchagarh route got snapped as the rail track went under water and rail communication of the three districts with other parts of the country was still cut off.

In Kurigram, about 200 villages, 300 shoals and islands were inundated and more than three lakh people were marooned in the fresh flood. Some parts of Kurigram-Bhurungamari road also went under knee-deep water.

In Lalmonirhat, over two lakh people of 30 unions of five upazilas––Patgram, Kaliganj, Hatibandha, Aditmari and Sadar––were marooned and 168 educational institutions in the district were closed for the flood.
Lalmonirhat deputy commissioner Shafiul Arif said that flood situation in the district turned serious, leaving more than two lakh people marooned.

In Rangpur, more than one lakh people were marooned and many houses and crop lands at seven unions of Gongachara upazila, and Kawnia and Pirgacha upazillas were submerged. Many schools remained closed as the flood-affected people took shelters at high places, including flood protection dams and roads.

Rangpur deputy commissioner Mohammad Waheduzaman said that 22,565 families were affected by the flood in the district. The administration was distributing dry food among the victims at Gongachra and Pirgacha upazillas and 100 metric tonnes of rice was distributed, he said.

In Bogra, over 30,000 people in Sariakandi, Sadar, Kutubpur, Kamalpur, Chandanbaish, Kornibari, Chaluabari, Bohail, Kajla and Hatsherpur unions were inundated due to rise of water in the Jamuna.
In Jamalpur, about 75,000 people of 15 unions of Islampur and Dewanganj upazilas were marooned by the flood.

‘We are ready to stand beside the flood-hit people with necessary relief materials,’ deputy commissioner Ahmed Kabir said.

In Sunamganj, on-duty officer in flood control room of the Sunamganj district administration said that they distributed 13 tonne rice on Sunday among the affected people of seven upazilas. ‘Tk 10,000 was also distributed among the affected families of each union,’ he said.

In April-May, early floods caused by onrush of water from India and heavy rains destroyed standing boro crops in the haor belt and other standing crops in 56 of the 64 districts.


12:00 AM, August 14, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 03:00 AM, August 14, 2017
Rivers show signs of major flood
Water levels continue to rise amid heavy rain; 14 northern, northeastern dists already hit; 12 drown in floodwaters

A swelling Teesta river at the barrage point in Dalia of Nilphamari yesterday. Incessant rain and onrush of water from upstream in India turned the otherwise “dry river” into an all-consuming one.

Star Report

Heavy rains and fresh onrush of water from upstream have raised the water levels of most of the rivers in the Meghna, Brahmaputra and Ganges basins, submerging most of the northern and northeastern parts of the country.

Over the next few days, the water levels will keep rising as India's northeastern states will see “heavy to very heavy” rains, according to Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC) of Bangladesh and Indian Met office.

Already, flash floods claimed lives of 12 people, including six children, in different districts yesterday.

Of the victims, seven including four children drowned in floodwater in Dinajpur, four including two children in Lalmonirhat and another in Joypurhat. Three of the kids in Dinajpur are from one family.

Most of them were moving to safe places by improvised rafts.

The water levels are on the rise in almost all the major rivers, and in the northern areas, some rivers have swelled to record levels. With tens of thousands marooned in at least 14 districts, many moved to safer places as their homes were inundated.

Experts warn that flooding might break previous records if rainfall continues in the upstream.

"The water levels of Jamuna and Meghna have already crossed the danger level. The Ganges is also swelling. The situation might worsen if downpours continue in the upstream," said hydrologist Prof Ainun Nishat.

“The situation can even get worse than what happened in the last 30 years," he added.

However, the FFWC says though the water level of the Jamuna (Brahmaputra in India) is increasing very fast, it's not very alarming yet as the Ganges is flowing two metres below the danger mark.

Parts of the Lalmonirhat-Burimari rail line, inset, were damaged by floodwater at Medical Mor yesterday, suspending rail communications on the route. Photo: EAM Asaduzzaman /Dilip Roy
“Things get the worst when the water levels in all the three basins cross the danger mark simultaneously as in 1988,” Sazzad Hossain, executive engineer of FFWC, said yesterday.

“Currently, the water level of Jamuna is increasing very fast and it will continue to rise over the next three days, but I think the situation will start improving after that," he added.

In most of the affected areas, people are facing flood for the second time this season and in some areas of northeastern region for the third time.

Road and rail communications have got snapped in many places. Import and export at Burimari and Akhaura land ports were suspended yesterday as the offices concerned were flooded.

This is the only mode of transport for many of the flood-hit people at Digholatari in Aditmari upazila in Lalmonirhat. Boats are hard to find there so people use Banana tree rafts. Photo: Dilip Roy
Most of the areas in northern districts, including Kurigram, Lalmonirhat, Nilphamari, Rangpur, Jamalpur, Bogra and Sunamganj, were inundated. The situation in Thakurgaon was improving as water started receding.

The Department of Disaster Management said so far 1,28,759 families were affected in 351 flood-hit unions. It opened 562 flood shelters where already 4,950 families took refuse.

The army was called in after the town protection dyke of Dinajpur was washed away yesterday morning following incessant rains for the last 48 hours. Besides, around 5,000,00 people remained marooned while around 7,000 clay houses reportedly collapsed in the district.

The river Purnarbhaba was flowing 0.74mm above danger level, according to the officials of Water Development Board in Dinajpur.

The flood situation in Lalmonirhat worsened yesterday as the Teesta, Dharla and eight other rivers were flowing above the danger level.

Army personnel getting on a raft as they head towards the Dinajpur Town Protection Dyke to repair it at Mahmudpara. The photo was taken around 4:30pm yesterday. Photo: Kongkon Karmaker
As roads and rail tracks went under water, the road communications between Lalmonirhat and Burimari and train operations on Lalmonirhat-Burimari and Lalmonirhat-Teesta routes have remained suspended since yesterday morning.

Houses and crop fields in Dimla and Jaldhaka upazilas in Nilphamari went under about six-foot water as thousands moved to the Teesta embankment and schools and colleges.

People are suffering in the lack of food and drinking water.

Two unions in Sherpur Sadar and Nakla upazilas have been flooded by hill water and rains. Two schools announced closures as their buildings got submerged.

The flood situation in Sunamganj haor belt worsened yesterday as moderate rains and water flow from hills across the border raised water levels.


Abu Siddiqur Rahman, executive engineer of Water Development Board in Sunamganj, said the water level at different points of the Surma crossed the danger mark.

The Cholti, Patli and Jadukata rivers were flowing close to the danger mark.

Meanwhile, fodder crisis is forcing farmers to sell their cattle at much lower prices. More than 18,000 hectares of cropland were flooded in Sunamganj in the last two days.

Flood situation in Habiganj remained unchanged yesterday.

[Our Moulvibazar, Lalmonirhat, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Thakurgaon, Kurigram and Jamalpur correspondents contributed to this report]
Fears for the Worst Flood since the last 200 years:
২০০ বছরের ইতিহাসে বাংলাদেশে সবচেয়ে বড় বন্যার আশঙ্কা: ইসিএমডব্লিউএফ


২০০ বছরের ইতিহাসে বাংলাদেশে সবচেয়ে বড় বন্যার আশঙ্কা: ইসিএমডব্লিউএফ
বিগত ২০০ বছরের মধ্যে বাংলাদেশে সবচেয়ে বড় বন্যা হতে পারে বলে পূর্বাভাস দিয়েছে দ্য ইউরোপিয়ান সেন্টার ফর মিডিয়াম-রেঞ্জ ওয়েদার ফোরকাস্ট (ইসিএমডব্লিউএফ)।

ইসিএমডব্লিউএফ’র পূর্বাভাসে বলা হয়েছে, আগামী ১০ দিনের মধ্যে ব্রহ্মপুত্রের ভারত ও বাংলাদেশ অংশে পানি বাড়বে।
হিমালয়ের দক্ষিণাঞ্চলে ২০০ মিলিমিটারের বেশি বৃষ্টিপাত হতে পারে এবং এ কারণেই পানি বৃদ্ধি পাবে।

এছাড়া শুক্রবার থেকে ব্রহ্মপুত্র অববাহিকার অঞ্চলগুলোতে পানি বাড়ছে এবং ১৯ আগস্ট পর্যন্ত এই পানি ভাটির দিকে প্রবাহিত হবে বলেও পূর্বাভাসে উল্লেখ করা হয়। গত ২০০ বছরের বেশি সময়ের ইতিহাসে ব্রহ্মপুত্রের অববাহিকার উজানে বন্যার মাত্রা সবচেয়ে ভয়াবহ হবে।

এ প্রসঙ্গে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ইন্সটিটিউট অব ডিজাস্টার ম্যানেজমেন্ট অ্যান্ড ভালনারেবিলিটি স্টাডিজের শিক্ষক গওহার নঈম ওয়ারা জানান, বর্তমানে টানা বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে। এদিকে ২১ আগস্ট অমাবস্যা। অপর দিকে আসামে বড় ধরনের বন্যা হচ্ছে। এই পানি নেমে আসতে তিন-চার দিন সময় লাগবে। আবার আমাদের ব্রহ্মপুত্র ও পদ্মা অববাহিকায় পানি বাড়ছে। পদ্মার পানি এখনো বিপদসীমা অতিক্রম না করলেও পানি যেভাবে বাড়ছে, তাতে ১৯ তারিখের মধ্যে এ সীমা অতিক্রম করতে পারে। দুই নদীর পানি একসঙ্গে বাড়ছে।
২০০ বছরের ইতিহাসে সবচেয়ে বড় বন্যার আশংকা

বাংলাদেশে গত ২০০ বছরের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে বড় বন্যা হতে পারে বলে পূর্বাভাস দিয়েছে দ্য ইউরোপিয়ান সেন্টার ফর মিডিয়াম-রেঞ্জ ওয়েদার ফোরকাস্ট (ইসিএমডব্লিউএফ)।
প্রতিষ্ঠানটি চলতি মাসের আগামী ১০ দিনের বৃষ্টিপাতের পূর্বাভাসে এমন তথ্য তুলে ধরেছে।

ইসিএমডব্লিউএফ তথ্যে আগামী কয়েক সপ্তাহে বাংলাদেশে ভয়াবহ বন্যা হতে পারে বলে আশংকা করা হয়েছে।

তাদের পূর্বাভাসে বলা হয়েছে, শুক্রবার থেকে ব্রহ্মপুত্র অববাহিকার অঞ্চলগুলোতে পানি বাড়ছে এবং ১৯ আগস্ট পর্যন্ত এই পানি ভাটির দিকে প্রবাহিত হবে।

গত ২০০ বছরের বেশি সময়ের ইতিহাসে ব্রহ্মপুত্রের অববাহিকার উজানে বন্যার মাত্রা সবচেয়ে ভয়াবহ হবে।

দ্য ইউরোপিয়ান সেন্টার ফর মিডিয়াম-রেঞ্জ ওয়েদার ফোরকাস্টসের (ইসিএমডব্লিউএফ) পূর্বাভাসে বলা হয়েছে, আগামী ১০ দিনের মধ্যে ব্রহ্মপুত্রের ভারত ও বাংলাদেশ অংশে পানি বাড়বে। হিমালয়ের দক্ষিণাঞ্চলে ২০০ মিলিমিটারের বেশি বৃষ্টিপাত হতে পারে এবং এ কারণেই পানি বৃদ্ধি পাবে।

এ বিষয়ে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ইন্সটিটিউট অব ডিজাস্টার ম্যানেজমেন্ট অ্যান্ড ভালনারেবিলিটি স্টাডিজের শিক্ষক গওহার নঈম ওয়ারা বলেন, বর্তমানে টানা বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে। এদিকে ২১ আগস্ট অমাবস্যা। অপর দিকে আসামে বড় ধরনের বন্য হচ্ছে। এই পানি নেমে আসতে তিন-চার দিন সময় লাগবে। আবার আমাদের ব্রহ্মপুত্র ও পদ্মা অববাহিকায় পানি বাড়ছে। পদ্মার পানি এখনো বিপদসীমা অতিক্রম না করলেও পানি যেভাবে বাড়ছে, তাতে ১৯ তারিখের মধ্যে এ সীমা অতিক্রম করতে পারে। দুই নদীর পানি একসঙ্গে বাড়ছে।
Flooding Injustice. বন্যার অন্যায়!

বন্যার অন্যায়!
ডক্টর তুহিন মালিক:

এক. ভারতের বাঁধগুলো খুলে দেওয়ায় দেশের উত্তর ও উত্তর-পূর্বাঞ্চলের প্রায় সবকটি জেলা ভয়াবহ বন্যায় প্লাবিত হয়ে গেছে। সীমান্তবর্তী ভারতীয় রাজ্যগুলো দিয়ে ব্রহ্মপুত্র, তিস্তা ও গঙ্গা নদী বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশ করায় বানের পানিতে প্রতিনিয়ত প্লাবিত হচ্ছে নতুন নতুন এলাকা। ইতিমধ্যে দিনাজপুরে রেলপথ ও মহাসড়ক পানিতে তলিয়ে গিয়ে সারা দেশের সঙ্গে রেল যোগাযোগ এবং ঢাকার সঙ্গে সড়ক যোগাযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে পড়েছে। সৈয়দপুর বিমানবন্দরে পর্যন্ত পানি ঢুকে পড়েছে।

দুই. ২০ জেলায় লাখ লাখ মানুষ এখন পানিবন্দী। শুধু গত দুই দিনের বন্যায় শিশুসহ ২৬ জনের প্রাণহানি হয়েছে। প্রতিনিয়ত হুরহুর করে বাড়ছে মৃতের সংখ্যা। ২৫ হাজার হেক্টর জমির ফসল নিশ্চিহ্ন হয়ে গেছে। ২৩ স্থানের বাঁধ ভেঙে গেছে। আগামী এক সপ্তাহের মধ্যে ঢাকার পূর্বাঞ্চলসহ নিম্নাঞ্চল বন্যার পানিতে তলিয়ে যাওয়ার প্রবল আশঙ্কা পাউবোর। এবার ১৯৮৮ সালের মত ভয়ংকর বন্যার আশঙ্কা করা হচ্ছে।

তিন. অথচ ভারত সৃষ্ট এই প্রলয়ংকরী বন্যার বিরুদ্ধে জোড়ালো কোন প্রতিবাদ নেই! ভারত শুস্ক মওসুমে বাঁধ দিয়ে পানি আটকে রাখে, আর বর্ষায় বাঁধ খুলে দিয়ে আমাদের জলে ভাসায়! অথচ যেখানে চাতক পাখির মতো ভারতের কাছ থেকে একফোঁটা তিস্তার ন্যায্য পানির আশায় চেয়ে থাকি; সেখানে ভারতের কাছ থেকে ন্যায্য পানি না পেয়েও ‘কুছ তো মিলা’ বলে সান্ত্বনাটুকু খুঁজে পেয়ে বন্ধুত্বের বগল বাজাই!

চার. বাংলাদেশের কাছ থেকে প্রত্যাশার চাইতেও বেশী পেয়েছে ভারতীয়রা। কিন্তু আমরা ভারতের কাছ থেকে পেয়েছি শুধুই ভুঁরিভুঁরি আশ্বাস! তিস্তাসহ ৫৪টি অভিন্ন নদ-নদীর ন্যায্য হিস্যায় পানিবণ্টন আদায়ে আমাদের রাজনৈতিক দৈন্যতা প্রধানমন্ত্রীর সর্বশেষ ভারত সফরেই দেখা গেছে! ১৯৭৫ সালে “মাত্র ৪১ দিনের জন্য পরীক্ষামূলকভাবে চালানো হবে”- বলে ফারাক্কা ব্যারাজ চালু করেছিল ভারত। ৪২ বছর পার হলেও এই পরীক্ষামূলক পানি প্রত্যাহার আজো চালুই রয়ে গেল!!!

পাঁচ. দুর্ভাগ্যজনকভাবে, জাতীয় স্বার্থে এগুলোর প্রতিবাদ করার কেউ যেন আর অবশিষ্ট নেই! স্বাধীনতার বিপক্ষের শক্তি হয়ে যাওয়ার ভয়ে সবাই যেন জাতীয় স্বার্থে কোনভাবেই মুখ খুঁলতে নারাজ! ভারতের সাথে আন্তঃরাষ্ট্রীয় কিংবা ভূ-রাজনৈতিক প্রেক্ষাপট যা-ই থাকুক না কেন, জাতীয় স্বার্থের প্রশ্নে আমাদের জনগণের রয়েছে প্রচণ্ড আবেগ আর ন্যায্য অধিকার প্রাপ্তির প্রত্যাশা। কিন্তু শুধু ভারত একা নয় আমাদের সরকারও আমাদের প্রত্যাশা পূরণে চরমভাবে ব্যর্থ! সেই ১৯৭২ সাল থেকেই তিস্তার পানি বণ্টন নিয়ে ভারত আমাদের মুলা ঝুলিয়ে রেখেছে। টিপাইমুখ বাঁধ নিয়েও তারা বারবার মিথ্যা আশ্বাস দিয়ে চলেছে। সীমান্ত হত্যা আজও বন্ধ হয়নি! কাঁটাতারে ঝুলন্ত ফেলানীরা আজো ন্যায়বিচার পায়নি!

ছয়. ভারতের সমর্থনে একটি অগ্রহণযোগ্য নির্বাচনে ক্ষমতায় আসা সরকার নিজেদের গদি রক্ষার্থে যেভাবে জাতীয় স্বার্থকে বিসর্জন দিয়ে যাচ্ছে, সেখানে তারা স্বাভাবিকভাবেই ভারতের কাছ থেকে ন্যয্য দাবী আদায়ের সব শক্তিটুকু নিঃশেষ করে ফেলেছে। তাই স্বাভাবিকভাবেই প্রশ্ন জাগে, ভারত সৃষ্ট বন্যার এই অন্যায় রুখে দাড়াবে কে?

লেখক: আইনজ্ঞ ও সংবিধান বিশেষজ্ঞ
I thought Bd was developing like Singapore under leadership of great Hasina....:undecided:

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