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preparation of future - CDA placing such Cycle Stands at all markets, parks, schools and colleges etc.

When are you going to lead the revolution in Pakistan? We are counting on you
I am more like Jean-Paul Marat, you see. I'll lead the revolution by the power of my pen keyboard. Just waiting for you lazy bums to head to the Bastille. :D
I am more like Jean-Paul Marat, you see. I'll lead the revolution by the power of my pen keyboard. Just waiting for you lazy bums to head to the Bastille. :D
Pakistan is home to a vicious game of psyops and a harsh neighbourhood. You cannot afford to have such an incompetent and careless government that does not pay attention to this.

You will come to regret it in the future. Not only is your development at risk, but the territorial integrity of your country. You risk losing your country as you know it. Lost time can be made up in a nation's history. But retrieving lost land becomes close to impossible.
Pakistan is home to a vicious game of psyops and a harsh neighbourhood. You cannot afford to have such an incompetent and careless government that does not pay attention to this.

You will come to regret it in the future. Not only is your development at risk, but the territorial integrity of your country. You risk losing your country as you know it. Lost time can be made up in a nation's history. But retrieving lost land becomes close to impossible.
I have very no land in this country. If by some miracle, the honorable courts of this country solve my familial land disputes going on from some 60 years and give me my due share, I will get just enough land to pay off half of my father's debts. Why would he have so much debt that my entire inheritance only makes half of it? Because he was an honest cop in this country. Served in important positions for 33 years. Had a stellar record. But, was only ever promoted once from ASI to SI. His batchmates own plazas in Islamabad. Anyway, as I was saying, once I've sold that land to pay for half the debt, then I won't buy any more land in this country. I'll take the first chance out of this country to someplace where I can have human dignity.

Pakistan jane aur is ke thekedar.

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