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PoF to provide arms for enhancing AT capabilities of security agencies


Sep 19, 2008
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ye hamaray journalist ko pta haina Jadeed tareen kya hota hey ? ye tu 1980s kay Cobra gunship aur fssolaa laraka tyaray ko bhi jadeed tareen kahtay hain lol
I wonder if the south korean firms upgraded the POF etc (as the report says tht state of the art machinery has been installed)... also what abt the defence production? lol..

Bring something new to the table... as for our journos... bunch of morons..
The security forces need to improve their intelligence network and beat back the Taliban to whichever hole in the ground they reside in. I have developed a plan to defeat the Taliban. I will share its 20 points here:

1) Proper intelligence network, not shoddy intelligence chasing innocent civilians instead of terrorists but real intelligence.
2) Repeal of biased disgraceful laws based on Shariah such as the hudood law and blasphemy law.
3) Rehaul of the education system. Stop preaching hate to children about Hindus and anyone else.
4) End of the draconian collective responsibility act of FCR which holds an entire tribe responsible for the actions of one evil man.
5) Development through education programs and improving the basic lifestyle of the local inhabitants.
6) Teach tolerance and inter-faith harmony through courses in the school level.
7) Improvement of the security forces and the police (also the frontier constabulary) as a bulwark against terrorists.
8) Targetted operations against the terrorists which do not harm innocent civilians. Great care is needed to avoid civilian casualties often caused by artillary shelling and airstrikes
9) Elimination of militant commanders through targeted operations.
10) No talk of peace deals with the Taliban.
11) No painting of liberals as enemies of Pakistan, instead listening to their message of peace and harmony.
12) Combat terrorism through television and radio ads. Initiate a law that demands television channels and radio channels to play a government message against terrorism to the people of Pakistan.
13) Introduce a government accepted curriculam to combat terrorism in madrassas and religious schools.
14) Mullahs who preach at mosques should be handpicked from an academy where tolerance is preached instead of hate against other religions. Their sermons should strictly be controlled by a legal body. This is to ensure that no hate is promoted.
15) Stop the drone attacks and take charge of fighting this war ourselves, not on foreign behest. Develop strategies to hunt down top commanders of the TTP we need to eliminate instead of targetting the Haqqanis, Nazirs and Hekmatyars
16) Cut the funding of the Taliban. Eliminate their sources of income and cut off their finances.
17) Stop the militants ability to recruit anywhere. Destroy their bastions and eliminate their recruitment bases.
18) End injustice. Injustice provides the militants opportunities to recruit. Make sure a poor person is never mistreated.
19) Try to create divisions within the Taliban network. For example make group A fight group B. We don't have to do anything other than watch the Taliban destroy themselves.
20) Make FATA either a new province or merge it with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
well, they are a bit late, aren't they??
first of all MP5 - smg is being phased out by Pakistan Army, and since they have them in numbers- its better to give them to Security Agencies , balochistan police for AT - CQB roles.

Secondly - modification of G-3
3- We are importing M-4 clone by Sarsilmaz Turkey, one - they will be converting them to Semi - Auto and sell it to civilian market at a competitive price and secondly - you will be seeig the full auto variant with ATS and other LEAs.
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