Tallat Hussain is a university in itself. One of the best analysit which Pakistan has produced in the past 20 years.. so accurate, so unbiased and so purposeful with everything he writes. I have learned a lot from him and as per my assessment... this is what Shareef Bradran are into.
This is what Mian Nawaz Shareef thinks.
"I will not topple the PPP government because "I" choose to give them a full tenure regardless of their performance, corruption and damage which they are causing to the country. I would not open their case because they have a "reply" for me which I choose not to face. I know PPP clan is deceiving, they will deceive whenever it suits them but I still choose to go with them because there I find financial security and a guarantee that they will not topple my government when I am in power, even when I would be as lame and as directionless as they are today. Therefore I choose not to react against corrupts because I want them to do the same when its my turn to enjoy power. Also I am least bothered because of Central Government as I am enjoying power in the largest province and I am not stupid to topple central government cause I know I would have to topple my own punjab government first. So let the wheel role, let people face consequences of PPP being in power and let them learn how bad they are - BUT - at the same time, Its not in my interest to lead these troubled people and earn a relief for them - because - that would be at my personal and Punjab government cost which I am not ready to offer"
This is what Mian Shahbaz Shareef thinks.
"PPP government has given this country enough trouble and they are unworthy to be in power. Therefore PMLN should be out on the roads and should act against corruption - BUT - consent of my elder brother is heavier and more worthwhile than the wisdom of entire countrymen including myself and therefore - I choose not to lead this rally because I am obedient to my brother. I do not agree with what Mian Nawaz Shareef says but I do not dare to cross line of brotherhood even when I have to breach the oth which I took to defend rights, security well being of the people of my province.I want people of the Punjab to be better and I am doing all I can do, I have been holding 13 ministries just because I wanted to deliver on those 13, even though I know things don't work like that and I cannot handle them but I am ambitious and I think I can do it. I am also praying to God to show my elder brother the light but in case Nawaz Shareef fails to improve, I am happy staying with him in the Paradise of his choice."