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PML-N unveils manifesto


Feb 2, 2007
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Friday, March 08, 2013 - Lahore—Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Mian Nawaz Sharif Thursday presented the PML-N manifesto for election 2013 and expressed his firm resolve to get the country out of the enormity of the multiple challenges of unprecedented loadshedding, massive unemployment, increasing poverty, poor governance, deteriorating law and order, widespread corruption and galloping inflation.

Announcing the party manifesto at a press conference here on Thursday , Nawaz Sharif said the PML-N manifesto is an all embracing agenda for national renewal and real change to revive the confidence of people by instilling hope, restoring national dignity and resurrecting Pakistan as a progressive and prosperous nation.

Explaining salient features of the Manifesto, the PML-N President said a Cabinet committee on Defence and National Security headed by the prime minister will be established to maintain democratic oversight of all aspects of foreign and defence policies, ensure that all institutions i.e. civil or military act in accordance with the law and under the instructions and directives of the Federal Cabinet. Needs and requirements of the armed forces would be met under all circumstances, and strategic assets would be protected.

He announced that Hazara, South Punjab and Bahawalpur provinces will be created. The party government will eliminate VIP culture and expenses of Presidency, Prime Minister, Governors and Chief Ministers will be significantly reduced. A specially deigned employment programme will be designed to generate three million new jobs in public and private sectors including one million each in IT and SMEs sectors. Minimum wages of workers will be gradually enhanced to Rs15,000 per month. The PML-N would strive to eventually provide a house to each Pakistani family through pubic-private partnership.

The PML-N government will revive the economy, double the GDP growth to over six percent, reduce budget deficit to 4%, reduce country’s dependence on foreign loans and assistance, revamp State enterprises eating Rs 400 billion, decrease tax rates, ensure lower interest rates and make Pakistan emerge as one of the top ten economies of the world in 21st century. All major export sectors will be sales tax free, an Export Import Bank (EXIM) will be set up.

Nawaz Sharif said the government will improve tax to GDP ratio to 15% by 2018, informal economy will be brought into Tax net, reduce tax evasion, reduce the number of federal and provincial taxes. Short and medium terms measures would be initiated to end load shedding in 3 years, invest US $ 20 billion to generate 10,000MW of electricity in next five years and permanently eliminate circular debt. High priority would be given to import gas through pipelines, intensify oil and gas exploration, develop Thar coalfields by setting up of atleast 5,000MW of new coal fired power plants under the IPP mode in Sindh, develop alternative sources of energy.

He said agriculture will be turned into a fully viable economic industry, high priority to be given to development of livestock and fisheries sectors, reclaim and irrigate additional land for allotment to landless, women haris and tenants and achieve food security. The PML-N government will introduce a transparent system of income support programme for needy families with special focus on widows, orphans and girl child.

National Education Emergency will be declared to eradicate illiteracy on war footing basis, a vision 2025 for Pakistan’s education shall be formulated to transform the country to be among world’s best and a uniform system of education will be introduced step by step while education budget would be enhanced to 4% of GDP by 2018. Computer labs will be established in all govt high schools, Danish schools will be set in all provinces, HEC will be given greater autonomy, vocational and technical education will be promoted.

A new national health insurance card scheme will be introduced for free treatment of children upto 12 years, senior citizens of over 65 years and families with low income. He said the government will promote participation of women in national development, give preference to women teachers in primary education, enact and improve legislation on violence against women, expand micro credit for female borrowers and inheritance and property rights of female heirs shall be safeguarded.

A dynamic National Youth Policy will be implemented through skill development programme to create one million positions for apprenticeship, self employment loans shall be extended, services of youth will be utilized in national literacy programme and involve youth in governance at local level through special seats reserved for them in Union and District councils. National Day for Minorities will be celebrated, they will have complete freedom of worship, legislative measures will be undertaken to prevent forced conversion of religion, development funds for minorities will be doubled and Christian community will be permitted to run their own educational institutions.

Nawaz Sharif reiterated commitment to Charter of Democracy and vowed to build strong dimension of democratic governance by building institutions including an effective parliament, independent judiciary, election commission and a vigilant media. He said Local government elections will be held within six months of general elections, police laws will be reviewed to depoliticize police, improve thana culture.

The PML-N government will grant voting rights to all overseas Pakistanis and dual nationals and “Aao Badlein Pakistan” programme to be launched to motivate overseas Pakistanis towards development of Pakistan. Freedom of media to be guaranteed and respected, comprehensive insurance scheme to be introduced for journalists against death and injury, Fund established for training of journalists and PTV/PBC to be made autonomous bodies, he assured.

PML-N will ensure provincial autonomy in accordance with constitution and vision of founding father. No water project will be commenced without consensus among all the federating units, Status of national language to be given to all major languages, Truth and Reconciliation commission to be established to discover and reveal truth about past wrong doings. Hearts and minds of people of Balochistan would be won through meaningful political dialogue and their political and economic rights restored. Nawaz pledged to uphold the independence of judiciary, number of judges will be substantially increased, all vacancies to be filled and civil cases trial completed within one year.

PML-N will form an autonomous National Accountability commission, adopt zero tolerance policy for corruption, ruthlessly stamp out corruption and across the board accountability of all holders of public offices would be ensured. The PML-N President said that despite difficulties created by federal government, Punjab government of PML-N has carried out record development works during the last five years. He said that quality and transparency has been maintained in the implementation of development projects. Nawaz Sharif said that an opposition camp was set up in Governor’s House against Punjab government and Governors have also been issuing statements against Punjab government continuously. He said that Governor’s rule was also imposed in Punjab after toppling the provincial government. Nawaz Sharif said that an unjust attitude was adopted towards Punjab government and people of the province with regard to loadshedding of electricity and gas but in spite of all problems and hindrances, Punjab government served the people round the clock and provided relief to them by completing mega development projects throughout the province. He said that if a conducive and free atmosphere of investment is provided to the foreign investors, they make liberal investments and metro bus system is proof of this fact. Nawaz Sharif said that due to a favorable atmosphere of investment in Punjab, Turk companies have made investment of billions of rupees in Punjab. He said that Punjab government also controlled dengue virus due to an effective strategy and concrete steps taken for this purpose. He said that land record computerization is a big achievement of Punjab government which has provided relief to the people in obtaining Fard Malkiat (ownership deed) and transfer deeds of their property.

Nawaz announces PML-N manifesto
Launched under the title "STRONG ECONOMY - STRONG PAKISTAN"


Following is the features of manifesto.

I. Economy.

1) Double the annual average rate of GDP Growth from 3% in the last 5 years to over 6% in the next 5 years.

2) Accelerate the rate of industrial growth from 3 to 8 percent per annum. 2) Raise Investment GDP Ratio from 12 to 20% in the next 5 years.

3) Bring down budget deficit to 4% of GDP . 4) Increase Tax GDP ratio from 9 to 15% by 2018. 5) Provide, in cooperation with the private sector, 1000 clusters of 500 houses each for low income families in different party of the country.

II. Energy. 6) Generate 10,000 MW additional electricity including 5000 MW new coal fired power plants under IPP mode. 7) Mobilize fresh investment of $ 20 billion for power plants and related infrastructures. 8) Progressively reducing transmission and distribution losses to 10%. Energy issue will be resolved in 2 years

III. Agriculture & Food Security 9) Accelerate agricultural growth to an average of 4% per annum, as an important component of a comprehensive national food security strategy. 10) Raise total spending on ‘non pension’ social security from 1% of GDP to 2% by 2018.

IV. Education 11) Total expenditure on education to increase from 2 to 4% of GDP by 2018. 12) 100% enrollment of boys and girls by 2020 in line with the requirements of Article 25-A of the Constitution which makes “right to education” a fundamental right through Education Emergency. 13) Raise the overall literacy level from 54% to 80% in the shortest possible time.

14) Science laboratories and computer labs in all Government Secondary Schools. 15) Danish Schools will be set up in all Provinces. 16) Girls High School in every Union Council 17) Establishing District Education Authorities 18) Laptops for students in public universities on merit 19) Education Endowment Fund will be set up in all provinces for award of merit scholarships to needy students from low income families. 20) Expenditure on education to increase from 2 to 4% of GDP by 2018.

V. Health 21) Expenditure on health to be increased from 1% of GDP to 2% by 2018. 22) Medical Insurance Card to every family for basic health care at subsidized rates, as a part of comprehensive national Insurance Service. 23) Within 5 years, 100% vaccination of children, 50% reduction in maternal and infant mortality and 10% reduction in the rate of population growth. Free treatment of children upto 12 years, senior citizens of over 65 years

24) Each District will have at least one hospital with diagnostic facilities and required specialists.

25) 1000 mobile health units will be launched to provide basic health facilities to remote areas.

26) Establishing District Health Authority in each district

VI. Information Technology

27) Introduce and integrate I.C.T. in all Ministries and Departments and in other major sectors like Banking and Trade. 28) Establish 500 I.C.T. Centers in smaller cities and town to reduce the knowledge gap and break rural isolation. 29) Promote local software industry to generate annual exports of at least $ 10 billion by 2020.


30) New employment opportunities will be provided to over 3 million persons in public and private sectors including one million in the IT Sector and one million in SME Sector.

31) Minimum wage for workers will be gradually increased to Rs.15000 per month.

VIII. Overseas Pakistanis

32) At least 50% of annual remittances of $ 12 billion will be converted into productive investment through special products and financial instruments and a certain percentage of public offerings of all new floatations will be reserved for overseas Pakistanis

Nawaz Sharif said that his party’s election manifesto is not based upon promises but on reality.
Holding District Elections Within 6 Months Of Coming Into Power and Establishing District Health and Education Authorities When They Had A Good 5 Years To Do It.They Really Take The People Of Pakistan To Be Fools.This Manifesto Is Nothing More Than A Bunch Of Sweet Promises. At Least PTI Offers More They Publish Policy Papers In which They Tell Us How The are Going To Do This.
Just a load of lies, and deception.The questions to all these fanciful promises is "how?"...."how?" and "how?"

Where are the funds going to come from to fund all these initiatives? Does Nawaz Sharif think his Rs.5,000 monthly income tax returns will be enough?
You guys should have seen how he bought all t.v channels A to Z to broadcast his press conference full
After going through it, this is all i have to say...with advance apologies.

@cb4, yara, I think you are the last person on this forum who is siding with established thieves such as PMLN & PPP... :blink:
Am I missing it, or he did not speak a word re how to handle "Terrorism" which is one of the biggest challenges for present and next Government in Pakistan?
@cb4, yara, I think you are the last person on this forum who is siding with established thieves such as PMLN & PPP... :blink:

You serious ? PPP ? :hitwall:

If PTI loose, they will form alliance with PML-N. Mark my words....

@ PTI Fanboys:

yup you can go and write a 1000 page essay but well done is always better than well said.
Am I missing it, or he did not speak a word re how to handle "Terrorism" which is one of the biggest challenges for present and next Government in Pakistan?

When economy is your goal, it will take out terrorism anyways. Its very simple to understand. Start giving people food, water, electricity and shelter and they wouldn't need to fight.

This model has been used around the world. Sikhs in India were fighting for Khalistan. Today India gives them more rights and economic freedom. They not only feed rest of India with Agricultural resources but are also employed in other various industries. Can we say the same about French Canadians ?

Does it ever occur to you why Balucistan wants to be autonomous ? Its because we steal their resources and give them no benefit. Statistically, Baluchistan is least developed as compared to other provinces. Its a shame considering the fact that its our largest province.

Remember we also hold world's highest number of refuges and mostly they are Afghans. Obviously they is is no rocket science. They are here because they have a lot people fighting back home and they need food and shelter. Their country's economy is many many times worse than ours.

PML-N deserves credit. Despite sanctions put by PPP i.e. no electricity, no gas, etc they found ways to be prosperous in Punjab. That part of region in Pakistan has least number of terrorists.

Strong economy solves problems.
Finally someone saying something about what they going to do for Pakistan. I am waiting for PTI's Election manifesto to see how many times they use PMLN in it.

After PTI's election its clear all the Area Budmash are now elected members of PTI. PTI's who head admits he has no power in the party to do anything and everyone will elect everyone, based on the elections in the country we have seen how bad apples are elected. PTI coming to power will be worse than PPP coming to power, lets pray that never happens.

PMLN on the other hand has proven record in Punjab

You serious ? PPP ? :hitwall:

If PTI loose, they will form alliance with PML-N. Mark my words....

@ PTI Fanboys:

yup you can go and write a 1000 page essay but well done is always better than well said.

If PTI Loose???
I doubt NS will make Alliance with PTI, beside PTI wont have more than 10 seat so what is that alliance going to be worth. Imran has already seen the writing on the wall (PMLN) he is not going on TV anymore yelling Tsunami Tsunami, he is now waiting for the Lahore mehfil-e-lunatics to see if he has any support left, I think it will be a bust
Finally someone saying something about what they going to do for Pakistan. I am waiting for PTI's Election manifesto to see how many times they use PMLN in it.

After PTI's election its clear all the Area Budmash are now elected members of PTI. PTI's who head admits he has no power in the party to do anything and everyone will elect everyone, based on the elections in the country we have seen how bad apples are elected. PTI coming to power will be worse than PPP coming to power, lets pray that never happens.

PMLN on the other hand has proven record in Punjab

If PTI Loose???
I doubt NS will make Alliance with PTI, beside PTI wont have more than 10 seat so what is that alliance

That's called democracy people have the power to chose not like your party where you will vote for same family and so will your future generation as if the remaining people in Pakistan ( that's pretty much every one minus these families ) are idiots incapable of deciding what's best for them.
What about anti-terrorism policy in the manifesto?
Have anything?lol
No ?
That's called democracy people have the power to chose not like your party where you will vote for same family and so will your future generation as if the remaining people in Pakistan ( that's pretty much every one minus these families ) are idiots incapable of deciding what's best for them.

you really want the majority of Pakistanis deciding your fate...man wishes do come true sometime, toba ker
well i guess PPP,MQM & ANP had their chance! now it is PML N's turn!

PML N gave us karachi airport,motorway,initated motor way, also started metro in lahore.

i guess they will be better than PPP any day. atleast the ganja brothers are businessmen so they will improve our trade deficit for sure compared to PPP
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