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‘PM Imran Khan’s UN General Assembly speech will be historic’


Aug 18, 2019
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‘PM Imran Khan’s UN General Assembly speech will be historic’
Abbas Shabbir
September 4, 2019


Prime Minister Imran Khan’s address to the UN General Assembly is going to be historic, says Maleeha Lodhi, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United Nations.

She met Sajid Tarar, an adviser to the US president, in New York and discussed the situation in Indian-held Kashmir. They also discussed the prime minister’s upcoming speech at the UN General Assembly on September 27.

Tarar praised Lodhi’s diplomatic efforts and said President Donald Trump is ready to mediate the Kashmir issue between Pakistan and India. His offer has, however, been rebuffed by India, which claims Kashmir is an ‘internal matter’.

Tensions have been high in the region since India repealed Article 370 of its constitution on August 5, thereby revoking the special status granted to Kashmir. The valley has been under lock down ever since, with a curfew imposed on people’s movement and little information going in or out.

Pakistan has urged the international community to take notice of the situation and pressure India to lift the curfew. PM Khan has said he will be raising the issue during his UN General Assembly speech.

Key words that we could look forward to

Ethnic cleansing
And it won't change anything.

Nothing changes overnight. The world doesnt owe u anything. A year ago same people used to complain that Pakistan OMs and FMs never raise kashmir issue, now that someone is raising it vehemently, u ppl still have comments. Its like that saying, insan kisi haal me khush nahi.
Nothing changes overnight. The world doesnt owe u anything. A year ago same people used to complain that Pakistan OMs and FMs never raise kashmir issue, now that someone is raising it vehemently, u ppl still have comments. Its like that saying, insan kisi haal me khush nahi.
Well i am not responsible for other's i never said that.
He can go to UN for 100 years and nothing would happen.UN fails everywhere.
Well i am not responsible for other's i never said that.
He can go to UN for 100 years and nothing would happen.UN fails everywhere.
The same was said about quaid e azam. So.e wanted war and others wanted to live with hindus. But see how his diplomatic skills got us Pakistan.
By the way if UN doesnt work, mikitancy didnt work, what do u suggest we do???
The same was said about quaid e azam. So.e wanted war and others wanted to live with hindus. But see how his diplomatic skills got us Pakistan.
With due respect don't equate Brits with Bharatis.
By the way if UN doesnt work, mikitancy didnt work, what do u suggest we do???
Probably @Psychic can ans about failure of militancy more then i can.
With due respect don't equate Brits with Bharatis.
The AIML was established to promote loyalty towards the British and to protect the interests of Muslims. It was the strategy of AIML to counter growing Hindu influence and Hindu power under British umbrella. The poor relations after 1857 war of independence were mended. The British started to treat the Hindus and Muslims equally. Muslims formed around a half of the total strength of the British Indian army. When the congress started quit India movement despite the Japanese threat from Burma, League's policy was to support the British. This helped us free ourselves from the yoke of an unsympathetic majority. The colonies were to be freed and we told them to divide before quitting and they obliged.
Our struggle was against the INC and it's machinations, not against the British. We had to avoid subjugation and that we did. The struggle of the Kashmiri people is against India, and any comparison between the two struggles is absurd. The British gave us separate electorate and due representation at the legislative councils---The representation of Muslims in Lok Sabha is 0.7 percent---and some dudes compare the Indians with the British.
Probably @Psychic can ans about failure of militancy more then i can.
Someone succumbed to pressure during the 2001-2 standoff despite all that braggadocio. Later, USA and India made a monkey out of that someone.
It is useless, since neither the military not the great Khaan can ever be wrong.
The same was said about quaid e azam. So.e wanted war and others wanted to live with hindus. But see how his diplomatic skills got us Pakistan.
By the way if UN doesnt work, mikitancy didnt work, what do u suggest we do???

It was Quaid e Azam who sent Qabaili lashkars from Fata to liberate Kashmir which is now known as Azad Kashmir. Jab ghee seedhi ungli say na niklay to unglian terhi karni parti hain.
He should go all out and bring a prop like Adolf Netanyahu.


It's online forum+my solution requires huge balls.

Nations dont use balls or emotions. I know u would suggest military options but have u ever thought what if that fails? The sheer repercussions of military failure are huge. Constant diplomacy is the only solution. We just started our diplomacy and already modi is crying to trump to ask IK not to call him hitler. Give it a few years and ull see how india is pressurized. In past 30 years we never had any aggressive diplomacy abt kashmir.
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