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Plane refuels ... at highway gas station

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Plane refuels ... at highway gas station | Shanghai Daily

The pilot emerges at a gas station.

A PILOT created a stir yesterday when he landed his ultralight aircraft on a highway in southwest province Sichuan, refueled at a gas station and then took off again.

Publicity officials from the Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County said the aircraft landed on the rural road in breach of rules and posing great risk.

An investigation is reported to be under way.

China News Service said the aircraft was a CH 750 “off-airport” short take-off and landing kit aircraft. They are being manufactured in China under a joint venture between the Beichuan government and US-based George Heintz Aircraft Manufacturing Company.

George Chen, president of George Heintz Aircraft China, said it was his company’s aircraft — currently undergoing trials — that made the impromptu landing.

The pilot, an American from San Francisco who gave his name as Andy, said the test crew hadn’t checked fuel levels before take-off.

Seeing that fuel was low, he decided to land, he said.

“I ensured that it was safe because this aircraft has many advantages, including short take-off and landing,” he said. “We also knew the road which was wide and didn’t have many vehicles.”

The flyer said the landing didn’t violate China’s aviation rules.

Among those who watched the drama unfold was Beichuan resident Chen Yanqiu.

“There were two men in the aircraft,” she posted on the Internet.

She and her brother saw the aircraft flying low, and then touching down and taxiing on the road. “I was curious and saw that it stopped at a gas station,” she wrote.

Gas station attendant Ma Rui said he filled the aircraft with 20 liters of gas, charging 194 yuan (US$31.31), China News Service reported. Then the aircraft took off again.
Isn't fuels used in aircrafts different from ordinary motor fuel?
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