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Plan afoot to convert 30,000 hectares land into forests


Sep 7, 2010
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Plan afoot to convert 30,000 hectares land into forests

Peshawar—Chief Conservator of Forests, Hasham Ali Khan said Friday that plan was afoot to convert 30,000 hectares land in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa under forestry and vegetative cover every year under Green Growth Initiative (GGI) Programme to offset the growing effects of global warming and climatic change.

As per the KP Government 5-year “Billion Trees Tsunami” GGI programme, the KP’s forest area would be enhanced from 20 percent to 22 percent by 2018 that would entail converting 30000 hectares additional land into forest every year through massive afforestation drive, he told APP.

Likewise, enrichment plantation on 9000 hectares in deplete forests would be carried out every year.

As many as 15.597 million saplings of different species would be sown in 2700 hectares land with an assistance of national building departments, general public and farmers in Spring Plantation Campaign 2014 in KP, the Forests Chief maintained. He said spring plantation campaign was in progress across the province and a stock of 15.597 million fit plants were available to meet the set target.

Forests on 18,000 hectares would be protected from grazing of livestock with an objective to supplement natural regeneration through active participation of the local community, farmer sand general public, Hasham Khan remarked. Two billion plants would be sown in next five years under the Billion Tree Tsunami Plantation programme, he said, adding these measures would help increase forest areas from existing 20 percent to 22 percent in next five years.

He said 3.308 million saplings in Southern Circle, 7.401 million in Northern Forest Region-II Abbottabad and 4.888 million would be sown in Malakand Forest Region-III Swat. In addition to plantation over 5200 hectares outside existing forests, 2700 hectares (6671.6 acres) land would be brought under plantation cover during ongoing Spring Season whereas walnut plants would be raised on 370 hectares.

Focus is being made on plantation on canal and roads sides while plants would also been sown in graveyards in Cities to control environmental pollution.

Industrial and business community, wood based and environmentally related industries, chambers of commerce and industries, private educational institutes, religious institutions, community based organizations, civil society organizations forest owners/right holders, farmers, NGOs and general public are being encouraged in afforstration campaign to combat the challenges of environmental pollution and global warming. He asked public and farmers to sow maximum plants as they can for their better future.—APP

Plan afoot to convert 30,000 hectares land into forests
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