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Pincer movement vs pronged attack

Jul 30, 2014
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United States
Serious discussions and thoughts required. I studied WW2 especially eastern front and was always baffled which strategy was better.
Operation babroasa pronged attack and quite successful until Hitler asks panzer group Guderian and Panzer Group Kleist to perform pincer. It's quite successful in beginning but unlike western front Germans enveloped soldiers that refuse to surrender. It looks good on map to encircle but waste time.
2nd example battle of somelensk where panzer group Hoepner from Army group north was able to move quickly near Moscow(their units were the one to see Kremlin and got to 30 miles to Moscow) while the Army Group Center whole including two panzer groups were stuck in encirclement battle near Somlesk.
3rd example where pincers saw success was Stallingrad resulting in encirclement of 6th army.
4th Battle of Kursk pincer movement in which Germans fail and run into well dug in red Army.
5th operation Bagration succeed which is a pronged attack and Red Army run through German divisions destroying 36 of them in a month.
In 1965 Pakistan tried pincer approach which was successful at start but didn't achieve objective of encirclement of the areas that Pakistan armored tried to go for.
So your views are appreciated with more examples from history even successful Hannibal strategy of encircling Roman's at Battle of Cannae.
Which is better and against what kind of opposition?
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