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PESCO seeks divine help to stop theft

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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By AFP Published: July 21, 2013
PESHAWAR: The Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) is appealing to its customers’ religious consciences in a desperate bid to get them to stop stealing electricity – a major hurdle in efforts to stem crippling blackouts.
PESCO has taken out front page adverts in three major newspapers during Ramazan, reminding readers that stealing electricity is a sin.
“Do your fasting, pay zakat and serve your parents, but do these things by the light of legal electricity,” the ad says.
“Clerics have ruled that doing good deeds by the light of stolen electricity is against sharia, so let us stop using stolen electricity and beautify our day of judgement.”
Across Pakistan, from cities to villages and from slums to posh neighbourhoods, people steal electricity every day, usually by means of a metal hook known as a “kunda” connecting the house directly to power lines in the street, bypassing the meter.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has ordered a crackdown on electricity thieves, but they often work with the connivance of power company staff and few people are ever prosecuted – hence PESCO’s appeal to a higher authority.
The power sector has been crippled by years of corruption and underinvestment, leaving people to struggle through blackouts of up to 20 hours a day in the blistering heat of summer.
Given the irregular service, many people do not see why they should pay.
Amjad Ali, a welder living in a slum area of Karachi, says he cannot afford a regular connection but wouldn’t pay for one even if he could.
“If I get a connection, half of my monthly income would go in electric bills. I am not a fool to pay for their corruption and inefficiencies,” he told AFP.
People using electricity without paying for it is a major cause of a massive pile-up of debt between government-owned power utilities, electricity generating firms and fuel suppliers, which lies at the heart of the crisis.
The blackouts have hammered industry and agriculture, shaving two per cent off GDP according to the finance minister and Nawaz’s government, elected in May, has said finding a solution is its top priority.
Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Mohammad Asif told AFP his department was working closely with the finance ministry to find a way to clear the debt, which stands at a mammoth $5 billion.
“It is a complex matter and would take a couple of months to be sorted out and we would clear off the circular debt by August,” he said.
But even if such bullish predictions come true, Farhan Mahmood, head of research at Sherman Securities in Karachi said the debt would mount up again to around Rs350 billion by June because of corruption and the theft.
All over Karachi, jumbles of hooks connect overhead lines to homes, adding the threat of electrocution to the perils of life in the crowded, violent metropolis.
“The theft accounts for about 30 percent in our system inflicting heavy financial losses to our company,” said a senior engineer of Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC).
For the rest of Pakistan “transmission and distribution losses”, which include theft, run to 20 percent according to the Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda).
The power crisis has led to friction between Pakistan’s provinces, with Karachi, the biggest city and economic heart, and Punjab province, the industrial centre, accusing each other of using more than their fair share.
In the restive tribal districts, there is a widespread belief that locals are entitled to free electricity under an agreement struck in 1947 with Mohammad Ali Jinnah over the building of the Warsak Dam.
Even in the neighbouring Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, people consider free electricity as their birthright, saying the province generates most of the power for the rest of the country.
“You cannot call it a theft, it is our right,” Khan Ali, from Mohmand tribal district, where the Warsak dam was built, told AFP.
“Khyber Pakhtunkhwa produces the electricity, so we should be given some concession. The rest of the country is using our electricity, so why should we pay?”
Along with the kunda, another common way to steal power is by disabling the meter with a length of electrical wire, but a safer option is simply to bribe company officials.
Aftab Ahmed, from Rawalpindi said people in his neighbourhood pay meter readers Rs1,000 a month and never have bills over Rs1,000 despite running air conditioners all night.
Shafiq Ahmed, a mechanic in Islamabad has seen his bills tumble.
“I used to get high electricity bills, Rs3,000, Rs4,000, then one of my neighbours introduced me to the meter reader and the monthly bill is never more than Rs700,” he told AFP.
There are some easy solutions available for combating power theft

1)Pre-pay system should be introduced thorough out the country.

2)No more bills after the usage buy before you use electricity.

3)Allow electric company losing revenue to kunda system to put a lien against the house plus compounded interest of 100%/Month till fully paid Or the house is sold to cover the losses.

Punishing people for these kinds of crimes by putting them in jail is stupid hit them where it hurts and thats their pockets with mandatory fines for 1 rupee power theft fines should starts at 100,000 rupees.
instead of giving ads in newspapers, they should be out disconnecting illegal connections...
Pesco should first remove theifs from their own dept's...Those meter reading staff that for mere thousand rupeess would slow down your meters...Blame general public after they have cleaned themselves...The current Chief of Pesco is himself a big thief....Us ney thu saray records tor dalay hain...
instead of giving ads in newspapers, they should be out disconnecting illegal connections...

Its a shame when a power company takes out adds telling people in Muslim country Theft is HARAM.:hitwall:

Pesco should first remove theifs from their own dept's...Those meter reading staff that for mere thousand rupeess would slow down your meters...Blame general public after they have cleaned themselves...The current Chief of Pesco is himself a big thief....Us ney thu saray records tor dalay hain...

New meters in west dont require meter readers.pay as you go dont require meter readers.They can invest few millions in new techs and save billions in long term very easy solution.
“Do your fasting, pay zakat and serve your parents, but do these things by the light of legal electricity,” the ad says.

LOL that sounds so funny. LOL

They don't want to lay underground cable. They don't want to automate the meters to reduce human involvement. They want to rely on "Muslims" to do the right thing? How much funnier can it get.
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