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Perpetual Motion Device that Produces Power from Gravity

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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It would be interesting to note that the magnitude of the energy produced by the Alpha Omega Galaxy Freefall Generator is so much that if the inventor launches its commercial version (which would be the size of a standard washing machine), the machine could generate enough electricity to run a house. Hence the flywheel becomes its own source of electricity but with a slight amount of external input that is needed to turn on the machine.

The inventor will not be able to fully patent the Alpha Omega Galaxy Freefall Generator. He will only be able to patent certain parts of the machine. This is because the device claims to be a perpetual motion machine that generates more power than it uses. Thus the device breaks the first law of thermodynamics, which, in its simplest form, states that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed. Energy can be changed, moved, controlled, stored, or dissipated, but it cannot be produced from nothing or reduced to nothing.

Latest Invention: Perpetual Motion Device that Produces Power from Gravity - Technology - InfoNIAC - Latest Inventions
lol ...i dont mind having an open mind while judging things ...but this is the beyond understanding and hence, most prolly fake.

I can clearly see swaying weights on the ends of the wheel that would apparently sway so precisely that will hypothetically provide enough upward inertial lift more than the downward acceleration due to gravity.?

this is some kind of shoddy prank for sure. THe dynamo itself would have a heluva lot of resistance,
ill have to read more about how it works.

I expecting something more crazy ...this principle is old to perfect it to this extent seems illogical.

this looks more authentic..

the energy is nearly not enough to be practical.
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One classification of perpetual motion machines refers to the particular law of thermodynamics the machines purport to violate:[2]

A perpetual motion machine of the first kind produces work without the input of energy. It thus violates the first law of thermodynamics: the law of conservation of energy.
A perpetual motion machine of the second kind is a machine which spontaneously converts thermal energy into mechanical work. When the thermal energy is equivalent to the work done, this does not violate the law of conservation of energy. However it does violate the more subtle second law of thermodynamics (see also entropy). The signature of a perpetual motion machine of the second kind is that there is only one heat reservoir involved, which is being spontaneously cooled without involving a transfer of heat to a cooler reservoir. This conversion of heat into useful work, without any side effect, is impossible, according to the second law of thermodynamics.

A more obscure category is a perpetual motion machine of the third kind, usually (but not always)[3] defined as one that completely eliminates friction and other dissipative forces, to maintain motion forever (due to its mass inertia). Third in this case refers solely to the position in the above classification scheme, not the third law of thermodynamics. Although it is impossible to make such a machine, as dissipation can never be 100% eliminated in a mechanical system, it is nevertheless possible to get very close to this ideal (see examples in the Low Friction section). Such a machine would not serve as a source of energy but would have utility as a perpetual energy storage device.

The USPTO has granted a few patents for motors that are claimed to run without net energy input. Some of these are:
Howard R. Johnson, U.S. Patent 4,151,431


Robert George Adams UK patent GB2282708 "Electrical motor-generator" 12 April 1995.

Johnson, Howard R., U.S. Patent 4,151,431 "Permanent magnet motor", April 24, 1979[16]
Baker, Daniel, U.S. Patent 4,074,153 "Magnetic propulsion device", February 14, 1978
Hartman; Emil T., U.S. Patent 4,215,330 "Permanent magnet propulsion system", December 20, 1977 (this device is related to the Simple Magnetic Overunity Toy (SMOT)),
Flynn; Charles J., U.S. Patent 6,246,561 "Methods for controlling the path of magnetic flux from a permanent magnet and devices incorporating the same", July 31, 1998
Patrick, et al., U.S. Patent 6,362,718 "Motionless electromagnetic generator", March 26, 2002
Green, Willie A., U.S. Patent 6,526,925 "Piston Driven Rotary Engine", March 4, 2003 "Fluid driven device utilizing a leveraged system with minimal displacement"
Goldenblum, Halm, U.S. Patent 6,962,052 "Energy generation mechanism, device and system", November 8, 2005 "A chamber with a partition which lets gas molecules flow one way and not the other. The pressure which builds up on one side of the partition is used to drive a generator."
Flynn, Joe, U.S. Patent 6,246,561 "Methods for controlling the path of magnetic flux from a permanent magnet and devices incorporating the same", June 12, 2001
Gates; Glenn A., U.S. Patent 6,523,646 "Spring driven apparatus", February 23, 2003 "Energy is stored in the springs and power is generated by way of the various forces which cause the springs to wind and unwind."
McQueen; Jesse, U.S. Patent 7,095,126 "Internal energy generating power source", August 22, 2006 "An external power source such as a battery is used to initially supply power to start an alternator and generator. Once the system has started it is not necessary for the battery to supply power to the system. The battery can then be disconnected. The alternator and electric motor work in combination to generate electrical power." Examiners: Schuberg, Darren ; Mohandesi, Iraj A.
Haisch, et al. U.S. Patent 7,379,286 "Quantum vacuum energy extraction", May 27, 2008 "[...] converting energy from the electromagnetic quantum vacuum available at any point in the universe to usable energy in the form of heat, electricity, mechanical energy or other forms of power. [...] When atoms enter into suitable micro Casimir cavities a decrease in the orbital energies of electrons in atoms will thus occur. Such energy will be captured in the claimed devices. Upon emergence form such micro Casimir cavities the atoms will be re-energized by the ambient electromagnetic quantum vacuum. [...] process is also consistent with the conservation of energy in that all usable energy does come at the expense of the energy content of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum."

Low friction

In flywheel energy storage, "modern flywheels can have a zero-load rundown time measurable in years."[24]
Once spun up, objects in the vacuum of space—stars, black holes, planets, moons, spin-stabilized satellites, etc.—continue spinning almost indefinitely with no further energy input. Tide on Earth is dissipating the gravitational energy of the Moon/Earth system at an average rate of about 3.75 terawatts.[25][26]
In certain quantum-mechanical systems (such as superfluidity and superconductivity), dissipation-free "motion" is possible.

One need to explore the possibility of experimenting with it in an anti-gravity environment as in a space cabin simulator.
That is one possible way of beating the laws of thermodynamics.
The atom's electrons, if not disturbed, circulate around the nucleus forever without energy loss. Nature is rubbing our noses in the truth: friction-free motion is possible!

So we need a machine that produces only virtual work, which requires no energy input. Virtual work has another advantage for our purpose. Virtual work is the result of virtual displacements, which aren't subject to the usual constraints and limitations of mechanical systems, and are inherently friction-free.

By far the majority of past failed perpetual motion machines attempted to extract energy from the force of the gravitational field, or from the buoyant force of liquids. So that's probably not the way to go. Gravitational fields and buoyancy are quite well understood by physicists, so it's unlikely there are loopholes there to be exploited. More recent perpetual motion research focuses on magnetic fields, for they are as yet not completely understood in all their ramifications.

Our goal should be a machine with no moving parts, and no electrical currents. It would operate by unwinding the curl of magnetic fields, thereby tapping the enormous energy that all modern perpetual motion machine inventors know is contained in the field of every magnet. Previous motors and generators operated by cutting field lines, a destructive process. We exploit the fact that the curl of a magnetic field is much like a tightly wound spring. Our process doesn't cut field lines; it only takes out their kinks.

In case you doubt that magnets have unlimited stored energy, consider the lowly refrigerator magnet. It can hold itself in place forever on the refrigerator against the constant pull of gravity. Therefore the magnet must have an inexhaustible source of energy, which we can tap if we are clever enough, and have sufficient faith in our noble goals.

Geometry Points the Way:

Mainstream scientists scoff at the notion of unwinding the curl of a magnetic field. They forget that one of the synonyms for the technical term "curl" is "rotation", a term dating back to the early history of field theory when scientists still had a tenuous grip on reality. Indeed fields without curl, such as electric and gravitational fields, are called "irrotational", which means they can't produce rotation, and would be useless for achieving our goals.

But how can this fact be harnessed to extract the curl of a field and produce rotary motion? For insight we only need look at the history of failed attempts to achieve perpetual motion. In every case the fundamental fact of nature that thwarted inventors was geometry. The geometry of space and time was the roadblock to success. Inventors tried to make a wheel turn forever by "overbalancing" it—keeping greater mass continually on one side. Imbalance can cause motion of a machine, but a wheel is (geometrically) a cyclic device, which must return to its initial position every cycle. That means that the boost you get from weight overbalance is lost when the weights must complete their cycle by moving back to the other side. You gain from the overbalance only temporarily, then you must lose what you gained. Geometry defeats one's aspirations at every turn.

But in this failure lies hope. We must alter the geometry. We must warp space itself to our purposes. That's what our device will do. It is a reverse curling-iron for the matrix of space.

So our machine shall be in a box (black if you like) that contains no moving parts and no electrical circuits. It takes the curl out of any magnetic field in the vicinity (the earth's field, if you like). This process induces a torque in any nearby ferrous material, such as a wheel, causing it to turn. [4] Our machine need not touch the wheel, but it should be bolted down so that it exerts only reactionless forces on the wheel.

Unwinding the curl of the magnetic field tends to linearize magnetic field lines, making the mathematics considerably simpler. Therefore engineers will find these machines much easier to understand and to exploit for useful purposes. There may no longer be a need for engineers to study calculus, thereby reducing the cost of their education. Lagrange equations need never again give grief to budding engineers.

Lest someone worry that use of such machines worldwide might "deplete" the earth's magnetic field, remember the refrigerator magnet example, which conclusively shows that the energy of magnetic fields is inexhaustible.

The Quantum-Mechanical Approach:

We are pursuing several paths to this goal. Of course we can only give general descriptions, without revealing anything useful to competitors.

One method we hope to exploit is based on a radical re-interpretation of the uncertainty principle. In its usual form, that principle says that the measured position of a particle in space can have considerable uncertainty. That is, we cannot say precisely where it is, or when. But is the particle uncertain about where it is? Could it be that the matrix of space and time is a bit "fuzzy" in the vicinity of a particle? We are building a prototype to explore this idea. If this works, we may be able to extract the curl of the magnetic fields of the fundamental particles themselves. Perhaps this method can even be used to extract the field of magnetic monopoles.

Another one of our research groups pursues a different method. We have found a way to control the fundamental particles in solids so that electron-positron orbiting pairs are temporarily "parked" in quantum-mechanical forbidden states for infinitesimal time intervals. This process takes advantage of a newly-discovered loophole in the uncertainty principle. The solid's angular momentum is altered, causing the remaining charges to move in synchronism in near-circular orbits to compensate for the change. Their combined fields act to remove the curl of any other fields in the solid.

A Warning and Disclaimer:

Any technology can have unwanted side effects, and perpetual motion is no exception. Basement tinkerers should be aware of these dangers. No one should undertake building a perpetual motion machine without a solid background in physics and engineering.

Since the laws of thermodynamics are crucially dependent on the fact that certain physical processes are irreversible, then a perpetual motion machine, which would necessarily violate the laws of thermodynamics, must also be reversing some process previously thought irreversible. In that case, someone with evil intent could re-engineer the process to reverse the machine itself. This would give it the capability to consume energy without outputting any. Such a weapon could suck all the energy out of a city or small country in one fell swoop. Basement tinkerers who are ignorant of physics are playing with dangerous stuff. They may desire the salvation of the world, but they could inadvertently cause its total destruction.

Energy Independence: Perpetual Motion is the Way to Go.

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