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Featured Pentagon Report: China Now Has World’s Largest Navy as Beijing Expands Military Influence


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Pentagon Report: China Now Has World’s Largest Navy as Beijing Expands Military Influence
By: John Grady
September 1, 2020 5:31 PM

China is bent on creating a world-class military that can conduct joint operations across the globe and already boasts the world’s largest navy, according to the Pentagon’s latest annual assessment of the Chinese military.

A “permanent condition of military inferiority is anathema” to China’s leadership and nowhere is that more obvious in its naval build-up, Chad Sbragia, deputy assistant secretary of defense for China, said during a Tuesday American Enterprise Institute forum.

The Chinese Communist Party “has become increasingly confident [of] achieving its goal” of having “a world-class military by 2049.” A key component has been China’s continuing maritime build-up from its surface forces to ballistic missile submarines. He said its fleet numbers 350 warships compared to the United States’ 293.

“I would also draw your attention to weapons systems and it’s important to highlight the Chinese shipbuilding advantages in terms of its size of the fleet, is both in context of the broader modernization ambitions, virtual class military. This is a long-term challenge and it’s not only demarcated by a single variable, which would be total number of vessels, tonnage capacity, capabilities, location, posture, activities, and then other aspects,” he told a small group of reporters in a Pentagon briefing.

Sbragia said the Pentagon expects the Chinese fleet will number 360 warships by the end of this decade.

He added in the AEI forum that Beijing with its new confidence has become “more assertive” in its territorial disputes with its neighbors — from India to Taiwan to the South China Sea.

While “numbers are only one element” in measuring military power, China is also testing its far seas reach in exploring potential bases from Myanmar to Africa and South America.

“The global PLA military logistics network could interfere with U.S. military operations and those of our allies and provide flexibility to support offensive operations against the United States,” he told the reporters.


The launch of the Type 75 big-deck amphib in Shanghai on Sept. 25, 2019. PLAN Photo

At the AEI event, he added Beijing is also continuing to raise its defense spending across the board — from missiles to nuclear forces to space. He said the report expects that Beijing will double its nuclear stockpile of 200 weapons over the next 10 years. “The number of warheads is not the whole picture,” he said. The investments are also being put into submarines, air-launched cruise missiles, modified bombers, “the full suite and capacity” of its nuclear program.

The report “points out that China’s near-complete lack of transparency over its nuclear forces raised legitimate questions over China’s intent as it fields larger and more capable nuclear forces. And this includes the near completion of what we consider to be a triad capacity, which would include those land-based kinds of capabilities,” Sbragia said at the Pentagon. He mentioned more road-based missile-launchers and building ground-based silos.

Sbragia pointed out at the AEI forum that China emphasized developing an intermediate-range ballistic missile program to achieve an asymmetric advantage over the United States and demonstrate that capability to bordering nations. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces [INF] treaty barred the United States and Russia from the continued development of these weapons.

Moscow’s deployment of intermediate-range cruise missiles led the United States to say it was no longer bound by the treaty’s terms.

China demonstrated this capability earlier this summer in one of its largest live-fire military exercises. The missiles landed in disputed territorial waters.

Sbragia called out the Chinese for saying they are abiding by acceptable norms of international behavior and seeking peaceful resolution of disputes, but then turning around and conducting exercises like these and dismissing international tribunal rulings against them.

“We’ve increased our military actions” in response. He was referring to U.S. U-2 overflights of the exercises and freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea and elsewhere.

“When we say we’re committed; we’re committed. We’re all in” to demonstrate an open Indo-Pacific to China, allies and partners.


On the missile shots, “they’ve done that on purpose” to cow other claimants to those waters. “We don’t understand why the Chinese are doing that. [But] here we are again” countering a bullying China.

The “revisionist policies” Xi Jinping is pursuing include revising the international order of rules that have governed behavior for more than 70 years. “Things are changing rapidly” in China’s drive for great power status.

“The PLA [People’s Liberation Army] is not just to be a showpiece of modernity” in equipment to other powers and bordering nations. He added that the military command structure is also becoming more accustomed to joint operations of its forces, innovative in tactics and operations, and better skilled in what it means to operate military forces globally.

Sbragia said China’s leaders realize “its military is not 10-feet tall, but [their]aim is ultimately to be 10-feet tall.”

Closer to the Chinese mainland, Sbragia said “the unification of Taiwan, Macao and Hong Kong are essential” to Xi’s vision for Beijing’s future. “2020 has served as a critical marker for China” in the development of its amphibious forces, necessary if it were to try to take Taiwan by force.

Though not reaching all its goals, Sbragia said the “aspiration is to have compulsive and coercion tools” available. The Navy recently completed two transits through the Taiwan Strait to remind the Chinese that force is not an option in reunification.

Oh I see how it is. The pentagon releases news that you agree with, so now it’s not fake news?
Pentagon Report: China Now Has World’s Largest Navy as Beijing Expands Military Influence
By: John Grady
September 1, 2020 5:31 PM

China is bent on creating a world-class military that can conduct joint operations across the globe and already boasts the world’s largest navy, according to the Pentagon’s latest annual assessment of the Chinese military.

A “permanent condition of military inferiority is anathema” to China’s leadership and nowhere is that more obvious in its naval build-up, Chad Sbragia, deputy assistant secretary of defense for China, said during a Tuesday American Enterprise Institute forum.

The Chinese Communist Party “has become increasingly confident [of] achieving its goal” of having “a world-class military by 2049.” A key component has been China’s continuing maritime build-up from its surface forces to ballistic missile submarines. He said its fleet numbers 350 warships compared to the United States’ 293.

“I would also draw your attention to weapons systems and it’s important to highlight the Chinese shipbuilding advantages in terms of its size of the fleet, is both in context of the broader modernization ambitions, virtual class military. This is a long-term challenge and it’s not only demarcated by a single variable, which would be total number of vessels, tonnage capacity, capabilities, location, posture, activities, and then other aspects,” he told a small group of reporters in a Pentagon briefing.

Sbragia said the Pentagon expects the Chinese fleet will number 360 warships by the end of this decade.

He added in the AEI forum that Beijing with its new confidence has become “more assertive” in its territorial disputes with its neighbors — from India to Taiwan to the South China Sea.

While “numbers are only one element” in measuring military power, China is also testing its far seas reach in exploring potential bases from Myanmar to Africa and South America.

“The global PLA military logistics network could interfere with U.S. military operations and those of our allies and provide flexibility to support offensive operations against the United States,” he told the reporters.


The launch of the Type 75 big-deck amphib in Shanghai on Sept. 25, 2019. PLAN Photo

At the AEI event, he added Beijing is also continuing to raise its defense spending across the board — from missiles to nuclear forces to space. He said the report expects that Beijing will double its nuclear stockpile of 200 weapons over the next 10 years. “The number of warheads is not the whole picture,” he said. The investments are also being put into submarines, air-launched cruise missiles, modified bombers, “the full suite and capacity” of its nuclear program.

The report “points out that China’s near-complete lack of transparency over its nuclear forces raised legitimate questions over China’s intent as it fields larger and more capable nuclear forces. And this includes the near completion of what we consider to be a triad capacity, which would include those land-based kinds of capabilities,” Sbragia said at the Pentagon. He mentioned more road-based missile-launchers and building ground-based silos.

Sbragia pointed out at the AEI forum that China emphasized developing an intermediate-range ballistic missile program to achieve an asymmetric advantage over the United States and demonstrate that capability to bordering nations. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces [INF] treaty barred the United States and Russia from the continued development of these weapons.

Moscow’s deployment of intermediate-range cruise missiles led the United States to say it was no longer bound by the treaty’s terms.

China demonstrated this capability earlier this summer in one of its largest live-fire military exercises. The missiles landed in disputed territorial waters.

Sbragia called out the Chinese for saying they are abiding by acceptable norms of international behavior and seeking peaceful resolution of disputes, but then turning around and conducting exercises like these and dismissing international tribunal rulings against them.

“We’ve increased our military actions” in response. He was referring to U.S. U-2 overflights of the exercises and freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea and elsewhere.

“When we say we’re committed; we’re committed. We’re all in” to demonstrate an open Indo-Pacific to China, allies and partners.


On the missile shots, “they’ve done that on purpose” to cow other claimants to those waters. “We don’t understand why the Chinese are doing that. [But] here we are again” countering a bullying China.

The “revisionist policies” Xi Jinping is pursuing include revising the international order of rules that have governed behavior for more than 70 years. “Things are changing rapidly” in China’s drive for great power status.

“The PLA [People’s Liberation Army] is not just to be a showpiece of modernity” in equipment to other powers and bordering nations. He added that the military command structure is also becoming more accustomed to joint operations of its forces, innovative in tactics and operations, and better skilled in what it means to operate military forces globally.

Sbragia said China’s leaders realize “its military is not 10-feet tall, but [their]aim is ultimately to be 10-feet tall.”

Closer to the Chinese mainland, Sbragia said “the unification of Taiwan, Macao and Hong Kong are essential” to Xi’s vision for Beijing’s future. “2020 has served as a critical marker for China” in the development of its amphibious forces, necessary if it were to try to take Taiwan by force.

Though not reaching all its goals, Sbragia said the “aspiration is to have compulsive and coercion tools” available. The Navy recently completed two transits through the Taiwan Strait to remind the Chinese that force is not an option in reunification.

Many decades ago a famous and smart professor who taught at Georgetown University, at Harvard and at Princeton, CARROLL QUIGLEY, in his well-known 1348-page epitome, Tragedy And Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time, already identified the forces that have SHAPED the mankind civilization [over millenniums]. Quigley divided these forces into SIX ASPECTS: military, political, economic, social, religious, and intellectual.

Note that Professor Quigley placed “MILITARY” force at the head of the list. He was a hard-nosed realist when it came to the role of power in society; to the ultimate basis of power upon armed force; and of the dependence, reach and effectiveness of armed force upon weaponry:

“… the nature, organization and control of weapons is the most significant of the numerous factors that determines what happens in political life.” (p. 1200)

TRAGEDY AND HOPE is also presented from the vantage point of one who was close to the official halls of American power, as a lecturer on diverse subjects at the U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory; the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute; the Naval College; and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. He was a consultant to the Congressional Select Committee which created NASA; and to the Navy’s Project Seabed whose task in 1964 was to project what U.S. Naval weapons systems would be like 12 years out. In addition are his memberships in scholarly bodies such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science; the American Anthropological Association; the American Economic Association, to name just a few. Any one of these accomplishments could be considered as a milestone, lifetime achievement.

Readers can read further at my previous post here!

Now just look at the USA in last few decades. By maintaining its overwhelming military power, it can enforce the world to keep on accepting the USD as the World Reserve Currency
, i.e. the global trading currency, even though today the USA is practically manufacturing just a few real stuffs, and its percentage to the worldwide trading is shrinking. Thus the U.S. can live lavishly exchanging its fiat papers and more often, simply the bank's ledgers in electronic digits of ones and zeroes, to those real produces manufactured by other nations, all the sweat and labour, in exchange for the confetti paper and e-digits backed by etherware. The Chinese people must be toiling extremely hard for all the material wealth and progresses they have been achieving, and in that process they are also sacrificing some environmental damages in their land as well.

It's very clear that USA had long acknowledged the virtues of maintaining strong military even though its manufacturing may be in miserable state. It simply dupes the rest of the world by some Santa Claus stories. By keeping that muscle powers it can coerce others to do all the hard works for servicing the "exceptional" master.

For those who did not agree and tried to escape from the Petrodollar Regime's dictates, like the Saddam Hussein (IRAQ) with his Euro-oil transactions, Muammar Gaddafi (LIBYA) with his Gold Dinar currency initiative for the North Africa (Maghrib Region) economic union backed by the Libyan gold reserve, and other very long lists after the World War II, mostly related to taking over the natural resources esp. energy supplies though some cases were more about the geopolitical needs / strategic geographical locations (just read Steve Kangas for the long list) or VENEZUELA and IRAN nowadays, which are not selling their oil in USD, those nations were either destroyed or having difficult lives put under the U.S. constant pressure of asset seizures and various sanctions here and there. Or look at the fate of Evo Morales in BOLIVIA when he tried to secure the Bolivian own economic interests in the Bolivian's own Lithium mining, just an example of the long list of economic benefits gained by the coercion of military force. The brute force of military muscles just ensure the good and lavish life style for the "indispensable nation", work little enjoy the most.

Just imagine, a nation of five percent of the world's population are consuming about 20% of the world wide produces while itself only manufactures a little with the constant huge trade deficits covered only by its miraculous World Reserve Currency backed by no gold ever since the collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary agreement in 1971. The great pile of debt has no clear consequences yet due to the Global Reserve Currency status safeguarded by the huge military muscles in over 1,000 military outposts and 11 CVBG.

Who the great fool still believes that the military power ain't the most decisive form of power?

And who in his sane mind does not want such burden-free, luxurious life style like that one in the USA? All made possible by its overwhelming military muscle, which is the highest chain of importance!
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Many decades ago a famous and smart professor who taught at Georgetown University, at Harvard and at Princeton, CARROLL QUIGLEY, in his well-known 1348-page epitome, Tragedy And Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time, already identified the forces that have SHAPED the mankind civilization [over millenniums]. Quigley divided these forces into SIX ASPECTS: military, political, economic, social, religious, and intellectual.

Note that Professor Quigley placed “MILITARY” force at the head of the list. He was a hard-nosed realist when it came to the role of power in society; to the ultimate basis of power upon armed force; and of the dependence, reach and effectiveness of armed force upon weaponry:

“… the nature, organization and control of weapons is the most significant of the numerous factors that determines what happens in political life.” (p. 1200)

TRAGEDY AND HOPE is also presented from the vantage point of one who was close to the official halls of American power, as a lecturer on diverse subjects at the U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory; the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute; the Naval College; and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. He was a consultant to the Congressional Select Committee which created NASA; and to the Navy’s Project Seabed whose task in 1964 was to project what U.S. Naval weapons systems would be like 12 years out. In addition are his memberships in scholarly bodies such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science; the American Anthropological Association; the American Economic Association, to name just a few. Any one of these accomplishments could be considered as a milestone, lifetime achievement.

Readers can read further at my previous post here!

Now just look at the USA in last few decades. By maintaining its overwhelming military power, it can enforce the world to keep on accepting the USD as the World Reserve Currency
, i.e. the global trading currency, even though today the USA is practically manufacturing just a few real stuffs, and its percentage to the worldwide trading is shrinking. Thus the U.S. can live lavishly exchanging its fiat papers and more often, simply the bank's ledgers in electronic digits of ones and zeroes, to those real produces manufactured by other nations, all the sweat and labour, in exchange for the confetti paper and e-digits backed by etherware. The Chinese people must be toiling extremely hard for all the material wealth and progresses they have been achieving, and in that process they are also sacrificing some environmental damages in their land as well.

It's very clear that USA had long acknowledged the virtues of maintaining strong military even though its manufacturing may be in miserable state. It simply dupes the rest of the world by some Santa Claus stories. By keeping that muscle powers it can coerce others to do all the hard works for servicing the "exceptional" master.

For those who did not agree and tried to escape from the Petrodollar Regime's dictates, like the Saddam Hussein (IRAQ) with his Euro-oil transactions, Muammar Gaddafi (LIBYA) with his Gold Dinar currency initiative for the North Africa (Maghrib Region) economic union backed by the Libyan gold reserve, and other very long lists after the World War II, mostly related to taking over the natural resources esp. energy supplies though some cases were more about the geopolitical needs / strategic geographical locations (just read Steve Kangas for the long list) or VENEZUELA and IRAN nowadays, which are not selling their oil in USD, those nations were either destroyed or having difficult lives put under the U.S. constant pressure of asset seizures and various sanctions here and there. Or look at the fate of Evo Morales in BOLIVIA when he tried to secure the Bolivian own economic interests in the Bolivian's own Lithium mining, just an example of the long list of economic benefits gained by the coercion of military force. The brute force of military muscles just ensure the good and lavish life style for the "indispensable nation", work little enjoy the most.

Just imagine, a nation of five percent of the world's population are consuming about 20% of the world wide produces while itself only manufactures a little with the constant huge trade deficits covered only by its miraculous World Reserve Currency backed by no gold ever since the collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary agreement in 1971. The great pile of debt has no clear consequences yet due to the Global Reserve Currency status safeguarded by the huge military muscles in over 1,000 military outposts and 11 CVBG.

Who the great fool still believes that the military power ain't the most decisive form of power?

And who in his sane mind does not want such burden-free, luxurious life style like that one in the USA? All made possible by its overwhelming military muscle, which is the highest chain of importance!
Disagree with this statement. Soviet Union pursue an expensive military build up with US and ended up bankrupt itself!

Despite US bragging themselves as military power and the still lack the ball to fire the first shot at China , don't even dare to declare war on Iran for firing ballistic missile at their base in Iraq.

Decades of military misadventures has cost US their fortune and US now can only provoke instead of fighting a real war.

China is avoiding all the mistakes of US and Soviet.
Disagree with this statement. Soviet Union pursue an expensive military build up with US and ended up bankrupt itself!

Despite US bragging themselves as military power and the still lack the ball to fire the first shot at China , don't even dare to declare war on Iran for firing ballistic missile at their base in Iraq.

Decades of military misadventures has cost US their fortune and US now can only provoke instead of fighting a real war.

China is avoiding all the mistakes of US and Soviet.
The Soviet did not have the deep coffer of the so-called "World Reserve Currency". They even did not produce enough stuffs for their own consumption (Soviet + members of Warsaw Pact + its other allies). The Bolshevik Soviet was a bad example that relied solely on military muscles and lacked every other things.

This AA empire is much more cunning, it mixes the muscles with all other things, including but not limiting to religion and cultural (language) and other soft power, at least a little here a little there, in combination seemingly a good, whole package. Btw no one says that China should follow the either path.
Here is how the short term future after a decade will look like.
After 2030 China will surpass US in many aspects thus will become the only super power in this world. There will still be other major military powers ofcourse but none will match China economically.
Pakistan because of the close alliance with China will get the most benefit than any other country in the world thus it will not just become the most powerful and important regional power but will also excercise power beyond region.
India because of the growing internal problems plus lacking support from any major power including Russia and US will even cease to exist as a regional power. And I will surprised if by 2030 India won't divide . Due to the increased Chinese and pakistani influence in the region indian economic development and foreign relations will be affected negatively. The way things are going India will definitely be isolated in the region. Say thanks to changing global picture and Modi and RSS.
Here is how the short term future after a decade will look like.
After 2030 China will surpass US in many aspects thus will become the only super power in this world. There will still be other major military powers ofcourse but none will match China economically.
Pakistan because of the close alliance with China will get the most benefit than any other country in the world thus it will not just become the most powerful and important regional power but will also excercise power beyond region.
India because of the growing internal problems plus lacking support from any major power including Russia and US will even cease to exist as a regional power. And I will surprised if by 2030 India won't divide . Due to the increased Chinese and pakistani influence in the region indian economic development and foreign relations will be affected negatively. The way things are going India will definitely be isolated in the region. Say thanks to changing global picture and Modi and RSS.
agree with your assessment. but I'm sure the Chinese government is very careful & well aware to any dirty tricks the west may attempt. unlike us Pakistanis, the Chinese are proactive, not reactive.
ok china has had more overall naval ships then the USA for the last 10 years.

they closed some of the gap in capabilities. but it still a large gap.

1st lets look at what kind of conflict would a China VS USA would be.
a. China on the offensive (ships venture out to invade/Attack Guam, Hawaii, Alaska & and other US Pacific Islands and US Shipping with it capital Ships & Submarines)
b. China on the defensive (China is defending it coast and waterways)
C. China doing both offensive and Defensive

2nd would it just be China vs the USA or would it be China at war with either Taiwan, Japan, ROK, Australia or a combo of some or all of them?
a. China on the offensive (ships venture out to invade/Attack Taiwan, Japan, ROK or US Pacific Islands and US/Allies Shipping with it capital Ships & Submarines)
b. China on the defensive (China is defending it coast and waterways)
C. China doing both offensive and Defensive

lets look a China Offensive
China Blue water offensive capabilities are still far behind those of the US alone and would be soundly defeated if they ventured out from under it ADA (SAM/GUN), AShM, Coastal gun Defense, Land Base Air Forces (Fighter, ELINT, AEWC, C2 & ASW) or their large coastal patrol crafts (71 Corvette, 346 Large Patrol Ships, 357 little patrol Boats)

Blue Water Forces
2 Aircraft Carriers (CV)
2 Landing Helicopter Docks (LHD)
8 Guided Missile Cruisers (CGHM)
40 Guided Missile Destroyers (DDGHM)
2 Guided Missile Destroyers (DDGM)
39 Guided Missile Frigates (FFGHM)
7 Guided Missile Frigates (FFGM)
10 Guided Missile Frigates (FFG)
110 Total Ships

Submarine forces still has 25 old Song & Ming SSKs. all the SSK have limited range.
12 Nuclear powered Attack Submarines (SSN)
57 Diesel powered Attack Submarines (SSK)
69 Total

seaborne Air Wing (major weakness) they have the ability to carry 48 Fighter jets and 180 Helicopters. the issue is they don't have that many and even if they did. it not enough. the limited range of the AEW Helicopters means the USA would have better chance of detecting the China ships 1st and attacking and sinking them once they got in the deep ocean. also the small number of ASW means they would also have less warning or ASW capabilities vs US Submarines.

current Forces
20 J15 Fighters (Capable Fighter)
28 ASW helicopters
10 AEW Helicopters
18 MR Helicopters
11 SAR Helicopters
38 Transport Helicopters

US Forces
12 Nuclear powered Aircraft Carriers (CVN)
2 Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA)
7 Landing Helicopter Docks (LHD) not counting the one that burned.
24 Guided Missile Cruisers (CGHM)
44 Guided Missile Destroyers (DDGHM)
28 Guided Missile Destroyers (DDGM)
4 Guided Missile Frigate (FFGHM)
21 Guided Missile Frigate (FFHM)
142 Total ships

Submarines forces still have 13 outdated SSGN & 3 SSN (Older Los Angles, Ohio & Seawolf)
51 Nuclear powered Guided Missile Submarines (SSGN)
3 Nuclear power Attack Submarines (SSN)
54 Total

Air Wing arms is a super strength of the USA they have amazing capabilities from huge numbers of fighters, AEW planes, large numbers of ASWs and even MCM. The Naval Air & Marine Air Wing gives they a huge ability to detect and attack any naval forces 1st and at range. the LHA & LHD have reinforced flight decks thus allowing them to surge into aircraft carriers them self that can carrier 20 fighters in a conventional conflict for naval and air dominance. they have the abilty to carrier 700 Fighters, 48 EA18G (EW), 48 AEWC planes & 330 Helicopters

Current Forces
31 F35C (Advance)
80 F35B (Advance)
274 F18F (Modern)
310 F18E (Modern)
320 F18C/D (Capable)
38 F18A/B (Capable but old)
1053 Total fighters

109 AV-8B (Ground Attack)
163 EA18G (EW)
82 AEW&C planes
276 ASW Helicopters
271 MR Helicopters
35 Mine Counter Measure Helicopters
3 ISR Helicopters
5 Transport Copters
322 MV-22B

Overall China has a very limited offensive capabilities when compared to the USA ability to defended and if you add any allies it next to impossible.

China currently is well suited for Defensive operations. with it layered defense for ADA, AShM, Huge Coastal Patrol Missile ships & ground base Air cover.

other then a possible attack on Taiwan. which then would likely get cut off once the full might of the USA come to bear.

Overall it will likely take another 2 decades to equal the USA on the offensive end. and likely 3 to 4 to be able to be able to over power the USA, Japan, Taiwan, ROK & Australia. but to do this China will need t o improve it naval air wing. that means getting away from jump jet carriers. this will allow them to carry longer range AEWC & EW planes. which will greatly improve their combat abilities in the deep ocean.

Remember the USSR Navy was also better then the USA Navy in 1989. but it capacities also lagged far behind. the PLA Leaders understand this and are playing the long game well.


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