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Palestine : A capital Question


May 19, 2006
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A capital question

May 10th 2007 | JERUSALEM
From The Economist print edition
More Palestinians are losing their right to live in Jerusalem than ever before

ON May 15th, “Nakba [Catastrophe] Day”, Palestinians mourn the loss of most of their homeland to the newborn state of Israel. In a grim irony for them, this year's “Jerusalem Day”, the date in the lunar Jewish calendar when Israel celebrates its “reunification” of the city after capturing the West Bank in the 1967 war, falls the day after.

The 245,000 Palestinians from Jerusalem itself will feel the irony extra sharply. Last year 1,363 of them, many from generations-old Jerusalem families, lost their right to live in the city—up more than six-fold on the year before, and the highest annual total ever.

Demography has been the chief battle-ground for control of the holy city ever since Israel annexed the eastern, Arab part. It tried to consolidate its hold by building Jewish neighbourhoods (illegal settlements, in the eyes of international law) around the Arab ones. Systematic under-funding of municipal services in the east also drove many Palestinians to live in nearby Ramallah or Bethlehem, in the West Bank. Still, Jews today make up only 66% of the city's population, compared with 74% in 1967; a study published this week reported that the Arab growth rate is nearly twice that of the Jewish one.
Israel, meanwhile, has found various grounds to revoke the “permanent resident” status granted to most Arab Jerusalemites after the annexation. This bestows the right to work, get social benefits and vote in local elections, but not a passport or a vote in Israel's national elections—nor, apparently, permanence. In 1995 Israel began to strip the status from Palestinians who could not prove that their “centre of life” was in Jerusalem. It stopped four years later, after it emerged that the policy was making more of them move back.
Now they lose their status if they live abroad for more than seven years or get residency or citizenship in another country. In this respect, Israel treats them like other non-naturalised immigrants, “though it was Israel, in effect, that immigrated to them,” points out Yotam Ben-Hillel, a lawyer at HaMoked, a legal-advice centre. Last year's spike in revocations, the interior ministry wrote to B'Tselem, an Israeli human-rights group, was because of “an improvement in working procedures and control at the ministry, above all at border crossings”.
Even so, Arab Jerusalemites can get their residency back if they have visited Israel at least once every three years. The trouble is that they lose it automatically, sometimes without knowing, and then have to prove their right to it. Ahmed Jubran, who moved abroad in 1989 and has had American citizenship since 1997, says he has come back to visit his relatives at least once a year. Two years ago Israeli border officials began stamping his American passport instead of the laissez-passer that Israel issues to Arab Jerusalemites. They also warned him that he might not always get a visa. Only three months ago did he learn that he had lost his residency. “I'll do anything to get it back,” he says. “Hell, I'll even become Jewish if they want.”
Off you go

However, Jerusalemites who live elsewhere in the West Bank can lose their residency too. Since merely leaving the city entails no border-crossings and thus leaves no records, the authorities subject anyone they suspect of living outside it to a battery of checks, from producing municipal tax receipts and utility bills to enduring frequent home visits from inspectors who poke through sock drawers and kitchen cabinets.
Jerusalemites might have more say over their fate if most did not boycott municipal elections. They stay away partly out of protest, but partly, says Rami Nasrallah, head of the International Peace and Co-operation Centre in Jerusalem, because the fear of losing residency shapes all their contacts with the authorities. “They have become more individualistic,” he says. “It's a survival strategy.”

IMO Palestinians are the most wronged people on earth. They had very little say in the Balfour agreement with the French during WW1. When the Turkish province of " Bilad-esh- Sham" was artificially divided most of the Palestine came under the British mandate. Subsequently the whole world had so much sympathy with the Jews following the holocast that British virtually turned a blind eye to the illegal Jewish immigration to the Palestine.

Since 1948 Palestinians have become refugees in side their own country. As Jews control the US media, there have a succession of pro Israeli US Presidents. Until this changes, regret to say that there is going to be no justice for the Palestine.
But Sir; Jews also belong to palestine dont they?

ps: I knew such a good topic; would make you post something rather than just read through, I dont blame you the last few weeks aint exactly the forum's highest nor mine.
But Sir; Jews also belong to palestine dont they?

What point you want to prove?
Where were they for last 2000 years or so before start of 20th century?
Why you again and again support there cruel and apartheid policies?
Whole world knows the conspiracy behund there coming back or bringing back to Palestine.
No group or tribe or govt in Central Asia will accept any authority or ownership of Aryans if they try to do so by force in case of that region which is their origin.India is there nation now.
. .
But Sir; Jews also belong to palestine dont they?

ps: I knew such a good topic; would make you post something rather than just read through, I dont blame you the last few weeks aint exactly the forum's highest nor mine.

I only post when I have something to say, no point in repeating what has already been said and I would rather ignore nonsensical / emotional posts.

Regarding Jews. Yes they belonged to Palestine "Long time ago". Most of the new emgires were European or 'Ashknazi' jewry. Todate there is a divide between the Eastern or Safadi Jewes and Ashknazis in Israel. Most of the ruling oligarchs belong to the Ashknazis. You cannot trace your history back two millenia and claim the land. There were Jews living in Palestine since eternity, population percentage was small ( not too different from say Indian Jews in Bombay) and there was no conflict worth mention. In fact Crusading Christians didnot differentiate between Muslims and Jews when they massacred the whole population of Acre.

Jews and Zionism gained influence with the rise of Benjamin Disraeli during the Victorian England. Disraeli, even though converted Christian, claimed descent from a princely Jewish family and supported efforts to create a Jewish state in Palestine. This materialised some 70 years later. Jews have a toast " Next year in Jerusalem" on the feast of their most holy day.

I am settled in UK and deal with Jews quite a lot. I found them to be a very cultured people. I am not anti Jew, I am however anti Zionist because I disagree with the forcing any thing down people's throat. Basically I am not anti any religion but will resist any thing which is imposed by the use of force. Israel is a state created by force and owes its existence to the use of brutal force. Israel believe in killing 100 palestinians for each Israeli killed and use the tactics Nazis employed during Polish repression in WW2. All the more pity that US vetoes any condemnation of Israel in the UN. I will be opposing any regime and or religion including Islam which used same methods to impose their will. That is why I am also anti Taleban.
most of the information you wrote are new to me, so i would have to read a little before I post.
Another question, The jews cant pack up and just leave now can they, They are a reality of the middle east. Arabs/Persians will have to just live with that.

I only post when I have something to say, no point in repeating what has already been said and I would rather ignore nonsensical / emotional posts.
Patience and Wisdom, I see
Must be the age sir, I can hardly resist, Hope you are having great vacation.
FYI the feast where Jews toast 'Next year in Jerusalem' is called Yom Kippur.
But Sir; Jews also belong to palestine dont they?

Jews, the seeds of Abram originated from the city of Ur in the Land of Chaldea in present southern Iraq, a long journey alongside the Euphrates brought them in Kana'an, present time Palestine.
Tell you more tomorrow.
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