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Pakistan's privatization tsar embarks on quest to revive economy


Jul 22, 2012
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Mehreen Zahra-MalikReuters
3:11 p.m. CST, February 2, 2014

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Mohammad Zubair was on a cruise dinner with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in Thailand when he was offered the hardest job of his life: privatizing a huge chunk of the economy while fighting resistance from the opposition and trade unions.
Seriously hope they used their own pocket money...
When the prime minister left the table, a colleague of former IBM executive Zubair rushed to his side.

"Are you mad? Three privatization ministers have gone to jail and most have corruption cases hanging over their heads," he said. "Don't take this job."
Yet they understand not! The lockup is prob their second home!
But Pakistan's new privatization tsar is determined to find buyers for 68 public companies, most of them loss-making, including two gas companies, an oil company, about 10 banks, the national airline and power distribution companies - all within the next two years.
That is it I am selling NS...whose bidding?
The government sees the sell-offs as a life saver for Pakistan's $225 billion economy crippled by power shortages, corruption and militant violence. Successful privatization is Sharif's top political and economic goal.
Sad that is all he is capable of...selling off Pakistan into bits and pieces...Wonder how he would feel if I cut him into pieces and sell him off?!
"We lose 500 billion rupees ($5 billion) annually because of failing enterprises," Zubair told Reuters. "Every day a file lands on a bureaucrat's desk and he has to take a decision he isn't qualified to. This can't go on, no matter what."
Why dont they try charging the people who pocketed and bought gifts with Nation's money? Or maybe find someone else who actually is qualified!
Pakistan can raise up to $5 billion in privatization revenue in the next two years to ease pressure on strained public finance, Zubair said.
And then what?
Last September, the International Monetary Fund saved Pakistan from a possible default by agreeing to lend it $6.7 billion over three years. In return, Pakistan must make good on a longstanding promise to privatize loss-making state companies.

Privatization officials, requesting anonymity, said several foreign investors, including the World Bank's private-sector arm, the International Finance Corporation, and the U.S. mutual fund Fidelity Investments have shown interest in the companies.
Then they wonder where terrorists get funding? You invite them then invite US to clean the mess then invite US to create it then clean it...Why are we going in circles?
But for Zubair, a former IBM chief financial officer for the Middle East and Africa, the real challenge is overcoming resistance from thousands of workers who will have to be laid off and opposition parties who are against the plan.
Yea make more recruits from the them terrorists! I can see what he did in Middle East and Africa...we see why they are in trouble now from unwanted unknown fully funded and equipped terrorists!
Once a source of pride, Pakistan International Airlines is struggling to stay aloft, having accumulated losses of more than 250 billion rupees. A quarter of its 40 aircraft are grounded. Flights are regularly cancelled and engineers say they have to cannibalize some planes to keep others flying.
Dear GOD! Why not search into what happened and charge that bastard with the bill?
Unions strongly oppose the privatization. The IMF wants the airline partially privatized by December.
Oh no wonder we get funds, so we get to be bossed?
Another asset is Pakistan Steel Mills, which has accumulated losses of more than 100 billion rupees. Overstaffed by at least three times, employees haven't been paid since October.
Wonder how that happened if it was state owned?
"I should not use this word but what has happened is the complete rape of this institution," said Zubair.
Oh really? We didnt realize! Did you just wake up?
An attempt to privatize the mill in 2006 was blocked by the then chief justice. Foreign investment dwindled as deals got caught up in court. Now, under a new Supreme Court chief, officials say the prospects of reform have improved.


Under IMF conditions, financial advisers must be hired to evaluate the assets and examine accounts by June.
Yup spy on what we have where it is coming from and target what we dont have and what we may need?!
Zubair's daily work includes visits to opposition lawmakers, parliamentary committees and unions to convince them of his plan. But he has few takers.

"The answer to our current economic malaise lies not in hawking of state-owned institutions but in restructuring these industries," Bilawal Bhutto, chief of the former ruling Pakistan People's Party, wrote in a commentary.
says the brainy who nearly destroyed the ruins of an ancient civilization
Asad Umar, an opposition lawmaker and former chief executive of one of Pakistan's largest conglomerates, said privatization was being pursued on an unrealistic time frame and the criteria for identifying entities was inconsistent.

For Umar, it makes no sense that on the list with a bleeding airline are Oil and Gas Development Co. Ltd and Pakistan Petroleum Ltd , which made profits of 91 billion and 42 billion rupees respectively in 2013, and have zero debt.
Apparently someone wants to get rid off our assets and liabilities in 1 munch!
Not all sell-offs are expected to go smoothly.

A nine-year dispute between the government and Etisalat, the United Arab Emirates' largest telecoms firm, over payments from the privatization of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd, is seen as a discouragement for investors.

But Zubair says no plan is without risk.

"There is no magic wand to ensure that all these ventures will be successful," he said. "But the bottom line is that I'm not going to hold off privatization for anyone."

Pakistan's privatization tsar embarks on quest to revive economy| Reuters

Then prepared to be cut into pieces and sold to NS and IMF they can decide which % goes to whom!

I just soo wish we could pay back people in a pound of flesh (Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare)! We have plenty ...it shines on NS bald headed egg head!
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Be careful with Privatization.It is good for economy .But Pakistan must handle it carefully otherwise it become liability to democracy.
Mehreen Zahra-MalikReuters
3:11 p.m. CST, February 2, 2014

Seriously hope they used their own pocket money...
Yet they understand not! The lockup is prob their second home!
That is it I am selling NS...whose bidding?
Sad that is all he is capable of...selling off Pakistan into bits and pieces...Wonder how he would feel if I cut him into pieces and sell him off?!

Why dont they try charging the people who pocketed and bought gifts with Nation's money? Or maybe find someone else who actually is qualified!
And then what?
Then they wonder where terrorists get funding? You invite them then invite US to clean the mess then invite US to create it then clean it...Why are we going in circles?
Yea make more recruits from the them terrorists! I can see what he did in Middle East and Africa...we see why they are in trouble now from unwanted unknown fully funded and equipped terrorists!
Dear GOD! Why not search into what happened and charge that bastard with the bill?
Oh no wonder we get funds, so we get to be bossed?
Wonder how that happened if it was state owned?
Oh really? We didnt realize! Did you just wake up?
Yup spy on what we have where it is coming from and target what we dont have and what we may need?!
says the brainy who nearly destroyed the ruins of an ancient civilization
Apparently someone wants to get rid off our assets and liabilities in 1 munch!
Then prepared to be cut into pieces and sold to NS and IMF they can decide which % goes to whom!

I just soo wish we could pay back people in a pound of flesh (Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare)! We have plenty ...it shines on NS bald headed egg head!

do you know who this Mohammad Zubair is, he is Zubair Umar and brother of your know who...thou the holliest, whose songs you and your likes sing before going to bed and first thing after you wake up...but one Umer is good because he is with Imran but the other Umer is bad because he is with NS.

anyway, is your problem with privatization or privatization by NS. do you want to keep all those assets so all coming govts can pocket money also, keep pumping money into these companies so someone keep looting, then PPP comes back and crowd them again with Jaylays. In every govt the biggest issue is always to save these companies, instead of running the country their main focus becomes these companies....Why not bite the bullet once and get rid of the source of 90% of corruption in Pakistan??
do you know who this Mohammad Zubair is, he is Zubair Umar and brother of your know who...thou the holliest, whose songs you and your likes sing before going to bed and first thing after you wake up...but one Umer is good because he is with Imran but the other Umer is bad because he is with NS.
I dont know what you sing before you sleep, I just read a few Surahs! Maybe try reading the article before you blast people blindly!!

anyway, is your problem with privatization or privatization by NS. do you want to keep all those assets so all coming govts can pocket money also, keep pumping money into these companies so someone keep looting, then PPP comes back and crowd them again with Jaylays. In every govt the biggest issue is always to save these companies, instead of running the country their main focus becomes these companies....Why not bite the bullet once and get rid of the source of 90% of corruption in Pakistan??

He himself said he isnt qualified...Why not fight with him not to say such stuff on media?!

"We lose 500 billion rupees ($5 billion) annually because of failing enterprises," Zubair told Reuters. "Every day a file lands on a bureaucrat's desk and he has to take a decision he isn't qualified to. This can't go on, no matter what."

And lastly, you are in Canada so what difference does it make that they strip all of Pakistan apart? Even he said:

I should not use this word but what has happened is the complete rape of this institution," said Zubair.
Go tell him not to say such stuff if you cant swallow truth! Yes, by shutting truth up it sure is going to vanish!

For Umar, it makes no sense that on the list with a bleeding airline are Oil and Gas Development Co. Ltd and Pakistan Petroleum Ltd , which made profits of 91 billion and 42 billion rupees respectively in 2013, and have zero debt.
I am not in Paksitan and thats why I can see it clearly, you people in Pakistan dont. Ask anyone in PPP and they will raise hell about privatization, they are the real patriotic Pakistanis and they dont want to sell the cow. well the cow is old and not much milk left but if you insist i will support keeping the cows forever and one day we will bury them together
may allah save all these companies from greedy nooras, so you can keep using health and education money into every year so those 50000 PIA ex employees can get free health and free travel with family to canada and US twice a year. I personally know 3 ex-PIA families who are settled in Canada for over 10 years getting free health and pension here and free trips to Pakistan twice a year with free healthcare in Pakistan too as Ex-PIA...only in Pakistan
He himself said he isnt qualified...

That's not what he said. Where did you get that idea? He said that the bureaucrats in charge of state owned enterprises are not qualified to deal with the deep problems of those SOEs. And they are not qualified because no one ever expected things to go so badly. Can you understand that or not?
That's not what he said. Where did you get that idea? He said that the bureaucrats in charge of state owned enterprises are not qualified to deal with the deep problems of those SOEs. And they are not qualified because no one ever expected things to go so badly. Can you understand that or not?
My bad then....still my reply holds find someone qualified!

No one ever expected things to go so badly? Seriously? Are you telling me these people dont have a plan B? Then that is plain bad planning, let alone passing the decision which they are not qualified and then cry they did no wrong?
No one ever expected things to go so badly? Seriously? Are you telling me these people dont have a plan B? Then that is plain bad planning, let alone passing the decision which they are not qualified and then cry they did no wrong?

What does that have to do with this topic? This topic is about privatizing and taking the SOEs out of govt. hands so the govt.s plans a,b,c or whatever no longer matter. The private sector takes charge. It is about exiting the current rotten way of doing things and giving SOEs to new people who are motivated by profit and who will put their own money on the line.
Strictly merit based privatization is O.K, but the issue with Nawaz is of personalization.He'll probably sell Pakistan's core economic companies to his friends...friends, who have businesses, family, and stakes outside of Pakistan (in West)..and aren't even Pakistani to begin with (in practice).

PML(N) must pass Right to Information law same as that of PTI's before it decides to privatize Pakistani national assets. This will insure some transparency...hopefully.
Government has no business being in business.

GOP must sell off all stupid ventures like Pakistan Steel Mills, PIA, etc... without any regard to who is likely to benefit. GOP must get out of this madness. These bloody corporations have sucked us dry. Whenever these are off-loaded, someone somewhere would benefit somehow. Well this is not a good enough excuse to keep offering these parasitic corporations our blood.

Privatization should have happened during Zia's time in the '80s. Much would have been saved. With advent of PPP government in 1988, any hope for economic improvement was lost.
Talon it isn't governments job to run business Governments are elected by people to run the country. In pakistan case all crown corporation costing us billions/yr and pays no tax. why should we keep them.
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