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Pakistan's generals meet as relations with US hit new low


Jun 23, 2011
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Pakistani military join scramble to tackle crisis as tensions with US escalate, raising likelihood of more drone strikes

Pakistan's army chief has gathered his generals to discuss the escalating war of words with the US over the Haqqani insurgent network amid a deep sense of foreboding across the country.

The military refused to comment on the meeting chaired by General Ashfaq Kayani other than to say it was to discuss the "prevailing security situation". Media reports said the generals considered retaliatory action in the event of US military strikes in the north-western tribal belt.

Meanwhile the prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, recalled his foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar, who has strongly defended the military, from the United Nations in New York.

The political and military scrambling reflected the gravity of a crisis triggered by a 20-hour Haqqani assault on the US embassy in Kabul on 13 September, and subsequent US allegations that Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency was behind the attack.

On Sunday night militants again attacked the US embassy compound in Kabul. The BBC reported gunfire and an explosion. Reuters said a US government source had acknowledged the building targeted likely contained CIA offices.

Last week the outgoing US military chief, Admiral Mike Mullen, described the Haqqani network as a "veritable arm" of the ISI that were being used to fight a "proxy war" in Afghanistan.

The bare-knuckles criticism of Pakistan's military, unprecedented since 2001, has plunged already troubled relations between the two countries to a new low and led to widespread anxiety in Pakistan about what is coming next.

US actions will also be driven by domestic political pressure. In a taste of rising impatience with Pakistan, one senior Republican said the US was "going to have to put all options on the table, including defending our troops".

"We need to put Pakistan on notice," Senator Lindsey Graham, a member of the armed services committee, told Fox News.

Analysts say the US will have to take action, but there is little indication what it will be. "They have to do something; they can't leave it hanging like this," said regional analyst Michael Semple.

Speculation is rife. One option would be air strikes or a special forces raid into the Haqqani safehaven of North Waziristan in the tribal belt. But most analysts believe such a scenario is unlikely, at least for now, given the risks of triggering upheaval that could destabilise the Pakistani government, and even lead to a military takeover.

Instead there are suggestions that the US could increase the tempo of CIA-directed drone strikes against the Haqqanis, including on populated urban areas that the CIA has previously avoided.

One likely target would be Miran Shah, the main town in North Waziristan, where US officials complain the Haqqani leadership lives in close proximity to a major Pakistani base.

Pakistan's military admits it has contacts with the Haqqanis but insists they are for the purposes of gathering intelligence, not for priming attacks on US forces in Afghanistan.

"Any intelligence agency would like to maintain contact with whatever opposition group, whatever terrorist organisation … for some positive outcome," military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas told CNN.

President Asif Ali Zardari's government, meanwhile, finds itself hamstrung by a foreign policy it does not control. Paradoxically, this lack of power could insulate the civilians from a military takeover, said defence analyst Dr Hasan Askari-Rizvi.

"I don't think there will be a coup. The civilian government doesn't get in the military's way, so they have no need to knock them out," he said.

Meanwhile other tensions are bubbling along the northeastern part of the Afghan border, away from Waziristan. The Afghan defence ministry has accused Pakistan of firing over 300 artillery shells and rockets into Kunar and Nuristan provinces since Wednesday.

Pakistan says that Pakistani Taliban militants are using the same Afghan territory – recently vacated by US forces - to mount raids into Pakistan.

Behind the angry rhetoric between the US and Pakistan, there is a strong sense that both sides need each other – at least for now. Amid the firestorm of allegations a senior US officer, General James Mattis, paid General Kayani a visit on Saturday.

Prime minister Gilani perhaps put it most succinctly: "They can't live with us. They can't live without us."

My belief is both parties must work together but without trust their is major difficulty in moving forward.

Pakistan's generals meet as relations with US hit new low | World news | The Guardian
Its pretty funny the way the Americans made the statements on thursday and friday and then went away for the weekend while the whole of Pakistani establishment went into a tizzy.. FM being called back, all party meetings, Meetings of the corp commanders and what not.. Almost not even a peep from the US over the weekend.. Looks like Mullen, Panetta and all are enjoying their fall barbeques while most of the Pakistani govt is in hypergear..

Lets see what comes out today as Pentagon comes back from the weekend..
Its pretty funny the way the Americans made the statements on thursday and friday and then went away for the weekend while the whole of Pakistani establishment went into a tizzy.. FM being called back, all party meetings, Meetings of the corp commanders and what not.. Almost not even a peep from the US over the weekend.. Looks like Mullen, Panetta and all are enjoying their fall barbeques while most of the Pakistani govt is in hypergear..

Lets see what comes out today as Pentagon comes back from the weekend..

Come on yaar the Americans dont work at the weekend - there was some good films on at the weekend! lol
don’t see anyone from the news Media in the east and west, the esteemed news anchors, analysts and pundits questioning the Americans meeting with Taliban in Afghanistan and in Dubai? Why is that ok and Pakistan/ Haqqani link wrong?

While a lot of banter is aimed towards Pakistan regarding the Haqqanis (although they are simply Taliban under command of Mullah Omar) and their “safe sanctuaries” in North Waziristan, which is constantly under the aerial attacks from drones, the Pakistani protests regarding BLA and the TTP Fazlullah (who is openly making training and motivation videos from Afghanistan) are completely brushed aside and ignored.

If Haqqani movement between Pak Afghan borders is bad then why the similar movement of TTP between the two borders ok? Why not at least half a concern is shown towards a network that is operating against an “ally”?

The American war since Obama came to power is a picture of complete confusion and contradictions, First they decided the surge, the strategy fell flat on its face. Then they finally decided to take the Pashton population into consideration in the formation of political setup after their departure (which was what Pakistan advising from the day Americans invaded). Then Americans decided to include Taliban into discussion which was commendable but then decided to keep pressure on its leadership to have more bargaining power on the table (against the spirit of a dialog but well its war).

But when Pakistan cooperated and apprehended Mullah Bradar then it was seen as a Pakistan’s attempt to sabotage the peace efforts although the same Mullah who was the 2nd in command and part of the inner circle of Taliban leadership also gave leads that helped in capturing Osama bin Laden. Its amazing how conveniently any Pakistani effort that is reinforcing American campaign is either ignored or given a cursory mention to be forgotten in the barrage of anti-Pakistan reporting in the following days.

Although Americans seem to see sense when they decided to open dialog with the Taliban they spoiled it and lost the opportunity once again when they decided to keep the Southern Afghanistan Taliban coined as Haqqanis out of any such dialog. The strategy of divide and rule and cause rifts among Taliban was wishful and amateur. Because these are the guys who have been fighting together against an invading army that has shown equal hatred & disregard for life while encountering them or the civilians. When that didn’t help they decided to question and criticise the links between Pakistan and Taliban. people seem to forget the Cuban missile crises was only averted via dialog and parlays between Russians and Americans not through drones and missiles. The idea is loss minimisation and not loosing sight while riding the high horse (sight here is self preservation).

When it comes to making its point, I see a failure on the side of Pakistan that the state has so far not been able to expose and question this contradictory and self defeating American policy to the world. it blames Pakistan for the Taliban sanctuaries in the areas that it is constantly attacking but has no word to say when Pakistan points at the same escape routes and sanctuaries of TTP in Afghanistan. Americans are willing to talk to Taliban but also continue to capture their leadership and when Pakistan helps that is also not good. And while its ok for Americans to establish links and setup meetings in Gulf states, Pakistan is frowned upon if it seeks such links to ensure it doesn’t have another hostile entity in addition to TTP.

A breakdown of state and the enduring civil war in Afghanistan is a certainty once the Americans leave Afghanistan, the puppet government of Afghanistan that is confined to few blocks within the “safe zone” in Kabul wont last longer than few months if not weeks. At this time when Pakistan is facing insurgency and terrorism within its own territory and will have to brace for the inflow of the refugees from Afghanistan due to yet another civil war, it only makes sense that it doesn’t go out and look for more enemies that have not confronted it directly just because its stronger “SOON TO BE GONE” Ally wants it to go after them.
If the American senators and the state department together with CIA and its military explain to the world that what have their drones done so far against Haqqanis in North Waziristan then that will be helpful, if they cant do much then they better be called off because attacking funerals and weddings is hardly going to win them this war and put any dent to their nemeses. Maybe making half as much effort to stop TTP from using Afghan soil will help Pakistan to free up its resources to ensure the Taliban don’t use its soil to plan attacks against NATO in Afghanistan.

The Taliban have also seen this double sided policy of Americans and have famously rejected the American claims of negotiations because they can see what Americans are doing to their “allies” and continuing to hunt the Mullah Omar & other leaders is also no way of showing a trustworthy or serious intent of a peaceful dialog so they have responded in kind and are attacking the Afghan establishment in its “safest” zones. Seems like both the American media and the American government spokesmen have written down some catch phrases and key words on a “post it” notes “Haqqanis, “ISI” , Pakistan Army”. To be used immediately whenever the Taliban attack leaves a bloody nose of the worlds most advanced and powerful military ever in the history of mankind.
Watch this video and decide for yourself
Is it the fault of the American “allies” that they don’t understand America that well? or is it other way round? Looks like now Karzai also has “LINKS” with the Haqqanis..

Karzai being a Pashton and an Afghan (despite being an American puppet) seems to understand the need to include everyone in a dialogue to ensure peace after Americans leave this region, something similar which Pakistan is doing but since it shows American approach poorly so it has to be wrong.

some questions for my esteemed fellow members

1. Is Karzai also wrong?
2. or is only Pakistan wrong.
3. Do American "allies" not understand their bigger and stronger ally well?
4. Will Americans also criticise Karzai in their next news outburt or will they restrict themselves to Pakistan?
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