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Pakistan’s exports to EU rise to $6.38b, perks of GSP+ status.


Jan 6, 2015
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KARACHI – Commerce Minister Khurram Dastagir said that Pakistan’s exports to the European Union had advanced to $6.38 billion by 20 percent during the first 10 months of 2014 from the last year’s $5.3 billion.

The minister disclosed this during a seminar. On the occasion, the ‘Business Guide for GSP+’ was also launched. Dastagir said the preferential tariff scheme boosted export of textile, leather goods, footwear and plastic products.

Before the GSP+ status, the country’s exports to the European countries was falling particularly when the Drug Related Arrangement was terminated in 2005, he said. As a result tariff concessions granted in certain product categories were withdrawn. It landed Pakistan in a difficult situation as it had to compete with much stronger economies like India, Brazil and China for market share.

He said that from 2005 onwards the customs tariff on various products of textiles originating from Pakistan was between 6.4 and 12pc. The duty was around 6pc on leather products, including footwear, he added. But after the withdrawal of these duties, he said, Pakistan’s textile exports increased by over 20pc during Jan-Oct 2014 compared to the same period of 2013. Similarly, exports of textile to the EU rose from to $4.4bn from $3.6bn. The exports of garments grew by 28pc, home textiles by 30pc and towels by 23pc.

Source: GSP+ status: Pakistan’s exports to EU rise to $6.38b from $5.3b | Customs Today
i herad you garment products in best in class..
but i also heard they going bangladesh ?
yeah garments are like the main Pakistani exports i think more then 60% of Pakistani exports are somehow related to garments and yes the quality is the finest.

its true coz of all this power shortage issue a lot of companies are moving to BD but again its not like all of them are going there yess some of them are, includes big names too.
yeah garments are like the main Pakistani exports i think more then 60% of Pakistani exports are somehow related to garments and yes the quality is the finest.

its true coz of all this power shortage issue a lot of companies are moving to BD but again its not like all of them are going there yess some of them are, includes big names too.
good thing that pak getting back on normal..
hope you will do well in future too
thank you good to receive warm wishes from neighbours :).
99 % indians no issue with pak people..
expect same from vice a versa.
but few things are making thing difficult and ugly..
i read many stories where indian was shocked to see the pak hospitality and warmness and pleasty surpise ..
and so vice a versa..
in the end...... human first animal later..
that why w are human animal ..
both countires have people who dont deserv that life .. so its our repsonsibilty to give them good life. and not make more diffuclt
99 % indians no issue with pak people..
expect same from vice a versa.
but few things are making thing difficult and ugly..
i read many stories where indian was shocked to see the pak hospitality and warmness and pleasty surpise ..
and so vice a versa..
in the end...... human first animal later..
that why w are human animal ..
both countires have people who dont deserv that life .. so its our repsonsibilty to give them good life. and not make more diffuclt
i second every word you have written, both countries have done nothing for common ppl. every time the government changes these bloody politicians gets more money and become even richer. they are the ones who are breeding hatred against Indian in Pakistan and against Pakistanis in india.
but they are the one ruling us all we could say is that God have mercy on both countries and may we see a day where we do not have this enmity against each others. :)
i second every word you have written, both countries have done nothing for common ppl. every time the government changes these bloody politicians gets more money and become even richer. they are the ones who are breeding hatred against Indian in Pakistan and against Pakistanis in india.
but they are the one ruling us all we could say is that God have mercy on both countries and may we see a day where we do not have this enmity against each others. :)
i cant say all politicain.. they are also people in the end.. they are there becuause we let them go there.. somtime by will or by ignorace or by fear or neglegnace..
in india till now even today election faught on basis of caste .. then road ..water. education . etc
even voter knows that other guy is genuine and can do work but from other caste so no vote and vote knwoing same caste guy never come in next 5 yr .. and eat all money but pride of caste become more than rest.. so people deserve to ahve caste at there hand keep other amenties at bay and then people start shouting we dont have this and that

luckily .. thtat trend is going down in most of india ..
people still vote for caste but its not no.1 criteria .. now people asking job..electricity .. water. edu..so voting who ever can deliver depsite being ny caste..
many people hate Modi but know Gandhi cant deilver or did not deliver on job education and other parameter as pepple expected .. so they gave modi for non corrptun and effficinet govt if bjp cant delever people will say by in next election to them..

god will not mercy us till we help our self.. he will give excess rain but we have bulid dams.. he will give excess heat we have cool earth with cliamte change stratgies and solar power.. its up to us.. then god..

no pakistani common man agianst indinan and vice a versa..
they think what they will do tomrrow for ther bread and butter.. there childrren educ.. xyz..
than jihad ... relgion change -dharma parivartan..
a hindu guy enjoy shir kurma on eid and muslim enjoy holis colour..
thats a human nature ..

so few people-politicain making thing ugly.. for both countires.. india is home of largest poor and undernourish people -children not a good sign for any nation.. so pak have its own issue ..
so better focus on that than fighting and making each other life difuclt..
so i said.. good export good money for **** people so good for all
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