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Pakistan's dirty 'deal' with Putin (daily mail BS headline)


Sep 15, 2006
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United Kingdom
Pakistan today became the first major nation to back pariah Vladimir Putin as it signed the first new trade deal with Russia since the invasion of Ukraine.

Prime Minister and former cricketer Imran Khan has said that his country will import about 2million tons of wheat and supplies of natural gas after meeting the Russian President last Thursday - the day he sent troops into its sovereign neighbour.

Despite Russia facing international isolation and a raft of sanctions crippling its economy, Khan has defended potentially pumping billions into the Kremlin's coffers saying Pakistan's economic interests 'required it'.

He said of the two-day trip: 'We went there because we have to import 2million tons of wheat from Russia. Secondly, we have signed agreements with them to import natural gas because Pakistan's own gas reserves are depleting,' Khan said, adding: 'Inshallah (God willing), the time will tell that we have had great discussions'.

Putin today moved to block foreign companies pulling out of Russia and trap their cash to prop up their imploding war economy after BP and Shell pledged to sell up £15billion ($20bn) of joint ventures following the invasion of Ukraine.

Meanwhile in the same article;

It came as it was revealed the West is still paying Russia more than $1billion-a-day for oil and gas that Putin can use to subsidise his $15billion-a-day invasion of Ukraine as his troops remain bogged down after hitting fierce resistance from Volodymyr Zelensky's heroes.

But Putin's grip on the world's oil and gas taps means that Europe and the US are still buying almost $1billion-a-day from Russia. The UK also imports smaller amounts from Russia.


The comments quite rightly slate their own policies.
Maybe if these Western countries could subsidise and offer the same price, then Pakistan may buy from them instead. Otherwise its ridiculous to expect the developing world to foot the bill for sanctions.
And that's folks, what a paid article looks like! Low quality journalism.
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