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Pakistani Taliban threatens attacks on military


Apr 25, 2012
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ISLAMABAD: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Monday warned the country’s military it had set up a “suicide bombers squad” to hit troops if an offensive is launched in a restive tribal area bordering Afghanistan.
In an email message sent to media, TTP, an umbrella militant group, said it had received “an exclusive intelligence report” about the offensive in North Waziristan from its “sources” in army headquarters.
TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan outlined details about the regiments and units and the possible commander for the campaign, said to be launched on August 26 for one month.
“TTP has also prepared itself for resistance, we have set up a suicide bombers squad to welcome (the) army. We will defeat our enemy, whom is defending secular, unIslamic system of Pakistan by punching them back hard InshaAllah (God willing),” Ehsan said.
Military officials were not immediately available to comment on the claim.
On August 3, The Wall Street Journal reported Pakistani and US officials were considering joint counter-terrorism campaigns in Afghanistan and Pakistan against Haqqanis and Taliban fighters.
The report said the campaigns would mark an upturn in cooperation between the two countries after more than a year of rancorous relations, since the US raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
Pakistani officials later denied any agreement with Washington for a joint operation in North Waziristan, and said “routine” actions on each side of the border “should not be mistaken for ‘joint operations’”.
Washington has long demanded Pakistan take action against the Haqqanis, which the United States accused of attacking the US embassy in Kabul last September and acting like the “veritable arm” of Pakistani intelligence.
Pakistan has in turn demanded Afghan and US forces do more to stop Pakistani Taliban militants crossing the border to launch attacks on its forces.
Bit2hes are pissing in their chuddies as PA is going to launch a operation soon and kill all the racons with the help amrikis
They as usual will find sanctuary in Afghanistan and as soon as military operation is launched, they will run to Afghanistan under the cover of both the Afghan and US forces.
We on the other hand can't do shyt about this because of this pathetic government who knows nothing but treachery and corruption. Army will suffer causalities and it will be business as usual until one or more army installations are hit.
Bit2hes are pissing in their chuddies as PA is going to launch a operation soon and kill all the racons with the help amrikis
U think the Amrikis gonna help PA to cleanup their own created agents???.....impossible.......there gonna be great mayhem and unrest within the whole region inorder to destabilize it......thats the devilz goal......:smokin:
U think the Amrikis gonna help PA to cleanup their own created agents???.....impossible.......there gonna be great mayhem and unrest within the whole region inorder to destabilize it......thats the devilz goal......:smokin:

Yup thats right - the Amrikis will help - just like they helped send Baitullah Mehsud to hell in a handbasket - long live the drones!
Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is being mentored, funded, guided and supported by our neighbours on eastern and western fronts (a bitter reality; anti thesis to CBMs and Aman ki Aasha) to create chaos in the country, to unleash their vengeance and entangle a major chunk of Pakistan Army in FATA. Who benefits from the major re-deployment of Pakistan Army from eastern to western fronts? Who benefits from attacks of TTP on P3C Orion aircrafts and AWACS? Questions are left to the sweet judgment of the readers. These terrorists; the bed fellows of our allies / eastern neighbours will make all possible efforts to weaken Pakistan on economic and security fronts. The country that has suffered the most in the world due to this war is only and only Pakistan and still is considered and believed (courtesy to the Western and Indian media) that it has done nothing in war against terrorism. The whole nation is passing through a psychological trauma because of this war. TTP will continue to be supported by these countries which will make all out efforts to ensure that Pakistan Army does not succeed in this battle so as to discredit it on domestic front (being a viable institution and pride of nation) and undermine its professional capabilities, capacities and will to fight at international level. If Pakistan has to succeed against TTP, then the kinetic application of force will not be the only tool to yield the results but the support from other countries over which the Talibans are capitalizing will have to be check mated for an early success and attainment of durable peace. Our friends across the eastern borders must also realize that if they are creating troubles for Pakistan just to satisfy their ill-conceived ego which they developed appallingly since the partition in 1947; then this onslaught of Talibanization may not apply breaks at Wagah Border and will take both the countries along with it into the seas of savagery and barbarism.
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