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Pakistan world's largest host of refugees: UNHCR


May 21, 2006
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An Afghan refugee family walks to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) headquarters in Islamabad. — File photo by Reuters

By Mateen Haider
Published about 4 hours ago
An Afghan refugee family walks to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) headquarters in Islamabad. — File photo by Reuters
By the end of 2013, Pakistan continued to host the largest number of refugees in the world (1.6 million), nearly all from Afghanistan, according to a report released by United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Islamabad at a ceremony marked in connection with World Refugee Day which is being celebrated on Friday.

Speaking at the World Refugee Day commemorative event in Islamabad, senior UNHCR official Ms Maya Ameratunga, lauded Pakistan's role.

She said Pakistan has generously hosted the world’s largest refugee population for three decades, and it was essential to mobilise more support from the international community to sustain efforts such as the Refugee Affected and Hosting Areas (Raha) initiative, which is a way of thanking the hosts of these refugees.

The report titled, “War’s Human Cost: UNHCR Global Trends 2013”, shows that the number of refugees, asylum-seekers, and internally displaced people (IDPs) worldwide has, for the first time in the post-World War II era, exceeded 50 million people.

The situation is similar for the Islamic Republic of Iran, which hosted 857,400 refugees by year-end, almost all Afghans.

At the same time voluntary repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan to Afghanistan has also been the largest in the world, with 3.8 million having been assisted by UNHCR to return home since 2002.

The report said 51.2 million people were forcibly displaced at the end of 2013, six million more than the 45.2 million reported in 2012 and added that the reason for this massive increase was driven mainly by the war in Syria, which at the end of last year had forced 2.5 million people into becoming refugees and made 6.5 million internally displaced.

Internal displacement amounted to a record 33.3 million people globally.

The UNHCR report said with some 2.56 million refugees in 86 countries, Afghanistan remained the leading country of origin of refugees in 2013 – the 33rd consecutive year it has topped this list.

Today, on average, one out of every five refugees in the world is from Afghanistan, with 95 per cent located in Pakistan or the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The strategy helps Afghan refugees to return home safely and voluntarily and to reintegrate as citizens in their own country.

The strategy also provides support for host countries, for example through the Raha programme.

The report commended the efforts of the government of Pakistan which took the commendable initiative of adopting a National Policy on the Repatriation and Management of Afghan Refugees.

It further said that as part of this policy, the government is renewing the Proof of Registration cards of Afghan refugees, with validity until the end of 2015.

So far, some 90% of the refugees have renewed their cards at PoR Card Modification Centres.

The remaining PoR card holders must do so by August 2014 in order to remain as refugees.

Top figures at a glance
Still afghanis bite the hand that fed them when they were dying from hunger and thirst with no roof above their heads. Kick the ungrateful scums out.
The actual figure is 6 million.

No wonder the economy tanked with these TTP and/or common criminals. Revoke the treaty and ship them out back to Afghan banana republic.
The actual figure is much higher that 1.6 million - and it is about time we shipped them back but too many people are making a good living taking UNHCR money for that to happen, in the mean time we have drugs, guns, and terrorism galore while our economy is being eaten alive by these ungrateful sobs.
Pakistan world's largest host of refugees: UNHCR
August 20, 2017

Pakistan continued to host the largest number of refugees in the world, a United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) report said.

Nearly all the 1.45 million refugees in the country belong to Afghanistan, the report said.

Pakistan had generously hosted the world's largest refugee population for three decades, and it was essential to mobilise more support from the international community, the report added.

At the same time, voluntary repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan to their home country had also been the largest in the world, said the report.

Since March 2002, UNHCR has facilitated the return of approximately 4.1mn registered Afghans from Pakistan, it added.
Pakistan world's largest host of refugees: UNHCR
Published: April 16, 2018

Afghan refugees gather for renewal of their family cards at the Chamkany registration center on the outskirts of Peshawar. PHOTO: AFP

ISLAMABAD: The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has said that Pakistan is home to the largest refugee population in the world, according to a report published by the international body.

As per UNHCR, Pakistan is hosting the largest number of refugees globally, which number more than 1.45 million in the country, and most of them hail from Afghanistan.

For many Afghan refugees ‘home’ is an unfamiliar land

The report added that Pakistan unconditionally hosted millions of refugees and provided best possible facilities to affected people of different countries.

It praised Pakistan for giving special treatment for Afghan citizens when the Afghan war was on its peak. 1.45 million of them still live in Pakistan, the report noted.

Pakistan has continued hosting Afghan refugees for more than three decades, it added.

Pakistan not to expel Afghan refugees, says minister

Similarly, the voluntary repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan to their own country was also the largest in the world, the report stated.

Since March 2002, UNHCR has facilitated the return of approximately 4.1 million registered Afghans from Pakistan, it underlined.
that true.....1947 the muslims from india are still the refugees ( muhajirs)..
Will it take another APS massacre to get rid of them? People in Peshawar have short memories confused as to who are the murderers stupid failures. People like you get invaded and stomped out of history.
and then here you have grey list... Blames...
scapegoating... Economy near to collapse.. Bank defaulter.. And the list going on.

DO MORE DO MORE ... :angry:
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The actual figure is much higher that 1.6 million - and it is about time we shipped them back but too many people are making a good living taking UNHCR money for that to happen, in the mean time we have drugs, guns, and terrorism galore while our economy is being eaten alive by these ungrateful sobs.
And that is the problem. Traitors. Only looking out for themselves and not the greater good.
Di i feel proud? Hell not, I feel pissed for not throwing these scums out and back to Afghanistan. So **** you UNHCR and **** our politicians.
these are only registered one, true count is around 4-5 million
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