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Pakistan woman kills her 10-year-old maid


Sep 18, 2011
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ISLAMABAD – Police in eastern Pakistan have arrested a woman for beating to death her 10-year-old maid after accusing the girl of stealing a few rupees, less than a dollar's worth.

Police official Mohammed Yousaf said Saturday the incident happened in the eastern city of Lahore. The girl died on Thursday, after her employer had brought her to hospital.

Yousaf says the doctors alerted the police after seeing signs of abuse and torture on the girl's body. Later, the woman confessed to killing her maid with a steel pipe.

Child labor is common in Pakistan, which has no legislation setting a minimum age for work. Children -- mostly from extremely poor and illiterate families -- are commonly employed in households for domestic work and often exposed to verbal, physical and sexual abuse.

Pakistan woman kills her 10-year-old maid, police say | Fox News
I never knew Fox News reported our daily life feuds and crimes.

Nonetheless, justice should be served, and that woman should be punished for her crime.
RIP to the maid .

Are we going to discuss every single murder in a country ??
What an insane woman hiring a 10 yr old coz she is too lazy to move her fat body! :blink:

RIP poor girl...hope this lady is thrashed in a similar way!

Yousaf says the doctors alerted the police after seeing signs of abuse and torture on the girl's body. Later, the woman confessed to killing her maid with a steel pipe.
What a disturbed woman hitting a 10 yr old with a steel pipe :blink: :sick:
Hang her till her feet stop wriggling. Disgusting beyond belief.

May Allah rest our innocent sister's soul, just 10 years old wow....
A 10 year old girl servant been bludgeoned to death by her mistress for less than a dollar was disturbing news for me.
Yeah, this happens in India more than you think. Just sayin. Dont stick your nose in our business and go fix your problems. Atleast we dont rape our women in broad day light in buses and on streets.
RIP to the poor girl.

Justice is due.

First underage labor & then killing a minor for few rupees. A shameful act indeed.
Sadly, child labor is very common within the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and wealthy families have many servants, many of whom are young girls, working for them in harsh conditions.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilahi Raji'un! -- To Allah we belong, to Allah we shall return!

Astagfirullah!. Where is compassion? May Allah have mercy on the deceased's parents and grants a little child in Jannah, Aameen!

Yeah, this happens in India more than you think. Just sayin. Dont stick your nose in our business and go fix your problems. Atleast we dont rape our women in broad day light in buses and on streets.

No offense bhai, but he or she has a point. This is cruelty treatment of using a steel pipe on a child , that too for less than a dollar. People often say that rich gets richer and poor gets poorer. For me, it's rich gets heartless, and poor gets hardened.
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