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Pakistan-US Strategic Dialogue begins today


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Pakistan-US Strategic Dialogue begins today

January 27, 2014 - Updated 355 PKT
From Web Edition

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ISLAMABAD/WASHINGTON: Pakistan and the United States will hold the strategic dialogue in Washington on January 27-28.

The Foreign Office spokesperson, Tasnim Aslam on Sunday said Adviser to Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz was in Washington for the Strategic Dialogue.

She said both countries would review the progress made in different sectors following the last Strategic Dialogue. She said there were five working groups on different sectors, three of them had already met.

Aslam said Sartaj Aziz would lead Pakistan’s delegation while US Secretary of State John Kerry would lead his country’s delegation in the ministerial level dialogue expected to review the progress of the meetings held so far.

The top level Pakistani delegation includes Minister for Defence, Water and Power Khawaja Muhammad Asif and senior officials. The American interlocutors will include senior level representatives from the Department of Energy‚ Overseas Private Investment Corporation‚ USAID‚ US Trade Representative and from the Treasury.

The officials will work to put together a blueprint of where we can take this relationship over the course of the next six months to a year, a State Department official said ahead of the revived ministerial dialogue that will focus on wide ranging economic energy and security areas.

Meanwhile, a report in the American media saw the dialogue as offering an opportunity for the United States and Pakistan to start a new chapter in their relationship affected by years of Afghan war controversies.

But now the US is drawing down its troops from Afghanistan and Secretary of State John Kerry says it’s time to resume a strategic dialogue. The broadcast service also quoted a statement of John Kerry in which he said the US is committed to a long term relationship with Pakistan.

The US State Department officials noted on Friday that Pakistan and the United States have greatly improved their relationship since 2011.

I think the relationship has become quite good between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. The prime minister had an excellent visit (in October 2013) here, a very comprehensive set of meetings, a senior State Department official said.

Pakistan-US Strategic Dialogue begins today - thenews.com.pk
A stable and peaceful Pakistan is important to the region. Our leadership has always acknowledged the strategic importance of Pakistan. Secretary of State, John Kerry, earlier this week, during the US-Pakistan Strategic Dialog summit said, “Pakistan is a vital partner in supporting a secure Afghanistan, and we know how closely Pakistan’s own security is linked to Afghanistan’s success. That is why addressing the threats posed to both Pakistan and Afghanistan by cross border militancy is a key aspect of our conversation this week.” He further said, “We appreciate the efforts of the Pakistani government to stand up against extremists, and its struggle to develop Pakistan where every Pakistani has a say and a stake in Pakistan’s success against extremism. Few have suffered more at the hands of terrorists and extremists then the people of Pakistan. We have a common cause and a common obligation to partner for one another’s prosperity in the fight against those who want to limit opportunities and take Pakistan backwards. That is also why it remains essential for the United States and Pakistan to continue to find avenues of cooperation on counter terrorism and nuclear security.”

Abdul Quddus
DET- United States Central Command
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