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Pakistan to meet expenditures on IDP through its own resources: FO


Jul 22, 2012
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@Hyperion I guess this is why the world doesnt cry out for IDP!

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office on Thursday said Pakistan has not launched any appeal to international community for assistance and help to meet expenditures being incurred on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) due to the operation in North Waziristan.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Ms Tasnim Aslam addressing a weekly press briefing said that Pakistan would meet the requirements of these IDPs from its own resources and had not made any appeal to international community for financial assistance in this regard.

She explained that on the instructions of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the government had not asked for any international assistance as military operation was an internal issue and the it was the responsibility of the government to meet their requirements.

The spokesperson said Pakistan had received good and positive response from the international community on the operation in North Waziristan.

She however said, "Pakistan has not called for any international assistance as IDPs are our responsibility and we will meet their requirements through our own resources."

She said Pakistan was in close contact with Moscow and Beijing regarding the operation in North Waziristan.

Replying to a question, the spokesperson said after the 2005 earthquake, Pakistan indicated to the United Nations for its requirements to help in rescue and relief operation and international community extended its help through UN.

Answering a question about any confirmation from Afghan government regarding inflow of IDPs to their side, the spokesperson said Pakistan had not officially received any confirmation from Afghan side in this regard.

She however explained that some of the IDPs went to Afghan side to live with their relatives and according to latest reports about 14,000 have returned as the situation was improving following the operation in North Waziristan.

On the question of any interference by Pakistan in smooth transfer of power in Afghanistan following the presidential elections, the spokesperson said it was the issue of Afghan people and they have to do it by themselves.

She said Pakistan had already announced its full support for a peaceful democratic transition in Afghanistan and extended all possible support for the efforts aimed at holding peaceful elections.

She said, "We took several measures to enhance vigilance and security along the border, during the first and second round of elections on 5 April and 14 June 2014, respectively."

"Pakistan has also consistently emphasized that it would respect the democratic choice of the Afghan people," she added.

She said a peaceful, stable, unified and prosperous Afghanistan was vital for regional peace and stability.

On the issue of Indian government's intimation to United Nations Military Observer Group for India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) in New Delhi to vacate its office, the spokesperson said this move can not change Pakistan's stance that Kashmir was still a disputed territory.

She said under the United Nations Security Council resolution, the Jammu and Kashmir was a disputed territory and it will remain in such position until and unless, the UNSC resolution were implemented.

The spokesperson clarified that Pakistan had not accepted India's claims that Kashmir was its integral part adding "we do not accept accession of Kashmir to India".

She said asking UNMOGIP to change the premises, will not abolish the right of self-determination of the Kashmiris given to them through UNSC Resolutions and Pakistan's point of view on this vital issue.

Replying to a question on Pak-India ties, the spokesperson said as decided during the meeting of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi, so far the dates for the Foreign Secretary level talks have not been finalised.

She however said this meeting will take place very soon and it was not far away as it will discuss all issues between the two countries and decide the future course of interaction.

Replying to a question about Pakistani prisoners in China, the spokesperson said Pakistan has not received any report that Pakistani prisoners were not properly treated.

Referring to previous statements, she said there were 281 Pakistani prisoners in Chinese prisons and 90% of them are detained or convicted on drugs/narcotics smuggling and illegal trade charges.

She said one of these prisoners has been detained on murder charges and others in cases like illegal stay/over stay, illegal entry and fraud etc.

There are 33 prisoners in Beijing, 95 in Urumqi, 9 in Chengdu, 100 in Guangzhou, 22 in Shanghai and 22 in some other detention centers, she added.

On a question on recent escalation of violence in Gaza, the

spokesperson said Pakistan had condemned Israeli aggression and supported the international community's efforts in bringing about a cessation of unilateral Israeli strikes killing Palestinians, including women and children.

The spokesperson said, "Pakistan has consistently supported the Palestinian cause, specially the two-state solution which paves the way for a viable, geographically contiguous Palestinian state, created on the basis of pre-1967 borders, with Al Quds Al-Sharif as its capital."

Pakistan to meet expenditures on IDP through its own resources: FO
This is good, our expenses = Protection of ourinterests.
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