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Pakistan takes America to the UN over drone strikes.


Sep 7, 2010
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Pakistan raises drone strikes issue at UN

Pakistan on Thursday raised the issue of American drone strikes in its tribal regions at the United Nations Security Council, calling for their cessation and seeking “urgent” talks to resolve the problem.

“Drone strikes infringe our sovereignty, violate international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law, cause civilian casualties and are detrimental to the combined efforts to fight terrorism,” Ambassador Masood Khan told the 15-nation council during a discussion on the situation in Afghanistan.

"Pakistan is facilitating the Afghan reconciliation process, but progress is attainable only if all stakeholders share the goals of the peace process," Ambassador Masood Khan said.

“We need to pursue this goal together, with unity of purpose,” the Pakistani envoy said.

Noting that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had called attention to the adverse consequences of the use of armed drones, the Pakistani ambassador said: “We call for cessation of drone strikes. Urgent and intense dialogue can help resolve this issue.”

In relation to the issue of drone strikes, Ambassador Zamir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN in Geneva, had stated that Pakistan, a primary target of drone attacks, had suffered a heavy loss of innocent lives apart from widespread social and economic costs.

While addressing the opening session of the 24th Human Rights Council, he had said that in recent years, there had been severe human rights violations across the globe, as a result of indiscriminate use of force in the context of counter-terrorism efforts.

Akram had said these included illegal detentions, renditions, and extrajudicial killings including through use of drone attacks.

The All Parties Conference (APC) had recommended raising of the drone issue at the United Nations.

US drone attacks are deeply unpopular in Pakistan, but Washington views them as a vital tool in their fight against Taliban and al Qaeda militants in Pakistan’s semiautonomous tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan.

Pakistan raises drone strikes issue at UN - DAWN.COM

hope a strong message is given to amreekiz over the issue.
PAF should just shoot down the drones if Pakistan feel that it undermines their sovereignity - why isnt it doing that?
PAF should just shoot down the drones if Pakistan feel that it undermines their sovereignity - why isnt it doing that?

If PAF takes action then politicians feel that it is transgressing. So first Mr NS has to be convinced, who will intern take and advice from KSA, which will in turn seek permission from US.

Permission not granted :)
If PAF takes action then politicians feel that it is transgressing. So first Mr NS has to be convinced, who will intern take and advice from KSA, which will in turn seek permission from US.

Permission not granted :)

Then why this double talk by NS?, he is fooling no one but himself...playing to the gallery far too long makes one look like a fool and no one takes such people seriously.

He wants everyone to believe that he has complaints about soveriegnity, human rights, international law etc and doesnt have the gumption to force down a few slow moving pilotless drones equipped with a couple of ground attack missiles?

You cant do it yourself, who do you expect to come and stop drones flying over Pakistan? why would anybody bother doing that? who would bother standing up for Pakistan if you are not willing to take action against it and waste time of others in international bodies?

You have a problem with it then deal with it yourself - its not anyone else's concern.
Then why this double talk by NS?, he is fooling no one but himself...playing to the gallery far too long makes one look like a fool and no one takes such people seriously.

He wants everyone to believe that he has complaints about soveriegnity, human rights, international law etc and doesnt have the gumption to force down a few slow moving pilotless drones equipped with a couple of ground attack missiles?

You cant do it yourself, who do you expect to come and stop drones flying over Pakistan? why would anybody bother doing that? who would bother standing up for Pakistan if you are not willing to take action against it and waste time of others in international bodies?

You have a problem with it then deal with it yourself - its not anyone else's concern.

its a joint, play by him & imran khan both of them wants to fool, the extermists?lolzz
Then why this double talk by NS?, he is fooling no one but himself...playing to the gallery far too long makes one look like a fool and no one takes such people seriously.

He wants everyone to believe that he has complaints about soveriegnity, human rights, international law etc and doesnt have the gumption to force down a few slow moving pilotless drones equipped with a couple of ground attack missiles?

You cant do it yourself, who do you expect to come and stop drones flying over Pakistan? why would anybody bother doing that? who would bother standing up for Pakistan if you are not willing to take action against it and waste time of others in international bodies?

You have a problem with it then deal with it yourself - its not anyone else's concern.

This is exactly what we the citizens say. NS is not here for any betterment of Pakistan. He is here to satisfy his lust for power and protocol. If he is so much sincere to the country he should bring his money in Pakistan rather taking it out. If you see his all deals revolve around his or business of his cronies. In four months he has stayed out of the country most of time when at an average one bomb blast per day is taking place in the country. He is not travelling alone but with complete immediate family. He is a liar, but still blindfolded people are following him. I dont know if these people are so naive or idiots that they cant see character of each politician in the power corridor.

Yes this problem is ours and we have to resolve it. I am have not lost hope, soon our state Institution will take some action. Everyone is waiting for 2013 to end.
This is the best time to Pressurize Obama Administration at UN after Obama is seemingly on the Defensive after his Syria Policy debacle. Pakistan should take this issue to General Assembly and put this issue to vote in General Assembly where the US does not a have VETO. If nothing else it would be a good moral victory for Pakistan.
From where these Drones actually takeoff ???? from 2004 - 2011 ????

"PAKISTAN AIRBASE" so simple.. Pakistan ARMY is involve...
This is the best time to Pressurize Obama Administration at UN after Obama is seemingly on the Defensive after his Syria Policy debacle. Pakistan should take this issue to General Assembly and put this issue to vote in General Assembly where the US does not a have VETO. If nothing else it would be a good moral victory for Pakistan.

thn wht happens. everone will backup us?
my friend nothing like that. its just all political stuff to give US more space, after doing that, they will say at least we done that, thts all?
now vote us again?lolzz
Pakistan raises drone strikes issue at UN

Pakistan on Thursday raised the issue of American drone strikes in its tribal regions at the United Nations Security Council, calling for their cessation and seeking “urgent” talks to resolve the problem.

“Drone strikes infringe our sovereignty, violate international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law, cause civilian casualties and are detrimental to the combined efforts to fight terrorism,” Ambassador Masood Khan told the 15-nation council during a discussion on the situation in Afghanistan.

"Pakistan is facilitating the Afghan reconciliation process, but progress is attainable only if all stakeholders share the goals of the peace process," Ambassador Masood Khan said.

“We need to pursue this goal together, with unity of purpose,” the Pakistani envoy said.

Noting that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had called attention to the adverse consequences of the use of armed drones, the Pakistani ambassador said: “We call for cessation of drone strikes. Urgent and intense dialogue can help resolve this issue.”

In relation to the issue of drone strikes, Ambassador Zamir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN in Geneva, had stated that Pakistan, a primary target of drone attacks, had suffered a heavy loss of innocent lives apart from widespread social and economic costs.

While addressing the opening session of the 24th Human Rights Council, he had said that in recent years, there had been severe human rights violations across the globe, as a result of indiscriminate use of force in the context of counter-terrorism efforts.

Akram had said these included illegal detentions, renditions, and extrajudicial killings including through use of drone attacks.

The All Parties Conference (APC) had recommended raising of the drone issue at the United Nations.

US drone attacks are deeply unpopular in Pakistan, but Washington views them as a vital tool in their fight against Taliban and al Qaeda militants in Pakistan’s semiautonomous tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan.

Pakistan raises drone strikes issue at UN - DAWN.COM

hope a strong message is given to amreekiz over the issue.

The only strong message they can understand is when you shoot down drones Sir they don't understand any other message Sir shoot down drones block Nato pullout and fund Afghan Taliban and and ask them to either Obama apologize for drones and commit in public no more drone strikes will take place or NATO would end
NS should stop wasting time of other countries in the UN and let them carry on with some serious business.
Interesting..... Pakistan Army blocked NATO supply for 5 -6 Months and not a single Drone Strike taken by CIA in those 6 months ;)

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