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Pakistan sets the Guinness World Record


May 4, 2009
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Note: Though the news is some days old but it is a major achievement and one that has gone away silently. It must be honored by remembrance and in the spirit of Pakistan repeated again.



WWF rewards Pakistan for tree planting world record

Pakistan set the Guinness World Record for tree planting, beating India in a healthy and productive international competition contributing to preserving fragile and endangered forests.

With 541,176 young mangroves trees planted by 300 volunteers from the local fishermen communities just in one day, the country broke the previous 447,874 record held by historical rival India.

In response to the achievement WWF awarded Pakistan’s Environment Minister Hameed Ullah Jan Afridi the Leaders of the Planet title, an award recognizing individuals making a significant personal contribution to the conservation of the natural world and sustainable development.

"This is a wonderful example of partnership between government, local communities and the private sector for a common cause, for conservation,"said Richard Garstang, the head of WWF Pakistan Wetlands Programme.

"It is good to see a productive competition between Pakistan and India. We hope that tree planting competitions will become as popular as cricket matches,"he said.

The mangrove tree planting event was held in the vast wetland ecosystem of the Indus River Delta in the Southern Sindh Province, some 150 km south east from Karachi - a unique sanctuary of biodiversity designated in 2002 by the Government of Pakistan as a Ramsar Site (Wetland of International Importance), with support from WWF International Freshwater Programme.

Covered in mud and sweating, the 300 volunteers who have been trained to plant record numbers without using any mechanical equipment, worked all day in a temperature of up to 37° before breaking the score.
Their efforts were also a special contribution to the global fight against climate change.

Scientists say deforestation contributes to about 20 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions and that reducing deforestation is one of the quickest ways to fight rising temperatures. Forested Wetlands such as mangroves, flooded forests and many peatlands play a crucial role in this respect.

"Mangrove reestablishment strongly correlates with climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation and improving community livelihoods," said Anada Tiega, Secretary General of Secretary General of Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

A planting interval of just over 2 m was used in order to give the young Red Mangroves plenty of room to spread their canopies as they grow. Planting was confined to the mudflats of the inter-tidal zone - the area between the high and low tide marks. The trees are expected occupy approximately 325 ha of the island.

Mangroves are being cut in Pakistan and other countries for fodder, fuel and timber but their over- utilization has very damaging consequences. Apart from their crucial role in providing habitat for many organisms including fish, shrimps, lobsters, oysters and algae, mangroves also protect the coast from erosion, as well as hurricanes and tsunamis.

Nice to hear that both india and pakistan has started this healthy and productive competition and hope that they keep doing this in a healthy and productive way.

moreover it is also pleasing to know that countries are starting to take this problem of carbon emission, global warming, climate change and growing pollution. i think both india and pakistan (as well as all the countries of the world) should take example from japan and try to follow the kyoto protocol given by japan in arly 2000 (i guess).

it is a real and big as well as important problem and if we look at it in this way that what are we leaving for our future generations (like for our children and grand children), it can make us think in a better and positive way.


This in light of the fact that large areas of our coast line both in Sindh and Balochistan has been lost to the sea, a condition that has been specifically precipitated by deforestation by cutting down mangroves.
Its really worth praising act done by Pakistan. Since after a long time I m really hearing something very constructive development in pakistan... I hv started feeling cool breeze :)

here is something for all of us:-
Human changes environment for himself.. while animals change themselfs according to environment..
Some logic behind Pakistan's attempt at setting a world record:

The Usefulness of the Mangrove​

1) Mangroves protect coastal areas from erosion, storm surge (especially during hurricanes), and tsunamis.

2) Once established, mangrove roots provide an oyster habitat and slow water flow, thereby enhancing sediment deposition in areas where it is already occurring. This, provides defense against erosion of cost lines.

3) The fine, anoxic sediments under mangroves act as sinks for a variety of heavy (trace) metals which colloidal particles in the sediments scavenged from the water. This serves to filter some of the heavy pollution in the cost line and harbor cities and their waters.

4) The unique ecosystem found in the intricate mesh of mangrove roots offers a quiet marine region for young organisms. Thus, foreign exchange earning species such as shrimps and lobsters are quite abundant in Pakistani waters.

5) Mangrove plantations in Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines and India host several commercially important species of fish and crustaceans.
Some logic behind Pakistan's attempt at setting a world record:

The Usefulness of the Mangrove​

1) Mangroves protect coastal areas from erosion, storm surge (especially during hurricanes), and tsunamis.

2) Once established, mangrove roots provide an oyster habitat and slow water flow, thereby enhancing sediment deposition in areas where it is already occurring. This, provides defense against erosion of cost lines.

3) The fine, anoxic sediments under mangroves act as sinks for a variety of heavy (trace) metals which colloidal particles in the sediments scavenged from the water. This serves to filter some of the heavy pollution in the cost line and harbor cities and their waters.

4) The unique ecosystem found in the intricate mesh of mangrove roots offers a quiet marine region for young organisms. Thus, foreign exchange earning species such as shrimps and lobsters are quite abundant in Pakistani waters.

5) Mangrove plantations in Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines and India host several commercially important species of fish and crustaceans.

i think pakistan should take some steps to counter deforestation and planataion of trees in other areas than coastal regions as well.

here in japan, people they live in very narrow and conjested houses not because they have no money (no one is living below the level of average here and average level is much higher than we can think of compared to pakistan).

the reason is that all the land is owned by govt and there is ban of making any houses in the areas other than allowed by govt. they are preserving their mountains and trees. they even know the ages of very old trees (>200) and if this old tree needs support they bind steel wires with it in order to keep it standing and growing. due to preserving their green areas, they live in small and narrow houses.i will try to get one picture of supported tree and will post as soon as i get one.

they also have one of the the best recycling systems in the world, which in my opinion pakistan need immediately.

anyhow this is the begining and it is pleasing that pakistan has started thinking on this aspect but we still have a long way to go and i hope we continue this right path and leave a better place for our children.


Might be slightly old news but still good news, there was a post on it at the time. I wondered then how many of the new trees survived. It would be wonderfull if there are any updated pictures from the area to show the progress.
Truly comendable and our congratulations!

Like nuclear fallout, environmental changes (both positive and negative) know no international boundaries.

Cheers, Doc
Very nice news peaceful to the heart and productive!
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