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Pakistan sets sights on drones



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Sep 4, 2012
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Speaking at his first cabinet meeting, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said "the dual policy of issuing public statements against drone attacks while [secretly] giving the go ahead to the US to carry on with the strikes will not be allowed under our rule. The US government will have to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan."
He was referring to WikiLeaks disclosure and President Pervez Musharraf's admission in April that he allowed "selective" drone strikes in 2004. Sharif's reaction came after the US launched a drone attack within two days of his taking power. Speaking during his first address on June 5 at the National Assembly, Sharif said "this [drones] chapter shall now be closed".
Furious at the US drone attack, the Foreign Office summoned the American Charge d' Affaires where Tariq Fatmi, Sharif's trusted plain-speaking former ambassador, now serving as his Special Assistant, met the Charge' and delivered a demarche. Drones are a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and "have a negative impact on the mutual desire of both the countries to forge a cordial and cooperative relationship," read a statement released by the Foreign Office after the meeting.
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), who have vowed to shoot down drones, won the second-highest number of votes in the May 11 poll and now forms the government in the sensitive Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province. It has warned that "a mare diplomatic protest is not good enough" and have put forward a resolution in the National Assembly calling for immediate end of these "inhuman attacks."
Pakistan's street believes acquiescing to drones attacks makes Sharif complicit in the US war. Consequently, it feeds recruitment for extremist groups. Recalling a series of strikes a villager says, "of course this has made me hate the Americans. We are angry and want revenge".
"Drones give a reason to people who were not part of the conflict to become part of the conflict," said Shahzad Akbar, the human-rights lawyer who won a petition against drones at the Peshawar High Court declaring drones "illegal and a war crime". Pakistan's vote confirmed this is the view most Pakistanis hold.
Senator Lindsey Graham says drones have killed 4,700 people since the first strikes in 2004. No reliable figures are however available, as the areas remain virtually cut off from the rest of the country. "And what kind of laboratory is the US using to use test its drone program?" asks Akbar.
A recent New York and Stanford university study revealed the weapon has only a 2% success rate in killing high-value targets. Media reports have claimed that the CIA cannot even confirm the identity of one-quarter of those killed during 2010-2011, yet it has dismissively called the civilians killed "other militants" or "foreign fighters".
The legality of American drones is also seriously in question. And notwithstanding their legality, the US president admitted in an address earlier this month, "to say a military tactic is legal, or even effective, is not to say it is wise or moral in every instance".
The Brussels-based International Crisis Group argues that drones may disrupt Pakistan's militants "but they cannot solve the fundamental problem". The ICG also questions the tactic of using signature strikes that target group of men based on behaviour patterns rather than known identities.
If the US continues to push too hard, it will enrage Pakistan's tribal citizens and general public further, jeopardising a safe American exit from Afghanistan. For Sharif, there is no easy way out.
Pakistan now awaits Secretary of State John Kerry's arrival later this month when this issue will be top of the agenda. Reports indicate though that Pakistan may offer to eliminate the "alleged terrorist sanctuaries" in exchange for complete cessation of drones. That can only come through negotiations, if it is to be sustained.
While building good relations with Washington may be an imperative for Sharif, the question of drone strikes will determine whether there can be lasting peace in the region. This is a test of his diplomatic and political skills. More importantly it is for the US to understand, as James Carroll put it in the New York Times on June 12, "by presuming to declare itself the solution, Washington puts itself, in that instant, at the heart of the problem."
Sajjad Ashraf, adjunct professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore and visiting senior research fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, is a former member of the Pakistan Foreign Service, 1973-2008. –Asia Times Online

Pakistan sets sights on drones
Well a step in the right direction . how successful they are in implementing it is another matter.
Confiscate the DRONES in the Air. Find a way to scoop them out of the Air like the Iranians did.
What if americans retaliate?Can thunders stand up to raptors?
What if americans retaliate?Can thunders stand up to raptors?

There are so many naïve people on this forum, including you my friend. Pakistan would never shoot the drone down hence America wont retaliate. Every drone strike happens after joint co-operation between ISI and CIA. Tell me how come no one complains or raises the issue when PAF uses jf-17 to bomb terrorist hide outs? It's because it's the mighty PAF that does it. Pakistani people love the army, the air force and the navy. The fact of the matter is that since ISI coordinates the drone attacks with CIA, most of the times they do target terrorists but the only reason there is so much propaganda is because Pakistan wants the drone technology. Once and if Pakistan gets the drone technology, no one would complain!

One more thing, when it comes to foreign policy and security affairs, Pakistan army has the final say in everything. No democratic government in Pakistan can dare intervene with a security affair that Pak army is against. In other words, mere bahi, yeh drone strikes Pakistan army ki permission se hotay hai! If these drone attacks were really causing more civilian deaths then Pakistan army wouldn't have let it happen in the first place!
Nawaz isnt happy as Waliur Rehman and Bahadar Mutaqi have been packed to hell ... He is sympathetic to the TTP and hence wont tolerate joint coordination between the ISI and CIA to counter terrorism .. Alas! he cant do anything

There are so many naïve people on this forum, including you my friend. Pakistan would never shoot the drone down hence America wont retaliate. Every drone strike happens after joint co-operation between ISI and CIA. Tell me how come no one complains or raises the issue when PAF uses jf-17 to bomb terrorist hide outs? It's because it's the mighty PAF that does it. Pakistani people love the army, the air force and the navy. The fact of the matter is that since ISI coordinates the drone attacks with CIA, most of the times they do target terrorists but the only reason there is so much propaganda is because Pakistan wants the drone technology. Once and if Pakistan gets the drone technology, no one would complain!

One more thing, when it comes to foreign policy and security affairs, Pakistan army has the final say in everything. No democratic government in Pakistan can dare intervene with a security affair that Pak army is against. In other words, mere bahi, yeh drone strikes Pakistan army ki permission se hotay hai! If these drone attacks were really causing more civilian deaths then Pakistan army wouldn't have let it happen in the first place!

Absolutely correct, Pak Army is allowing drone strikes to counter the TTP .. This year the drones have caused too low civilian casualties and high terrorist losses ..

Besides, Pak Army is also using armed UAV's to counter foreign backed insurgents
US & pentagon have laws to carry those strikes here to kill terrorist……
1st thing Pak beed is a law against any such attack and to impliment it……
well Pak drone program is underway and it is supposed to complete till 2020+ so maybe chineese drones for us in 2017-18 well news like ISI cordination with CIA are totally stupendous and such people should learn some knowledge and stop watching GEO tv ……:lol:

Absolutely correct, Pak Army is allowing drone strikes to counter the TTP .. This year the drones have caused too low civilian casualties and high terrorist losses ..

Besides, Pak Army is also using armed UAV's to counter foreign backed insurgents

pak using armed UAV??:omghaha:
you ok bro??
they dont have till 2012 mid and if now they have they could have CH-4 maybe which is armed with anti tank missile so better get a bit of knowledge before spreading baseless rumors……:lol:
US & pentagon have laws to carry those strikes here to kill terrorist……
1st thing Pak beed is a law against any such attack and to impliment it……
well Pak drone program is underway and it is supposed to complete till 2020+ so maybe chineese drones for us in 2017-18 well news like ISI cordination with CIA are totally stupendous and such people should learn some knowledge and stop watching GEO tv ……:lol:

pak using armed UAV??:omghaha:
you ok bro??
they dont have till 2012 mid and if now they have they could have CH-4 maybe which is armed with anti tank missile so better get a bit of knowledge before spreading baseless rumors……:lol:

..Musharraf allowed drone attacks and the same policy continues ..


and regarding Pakistan using armed drones itself , Burraq UAV is armed with air to surface laser guided missiles .. It is in service

>> Blue Arrow 7 and HJ-10 are identical in size and performance to the American Hellfire ... Aren't US drones using Hellfire missiles

Warplanes: Pakistan Promised Missile Armed Chinese UAVs
If nawaz

Stop drone strikes
Stop the WOT
Bring back economic growth to 6%.

me as well as my whole family will vote for him next time

Even if he completes these tasks, neither me nor my whole family will vote for him.
..Musharraf allowed drone attacks and the same policy continues ..


and regarding Pakistan using armed drones itself , Burraq UAV is armed with air to surface laser guided missiles .. It is in service

>> Blue Arrow 7 and HJ-10 are identical in size and performance to the American Hellfire ... Aren't US drones using Hellfire missiles

Warplanes: Pakistan Promised Missile Armed Chinese UAVs

what a moron!:sick:
pakistan promised but till now not even an agreement is signed for UAV purchase from China……
and don't use Youtube as your source kiddo…:omghaha:
Burraq is not even induced it is under development and in testing phase so stop your baseless sh**…:crazy::oops:
well by the way from where your general knowledge came from about armed UAV in Pak Armed Forces…
Nawaz has no balls...
he will never order PAF to shoot drones and thats the only way to stop them..

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