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Pakistan releases seven Afghan Taliban prisoners


Apr 27, 2012
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Pakistan releases seven Afghan Taliban prisoners


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Saturday announced the release of seven senior Afghan Taliban figures to help the peace process in neighbouring war-torn Afghanistan, the foreign ministry said.

“In order to further facilitate the Afghan reconciliation process, Pakistan is releasing seven Taliban detainees, namely Mansoor Dadullah, Said Wali, Abdul Manan, Karim Agha, Sher Afzal, Gul Muhammad and Muhammad Zai,” it said in a statement.

These releases are in addition to 26 Taliban detainees released during the last year, according to the foreign ministry.

The number of Taliban freed by Pakistan in the last nine months has now reached 32.

Pakistan had started the process to release Afghan Taliban prisoners on the request by Afghan government in November last year.

The freed Taliban figures include key commander Mansoor Dadullah, the brother of Mulla Dadullah Akhud, the Taliban senior commander who was killed by the American and British troops in southern Afghanistan in May 2007.

Mansoor Dadullah was arrested by Pakistani security forces in Balochistan in February 2008.

The Taliban supreme leader Mullah Omar had expelled Mansoor from the Taliban group after he had arrested some Taliban commanders to force them to confess hands in the killing of his brother.

The foreign ministry’s list excluded Taliban second-in-command Abdul Ghani Baradar, who was arrested in Karachi in 2010.

The Afghan government has been demanding Baradar be released since his arrest, however, Islamabad is unwilling to free him.

Pakistan releases seven Afghan Taliban prisoners


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Saturday announced the release of seven senior Afghan Taliban figures to help the peace process in neighbouring war-torn Afghanistan, the foreign ministry said.

“In order to further facilitate the Afghan reconciliation process, Pakistan is releasing seven Taliban detainees, namely Mansoor Dadullah, Said Wali, Abdul Manan, Karim Agha, Sher Afzal, Gul Muhammad and Muhammad Zai,” it said in a statement.

These releases are in addition to 26 Taliban detainees released during the last year, according to the foreign ministry.

The number of Taliban freed by Pakistan in the last nine months has now reached 32.

Pakistan had started the process to release Afghan Taliban prisoners on the request by Afghan government in November last year.

The freed Taliban figures include key commander Mansoor Dadullah, the brother of Mulla Dadullah Akhud, the Taliban senior commander who was killed by the American and British troops in southern Afghanistan in May 2007.

Mansoor Dadullah was arrested by Pakistani security forces in Balochistan in February 2008.

The Taliban supreme leader Mullah Omar had expelled Mansoor from the Taliban group after he had arrested some Taliban commanders to force them to confess hands in the killing of his brother.

The foreign ministry’s list excluded Taliban second-in-command Abdul Ghani Baradar, who was arrested in Karachi in 2010.

The Afghan government has been demanding Baradar be released since his arrest, however, Islamabad is unwilling to free him.

Pakistan releases seven Afghan Taliban prisoners – The Express Tribune

This shows the defeat of NATO and USA they are making sure all those extremists hardcore backward which they wanted to take out from Afghanistan and never wanted to even see their faces and wanted to destroy them are now talking to them and so they can run away from Afghanistan but most of these will join Taliban Back just like those who were previously released
This shows the defeat of NATO and USA they are making sure all those extremists hardcore backward which they wanted to take out from Afghanistan and never wanted to even see their faces and wanted to destroy them are now talking to them and so they can run away from Afghanistan but most of these will join Taliban Back just like those who were previously released

I think now they don't care. Afghanistan war is over and Syria is new project.

This shows the defeat of NATO and USA they are making sure all those extremists hardcore backward which they wanted to take out from Afghanistan and never wanted to even see their faces and wanted to destroy them are now talking to them and so they can run away from Afghanistan but most of these will join Taliban Back just like those who were previously released

These are released for the purpose to lubricate the process of peace.. . But you are right if the result is not favorable to them then they probably will resort to violence.
These are released for the purpose to lubricate the process of peace.. . But you are right if the result is not favorable to them then they probably will resort to violence.

Sir those who were released previously they direct went to Taliban back not even became part of any talks
I hope they don't go to "bad Taliban" to march on Islamabad.
Incompetent & spineless Govt. will only cause problems for Pakistan & problems for Pakistan will only continue to grow.
Another stupid mistake. We shouldn't be releasing these Afghan Taliban militants. They will only end up more hostile to Pakistan and try to attack it. After years of torture in our Pakistani jails we are freeing these men. I am sure they will come to resent Pakistan soon. I don't know why we free these militants constantly in the name of pathetic peace deals or appeasing the Americans and their Afghan allies.
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