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Pakistan recognises Saudi efforts in Khashoggi matter


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Pakistan recognises Saudi efforts in Khashoggi matter

February 28, 2021

The Committee to Protect Journalists and other press freedom activists hold a candlelight vigil in front of the Saudi Embassy to mark the anniversary of the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul. — Reuters/File

The Committee to Protect Journalists and other press freedom activists hold a candlelight vigil in front of the Saudi Embassy to mark the anniversary of the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul. — Reuters

KARACHI: The Foreign Office of Pakistan has expressed solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a day after the US administration released the declassified intelligence report containing its assessment on the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

In a statement issued on Saturday, the FO stated: “We have taken note of the public release of the U.S. Administration’s declassified intelligence report, containing its ‘assessment’ on the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. We have also noted that the Saudi government termed Jamal Khashoggi’s murder as an ‘abhorrent crime’ and a ‘flagrant violation of the Kingdom’s laws and values’.”

The FO spokesperson recalled that the Saudi government underlined that it took all possible measures within its legal system to ensure that the individuals responsible were properly investigated, convicted and sentenced and that justice was served.

“Pakistan recognises Saudi efforts in this regard and expresses solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“Pakistan underscores adherence to the rule of law, respect for national sovereignty, and protection and promotion of human rights by all States, in accordance with their respective Constitutional frameworks and international obligations,” the FO statement added.

Published in Dawn, February 28th, 2021

:meeting: This Kashogi matter is one of those stories that does not help either nation

  • Turkey Lost a Man on their Soil an Embassy on their Land, made it seem like Turkey is Dangerous place, initially the blame was on Turkey (At start western world was trying to portray something sinister in Turkey)

  • After , plans failed to blackmail Turkey , they started to blackmail Saudia , Saudia Lost their reputation as a Nation opening up to Moderate Outlook. Also now blackmail has started to force Saudia to buy more overpriced weapons and none sense contracts from American companies

Both Turkey and Saudia are blackmailed from outside reports and videos
This incident has grown the differences between Two nations

The Nature of Blackmail is difference , Turkey is Blackmailed by class for Genocide some ethnic group
With Saudia Now the Black is this reporter incident, I would not be suprised when time comes Saudia would be blamed for Genocide of Yamani

On Grand scale of things there are more Larger problems to solve and issues to overcome, it is questionable how all the Blackmail reports were preplanned and already ready

It feels like the real benefactor is an outside country

We now live in a Era of "Deep Fake" Videos , anything can be faked

Video that copies Tom Cruise's Likeness , reverse engineered by Past images and movie snapshots

So you think it was Khshogi that went into the Embassy that day ?
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this FO statement is a step toward normalization of relationship between the two countries. with those backdoor channels of normalizing the atmosphere maligned due to certain issues is now getting back.

when one's high ego and sense of supremacy, force the other to kneel down to his highness and strains the relationship.

and then a political change in the west threatens his highness who has to come down from the high horse for the sake of threat to regime, these type of things happen.
Shameful attitude by govt. of Pakistan. After what these house of Al sauds did to harm Pakistan internationally by backing India. Disgraceful.
MBS is a 35 years old child but SA is impt. Also, we cannot trust US/west on human rights, when they are the one who violates. The west has no sympathy for either Kashogi or Uyghrs . Just a tool to malagin others for self-gains...
Al sauds did to harm Pakistan internationally by backing India.

Maybe in your dreams. trolls and lies come in hand. The Saudis have stayed silent for the most part on India-Pakistan. For diplomatic reasons because Saudi arabia has trade with both so balancing that act is the moderate approach in the global arena. There is existing defense treaty between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that has been one of the longest lasting treaties. Friendship of almost 80 years.

General Raheel Sharif is right now enlisted into the Saudi Army as a top commander
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Shameful attitude by govt. of Pakistan. After what these house of Al sauds did to harm Pakistan internationally by backing India. Disgraceful.

bit more complicated than that. blame ouR Yemen debacle lies from our side we let gulf believe our lies.

I would save your powder dry for our biggest threat is Tehran. they let Indians in running wild in Baluchistan!!! Saudis is just a smoke screen know your real enemies !!!!
Good we must fully support MBS as king. Might give us some leverage over saudis. And lets be honest i dont see how a crown Prince would give orders to kill a journalist. He might be many things but not a journalist.
Saudi will be a dead state in 20 years - these guys have nothing other than oil.
While you are at it why not celebrate KSA stance on Kashmir and their relationship with India as well. Shameful GoP
beware fithno or maskharon ka dour shru ho chuka ha...
Shameful attitude by govt. of Pakistan. After what these house of Al sauds did to harm Pakistan internationally by backing India. Disgraceful.
i agree its pathetic level of subservience
boot licking knowing well that it won't do much to appease Saudis but living in hope that saudis might throw a bone for this voluntary obedience.
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