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Pakistan ranks third for bomb blasts in the world

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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May 30, 2014, 7:09 pm
LONDON- Between 2008 and 2013, Pakistan saw roughly two major bombings per day, each blast wounding or killing an average of at least five people.

The attacks, including the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), has made Pakistan one of the most dangerous places in the world, according to Iain Overton, policy director of the London-based Action on Armed Violence (AOAV). "One of the major problems is the amount of munitions coming from Afghanistan into Pakistan and the spread of extremist views that causes the use of IEDs as a normalized form of weaponry," Overton said.

Pakistan now has the third highest homemade bomb and suicide blast rate in the world, higher than even neighboring Afghanistan. According to a recently published AOAV report, victims of bombs that detonate in densely populated urban areas are predominantly civilian. Overton says bombs used in Pakistan range from pressure cooker devices to small magnetized explosives that attach to cars, suicide-bomb vests and belts, and vehicle-borne bombs which tend to carry large amounts of explosives.

Some of the devices are constructed using techniques developed by militants in Iraq and Afghanistan. Analysts say the bombs have a devastating effect on the country, not only demoralizing those who begin to doubt government safeguards, but also inflicting heavy psychological and physical costs.
Pakistan ranks third for bomb blasts in the world
2009 & 2010 were very tough years for Pakistan. Situation today seems 1000 times better than those years but still the LEA & Security forces has to do more to secure the country.
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