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Pakistan Planning to Export 2,000 to 3,000 Tons Mangoes to Chinese Market from 2018


Jul 25, 2017
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As China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) opens more avenues of business opportunities, Pakistani business community is planning to export 2,000 to 3,000 tons mangoes to big Chinese market from 2018 season, Chairman, Roshan Enterprises, Khalid Ejaz Qureshi said, according to Pakistani media report. “We have received a positive response from China about Pakistani mangoes and as a result, we are planning to export 2,000 to 3,000 tons mangoes to big Chinese market from next year,”

The mango export would depend on air logistics and support of other concerned departments, adding,’We are negotiating with the airline in this regard.’

At present, mangoes are heavily exported to Middle East, Europe, USA and Hong Kong from Pakistan and now Chinese market is open for Pakistani mangoes, he added.

He said that Pakistani mangoes having more than 400 varieties are considered one of the best in the world.

The most popular commercial varieties are different in colors and sizes and each with a distinct flavor and taste.

Mango called as king of fruits in Pakistan, is grown in Punjab and Sindh provinces and is available in the markets in abundant from May to September.

Mango is mainly used as fresh but it is also used in preparing different derivative such as jams, squash, milkshake and ice cream.

This fruit is also dried and canned while raw mango is used preparing pickles. ‘Chaunsa and Sindhri’ are popular varieties and stand up amongst mangoes with golden yellow color. The ripe fruit is soft almost and has an aromatic pleasant sweet flavor.

It may be mentioned here that Pakistani exporters Khalid Ejaz Qureshi of Roshan Enterprises and Mazhar Abro of Sindh Mango Growers and Exporters Association have recently organized a ‘mango show’ in collaboration with Pakistan Horticulture Development and Export Company at Pakistan Embassy in Beijing, to introduce Pakistani mangoes in China.

The different varieties of ‘king of fruits’ were showcased at the show to enhance its export to China.

The event attracted a large number of people including high ranking Chinese officials, local business community and senior diplomats of the two countries.

CPEC is also major project of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) proposed by Chinese president Xi Jinping in 2013. BRI refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, aiming at building a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along the ancient trade routes of Silk Road.
Pakistan have the best mangoes in the world and they are cheaper then others. Win win for both.
We need make a way to send these mangoes to South Korea too. They are very expensive there I heard. Once we hit that market will be huge profit in our pocket.
Pakistan have the best mangoes in the world and they are cheaper then others. Win win for both.


Pakistani mango is the most expensive fruit available in Sweden. While mangoes from Brazil and other countries are cheaper by an order of magnitude. Though this summer I ate a lot of the worlds by far the most tasty mangoes in Pakistan :-):-)
Really looking forward to seeing Pakistani mango in the supermarkets in China as I have seen many comments about how tasty they are. :yahoo:
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