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Pakistan-Norway agree to enhance energy cooperation


Feb 2, 2007
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Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif discussed enhancing bilateral energy co-operation with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the United Nations Headquarters, where the Pakistani leader is attending the annual General Assembly session. “Both leaders discussed the existing level of co-operation between the two countries and decided to further enhance bilateral relations especially in the field of energy,” the Pakistani Mission to the UN said.
The two prime ministers also discussed the regional situation, particularly with reference to the recent developments in Afghanistan. Prime Minister Sharif informed his counterpart about the measures taken by the government to resolve the problem of electricity shortages in Pakistan and how all energy sources were being utilised to generate electricity. Norwegian Prime Minister Solberg, while appreciating the steps taken by the government to utilise alternate energy sources, assured her country”s support for Pakistan in the endeavours in the area.

Prime Minister Sharif also informed the Norwegian leader about favourable investment climate in Pakistan and said that Norwegian companies would be welcome to invest in Pakistan, especially in the field of energy and infrastructure development. The Norwegian prime minister appreciated the role of the Pakistani Diaspora in the development of her country. According to the Pakistani Mission, Special Assistant to the PM, Mr Tariq Fatimi, Permanent Representative to UN, Ambassador Masood Khan, Additional Secretary, PM”s Office, Fawad Hassan Fawad were also present during the meeting.

Pakistan-Norway agree to enhance energy cooperation
I met a Statoil official not too long ago. He told me something shocking, that we have been literally begging Islamabad for 20 years, to let us drill offshore wells in Pakistan's coastal areas where we believe lie considerable deposits of hydrocarbons, however we have always been rebuffed and we are not the only ones trying to get those exploration rights. He stated that according to studies carried out in Pakistan's Arabian sea coast, the chances of striking major deposits are high and if its allowed, it may transform Pakistan's economy. The most shocking thing he told me was that for the past two decades we have been trying to get those contracts from Pakistan, we haven't been given any credible reason to why Pakistan always rejects exploring those areas.

@Hyperion @niaz
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