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Pakistan must confront Wahhabism

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DaRk WaVe

Aug 17, 2009
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Pakistan must confront Wahhabism

Despite the recent offensive by the Pakistani army in the Swat Valley and by Nato in Helmand province, the "Talibanisation" of both Afghanistan and Pakistan proceeds apace. Vast parts of the Afghan south and a large region in western Pakistan are still under de facto control of Taliban militants who enforce a violent form of sharia law.

Western responses oscillate between calls for a secular alternative to the religious fundamentalism of the Taliban and attempts to engage the moderate elements among them. Neither will solve the underlying religious clash between indigenous Sufi Islam and the Saudi-sponsored Wahhabi extremism. The UK and US must change strategy and adopt a policy that supports the peaceful indigenous Muslim tradition of Sufism while thwarting Saudi Arabia's promotion of the dangerous Wahhabi creed that fuels violence and sectarian tension.

As Afghanistan goes to the polls this week, western political and military leaders now recognise that stability and peace in the country cannot be created by military force alone. Like the "surge" strategy in Iraq which reduced suicide bombings by driving a wedge between indigenous Sunnis and foreign jihadists, the US and its European allies will try to separate the Taliban from al-Qaida fighters who infiltrate Afghanistan from across the border in Pakistan. By combining "surgical" strikes against terrorists in the Afghan-Pakistani border region with a political strategy aimed at "moderate" Taliban, President Obama hopes to save the US mission from disaster.

The problem is that those Taliban who would be prepared to talk have little leverage and those who have influence feel that they have little incentive to compromise, as they have gained the upper hand. Unlike many Sunnis in Iraq, most Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan have embraced the puritanical and fundamentalist Islam of the Wahhabi mullahs from Saudi Arabia who wage a ruthless war not just against western "infidels" but also against fellow Muslims they consider to be apostates, in particular the Sufis.

Sufi Islam is not limited to the southern Pakistani province of Sindh on the border with India. It also exists elsewhere in Pakistan and has been present in Afghanistan for centuries, as exemplified by the 18th-century poet and mystic Rahman Baba whose shrine at the foot of the Khyber Pass (linking Afghanistan and Pakistan) still attracts many Sufi faithful from both sides of the border.

All this changed in the 1980s when during the Afghan resistance against the Soviet invasion, elements in Saudi Arabia poured in money, arms and extremist ideology. Through a network of madrasas, Saudi-sponsored Wahhabi Islam indoctrinated young Muslims with fundamentalist Puritanism, denouncing Sufi music and poetry as decadent and immoral. At Attock, not far from Rahman Baba's shrine on the Khyber Pass, stands the Haqqania madrassa, one of the most radical schools where the Taliban leader Mullah Omar was trained. Across the Pakistani border, the tolerant Sufi-minded Barelvi form of indigenous Islam has also been supplanted by the hardline Wahhabi creed.

This madrassa-inspired and Saudi-financed Wahhabi Islam is destroying indigenous Islam in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Crucially, it is imposing a radical creed that represents a distortion and perversion of true Islam. Wahhabi followers beheaded a Polish geologist in February (as revenge for Polish troops in Afghanistan) and blew up a century-old shrine dedicated to Rahman Baba in the Pakistani town of Peshawar in March.

The actions of the west and its Afghan and Pakistani allies are making matters worse. By causing civilian deaths through aerial bombings, the US is driving ordinary Afghans and Pakistani into the arms of the jihadi terrorists. By declaring sharia law in Pakistan's northwestern Swat region to appease the local Taliban and by using Islamism in the ongoing conflict with India over Kashmir, Pakistan's government is emboldening the extremists and undermining Sufi Islam.

What is required, first of all, is to prevent Saudi Arabia from playing a duplicitous game whereby the authorities in Riyadh help the Afghan President Karzai in his attempts to woo moderate Taliban while promoting the violent creed of Wahhabism across this volatile region. The west should call Saudi Arabia's bluff and not surrender to Riyadh's threats of ending security co-operation and information exchange on international terrorism which thrives on Saudi-exported Wahhabi ideology.

The west and Muslim countries such as Jordan should also put pressure on the Pakistani authorities to confront Wahhabism by expelling Saudi hate preachers, closing the Wahhabi madrassas and establishing schools that teach the peaceful Islam of Sufism.

By itself this strategy will of course not be sufficient to eradicate violence in Afghanistan and Pakistan. But without an alternative policy based on religion, this religious conflict will further escalate.

Pakistan must confront Wahhabism | Adrian Pabst | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
.......put pressure on the Pakistani authorities to confront Wahhabism by expelling Saudi hate preachers....[/quote
What a load of boxxxxs. Americans have known the people who have been pushing this harsh version of islam is the corrupt fat fXXXs known as the saudi Royal family allies of zionists and americans
Do you know who a Wabbahi is?
Someone who tries to follow Islam accurately and perfectly, without anything added like the Shia/Sunni or expelling anything.

Kid, do some research on what Islam and the sects are, here for you, as you are an beginner.

But you wont understand. Secular muslims you all are.
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^^^^^ I dont want to enter into a discussion about differences in muslims period
Do you know who a Wabbahi is?
Someone who tries to follow Islam accurately and perfectly, without anything added like the Shia/Sunni or expelling anything.

Kid, do some research on what Islam and the sects are, here for you, as you are an beginner.

But you wont understand. Secular muslims you all are.

A Wahabi is a person who follows Sheikh al wahab a British M16 agent and practices a religion created by British to protect house of Saud and to expand there will over Muslim lands by corrupting Islam this is obvious to any body with eyes and brain.

After all whats happening in Pakistan some still think putting up a mullah preaching his version of Islam will be acceptable hate to tell you every person getting killed in Pakistan is either by the hand of self profess mullah or some one convinced by these mullahs that they will go to heaven by killing people so please spare us all what you thing Islam is Al mighty gave us a book Called Quran i am not sure what Whabis Read probably a book written by daniel steel but Try reading Quran it is amazing how simple and self explanatory Quran is and one thing it says You are not a Muslim if others are not safe from you try explaining it to the next suicide bomber or person spraying bullets in a drive by.
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Bull crap article...yeah kill atleast 80 percent Pakistanis...and cancel the nationality of Pakistanis living aboard...coz you think your Islam is right...but yeah mine is not indigenous like urz
A Wahabi is a person who follows Sheikh al wahab a British M16 agent and practices a religion created by British to protect house of Saud and to expand there will over Muslim lands by corrupting Islam this is obvious to any body with eyes and brain.

After all whats happening in Pakistan some still think putting up a mullah preaching his version of Islam will be acceptable hate to tell you every person getting killed in Pakistan is either by the hand of self profess mullah or some one convinced by these mullahs that they will go to heaven by killing people so please spare us all what you thing Islam is Al mighty gave us a book Called Quran i am not sure what Whabis Read probably a book written by daniel steel but Try reading Quran it is amazing how simple and self explanatory Quran is and one thing it says You are not a Muslim if others are not safe from you try explaining it to the next suicide bomber or person spraying bullets in a drive by.

Among the least understood of the thinkers and leaders who have shaped the modern world is Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (c. 1702–c. 1791)
Even the term "Wahabbism" is controversial, for within Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's own lifetime it (and its Arabic equivalents) were used primarily by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's opponents; his followers called themselves Muwahiddun

Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab Biography - life, family, children, death, history, young, son, book, born, house, time, facts, Family Schooled in Conservative Tradition, Gained Secular Patron

Question did British M16 exist in c. 1702–c. 1791 ?
this poster of the artical lives in dream land.there is no wahabism sunnism shiaism in pakistan dont you talk to your neighbor who is shia sunni wahabi or any?this is just paperwork and tool of division we need to be united.AND BY THE WAY SWAT OPERATION WAS NOT RECENT IT WAS 2.5 YEARS AGO.WAKE UP
i am not quite sure about this, have we forgotten shia, sunni, wahabi, talib, jalib, ethnic, extremism etc.

Well its not for us to judge. But killing innocents has no place in islam. The rest we are all one. In my opinion anyway.
I can tell you one thing as my experience as a Pakistani. The common everyday Pakistanis have no idea what the taliban are. They are sympathetic to them, because they fight against America. Most of these Pakistanis are not Wahabis. I think that if OP actually lives in Pakistan, he/she needs to get out of his/her comfort zone in Islamabad and travel around some cities within the country.
i am not quite sure about this, have we forgotten shia, sunni, wahabi, talib, jalib, ethnic, extremism etc.

yeah I dont have any problems with them I ve Shia friends...even my close friend is an Aga Khani....I dont consider suicide bombers and murderers of civilians as Muslims...they are going straight to hell
Almost all sects are living in harmony , these wahabi people have a problem with every one ... they are intolerant and ignorant ... these people will only damage the name of Islam .. the whole ummah should abandon these people
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