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Pakistan kay Mutabiq (Pakistan's Voice: Dr. Shahid Masood)



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Mar 13, 2008
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"Mirror, mirror, on the wall !
Who is most corrupt of all?"

The old fairy tale is being re-written in Pakistan.

Those looking in to the media mirrors are shocked to see what they find written all over their faces!

Thus they have to break the mirrors. To live in a state of disbelief and illusion.

Long live sincere and courageous media of Pakistan. Continue making and showing more mirrors. The world cannot be fooled by Pakistani anti media drives.

The human rights, and media watch dogs will take a notice and stand up to assist those under threat now. The world is bound to come to a rescue, sooner or later.

On Monday, November 23, 2009, viewers saw a fearful investigative journalist on Geo TV network. Dr. Shahid Masood, in his special presentation from a hideout in Dubai, was voicing his worst nightmares. His eyes were puffy, and in the end his voice was choking. For doing his job well, he was being harassed by those who have robbed Pakistan left and right, up and down, and disrobed the Pakistani treasury. The very same criminally minded persons had prevailed upon the Dubai media moguls to prevent Shahid Masood from revealing other sides of the picture.
Dr. Shahid Masood has received threats to his life, and a challenge to come to Pakistan and face his sworn enemies: who also happen to be enemies of the nation and state of Pakistan. Imran Khan, Ahsan Iqbal, Altaf Husain, and Jamaat's chief Munawwar Hasan were quick to condemn this latest attack on the freedom of expression in Pakistan.

From the condition of Dr. Shahid Masood it was apparent that the matters for him are far more dangerous than what he had stated in his program.

Dr. Shahid Masood is not alone. He has a large number of supporters, including Allah. Also, he has many other investigative journalists on his side: Hamid Mir, Ansar Abbasi, Shaheen Sahbai, Kamran Khan, Talat Husain .... and many more might join this elite media team soon.

In an atmosphere of "friendly opposition", and a fact that the Charter of Democracy is nothing more than a pact between two Ali Babas, to save their skins from their own predatory actions, it has now become a responsibility of the media to fight the rampant corruption in Pakistan. To reveal the shallow and murky knowledge of those people who profess themselves as Leaders, with no qualification more than an experience of plunder and mayhem. They do not read, they do not study, they are not the saviors of Pakistan as they apparently seem.

Threatening the media is a certain indicator of people losing their sleep and mind over their own plight. It also proves that their very large and wider financial interests are at stake. They have a hidden and black agenda. Their own conscience is being awakened by such pricking reports, and they need to let it hibernate during their reign of false power.

Get united on this issue, condemn, and prevent the persecution of investigative journalism in Pakistan.

[A Justuju Media Message to all Politicians, Writers, Thinkers, Philosophers, and Think Tanks of Pakistan]
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The guy is a crazy conspiracy theory spouting fool. i think shutting him down is good for pakistan.
You can't shut people down. You can't curb anyones freedom of speech just because you don't like what they are saying.

---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 AM ----------

Obviously this will backfire and the media's war against the government will intensify.

Dr Shahid Masood is a bigger fool than you would ever think---he has done so much damage to he integrity of pakistan by sensational reporting during the Musharraf's regime---about lal masjid---about 9/11---about pak support of the U S---everything was anti Musharraf and for Benazir and PPP---at one time I truthfully thought that he was a paid tv mediaman of Benazir and PPP---.

This idiot---in his foolishness and stupidity has caused severe damage to pakistan's integrity---this fool was also behind Dr Shazia's case of fake rape---he was involved in getting that woman get a visa to canada---this is the man who has lit the fire----now this fire wants to burn him and he is screaming murder---.

Payback is a BIT---CH.
Who made him chairman of PTV ? PPP ? so he was rewarded for what?


What do you think the reward was for---for speaking against Musharraf and for PPP----that fool really really in his heart believed that PPP had all the answers---he believed that Nawaz sharif had all the answer---that fool really believed in what he believed in---till reality hit him right in the middle of the eyes.

He found out that he had nutured and supported a monster---at least he had some conscience left in him---he walked away from that job out of fear---he realized that he was just a loud mouthed braggart---who could only talk the talk---he admitted in on a programme that he was interviewed on.

This man is responsible and partner in toppling over thegovt of Musharraf---he thought that they were criminals and wanted to make the fix---when he got the chance to fix it---he ran away from the job---so what should be the punishemnt for such a man---execution or hanging---. He is one of the primaries of creating all that unrest in pakistan through his mis-informed and half lies tv interviews.

Now that he is being threatened by zardari and his cohorts---Dr Shahid is crying foul---just because you feed milk to the snake doesnot mean that it would not bite you.
For Paighamber-e-waqt, aagah o ameen-e-wahi, Mr. Mastan Saheb:

Yeh thera Waheed KhaN, dey raha hey yeh bayaN
Boltey jo chand heiN, saarey sharr pasand heiN

Habib Jalib..

Rahey naam Allah ka

What do you think the reward was for---for speaking against Musharraf and for PPP----that fool really really in his heart believed that PPP had all the answers---he believed that Nawaz sharif had all the answer---that fool really believed in what he believed in---till reality hit him right in the middle of the eyes.

He found out that he had nutured and supported a monster---at least he had some conscience left in him---he walked away from that job out of fear---he realized that he was just a loud mouthed braggart---who could only talk the talk---he admitted in on a programme that he was interviewed on.

This man is responsible and partner in toppling over thegovt of Musharraf---he thought that they were criminals and wanted to make the fix---when he got the chance to fix it---he ran away from the job---so what should be the punishemnt for such a man---execution or hanging---. He is one of the primaries of creating all that unrest in pakistan through his mis-informed and half lies tv interviews.

Now that he is being threatened by zardari and his cohorts---Dr Shahid is crying foul---just because you feed milk to the snake doesnot mean that it would not bite you.

Absolutely Sir I agree with you, just to ask one thing were these the reasons that ARY News kicked him out?

I also heard that Masood use to sit hours in front of President house to seek some favours.And when nothing happened he joined Geo a one of the biggest blackmailers of Pakistan who too demanded money from Govt as said by president Zardari.
Oh come on, anybody who is anti-Musharraf is automatically Pakistan's enemy? When did that become a condition of Pakistani nationality? I don't appreciate everything Musharraf did, does that make me un-Pakistani?

It is a reporter's job to critique issues, though Dr. Mashood got a bit carried away on many occasions, it was still well within his rights. Either there is freedom of expression or there isn't, you can't have your cake and eat it too, and Gen. Musharraf and Mr. Zardari should be aware of that. Does Dr. Masood deserve to be threatened, or even banned, for this?

Also, many of the issues raised by him, including Lal Masjid, replacement of the CJ, NRO etc. were sensational by their very nature. If an investigative reporter won't investigate them, then who will do it on behalf of the people? I have seen him speak anti-PPP on many occasions, so what, now he's being paid by the PML-N? If a people allow themselves to be fooled by one man with a camera, then whose fault is that?

A White non-Muslim friend once asked me whether I believed I was a "radical" Muslim or a "moderate" one. I told him that the so-called "moderate" or "Muslims of convenience" call me "radical" and the visibly "radical" ones call me "moderate", which makes me think I am somewhere in between, where I would like to be. If PPP supporters call Mr. Masood anti-PPP and the Musharraf supporters call him anti-Mush, Army personnel all him anti-Army and extremist Muslims call him anti-Islam, then he must be somewhere in the middle. Isn't that where an investigative reporter should be?
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It is agreed that just being anti Musharraf's is not being anti state---but when you decide to rile up the masses with total negative campaigning and news as if you had a personal agenda, that is where it becomes a problem.

Musharraf had his faults---no doubt---but he asked PPP to make a govt with him ( Amin Fahim )----he asked Shahbaz Sharif to make a govt with him---if pakistan came first and foremost then why did these people not do it for pakistan---.

Why destroy the existing system first and foremost and then try to rebuild---why not carry on during times of diversity, avail your oppurtunity and put the man aside.

It is not what Dr Shaihd said---it is how he said it---it is how he made people believe in him---it is how he instigated the 9/11 conspiracy theories and al qaeda support and lal masjid support and the lawyers movement support and anti army support in case of Dr Shazia---.

This SOB was smuiling and laughing when Iftikhar asked him---you bragged about the criminal element in the govt---now when you got the oppurtunity to fix it---you walked away---and Dr Shahid replied---those were too big a fish for me to fry---I got scared and walked away---in the end Dr Shahid just ended up like another fat fu-$k.

All talk---full of air and blubber and no substance.

Where are men---when they have to be.
. If PPP supporters call Mr. Masood anti-PPP and the Musharraf supporters call him anti-Mush, Army personnel all him anti-Army and extremist Muslims call him anti-Islam, then he must be somewhere in the middle. Isn't that where an investigative reporter should be?


You cannot be against all the systems---that creates chaos and anarchy---the PPP regimes history was in front of him---he already knew what they were about---Dr Shahid lied to himself and made himself believe that ppp was not what the history stated but was something very nice----in order to make his name---he needed to demonize someone---in order for him to make a bigger name for himself---he needed to make a monster of someone and bring that monster down---he succeeded in doing what he started to---the problems is when you ride the tigers back---you gotta stay put---once you disembark---the tiger is going to disembowel you.

And no, good journalism is to make the country move forward---not to put hurdles in its way top trip it over.

Dr Shahid didnot let any oppurtunity go by where he could not put any hurdle in Musharraf's govt way---he tried his best to trip and bring that govt down----the time when pakistan needed its stability the most---regardless whatever or whosoever was in power----that oppurtunity has been lost---half of the credit goes to Dr Shahid---the other half is reserved for Hamid Mir.
Taking over a democratically elected Government was not creating chaos and anarchy but talking against an illegitimate and un-constitutional dictator is. On one hand it is said that Shahid ran away, on the other hand he is presented so powerful that he had fifty percent share in the toppling of Musharraf’s regime. Shahid is being condemned for “it is how he said”, please re-read the post # 6, 10, and 11 and see the language been used…this fool…that fool… loud mouthed braggart… This SOB… fat fu-$k…

For this kind of language the poet said:

zabaaN bigRi so bigRi thi khabar lijiay dehan bigRa

I don’t remember Shaid ever using this kind of language against any one even Musharraf. I can only imagine if honorable Mastan Saheb was in Shahid’s shoes, what kind of language he would have used in front of the camera.

Rahey naam Allah ka.
I watch lots of his program, which are based on mere speculations ..and major source of anarchy. His style of portraying situation was extremely scary, like some thing going to happened in next few minutes or tomorrow morning a bloody revolution is on its way. But in his last program, the way he was begging the govt to re-air his program was extremely pathetic approach. He shouldn't ask the govt for mercy. But PPP has to stay another 4 years. So, he has long way to go and he need to low down his tone on national issue. Adopting a confrontation journalism with govts is not right approach, when its elected govt.
I watch lots of his program
Why? If he is so bad why you watch his programs?

which are based on mere speculations
As you know, he is not a news reader but an anchor; there is a big difference between the 'news' and 'opinion'. He is giving his opinion like all of us do here on this forum. Don’t you think that most of our opinion is nothing more than mere speculation based on whatever the source of information plus our own likeness and dislikes and wishes?

and major source of anarchy
Do you have any facts or figures to backup your claim? How many of his viewer’s take on the streets and cause law and order situation?

His style of portraying situation was extremely scary, like some thing going to happened in next few minutes or tomorrow morning a bloody revolution is on its way.
Have you ever heard Wolf Blitzer on Fox news? How many times this guy is banned for airing his views which are scarier than Shahid's?

But in his last program, the way he was begging the govt to re-air his program was extremely pathetic approach. He shouldn't ask the govt for mercy
Mercy? Is the present regime more dictatorial than the previous one?

But PPP has to stay another 4 years. So, he has long way to go and he need to low down his tone on national issue. Adopting a confrontation journalism with govts is not right approach, when its elected govt.
So sure you are? Investigative Journalism is always confrontational otherwise publishing digests and magazines is also journalism.
First we can't compare ourselves with US journalism. They have much more freedom then we do. Second he is enjoying the freedom provide by a simple General and now these same people are not tired cursing the same General day and nite. Running a show from Dubai is not a brave manner. Our nation is stuck between wheat and sugar, they are so frail and fragile they can't take street route to drive out feudal lords.
Masood is not doing investigative journalism...his program are basically collection of few left wing senior journalist.
Only one person who practically do investigative journalism is Talat Hussain of AJJ tv and practice moderate reporting. Where he convey his message in simple and very bold manner. Never seen any head on collision with govt.
As far as why i watch. I always keep windows open for fresh wind...but fresh wind is not always their.....life is bitter and sweet.

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