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Pakistan is facing covert war

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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I do not entirely concur with the author. Am reproducing some excerpts. The link is below.

This covert war has both internal and external dimensions. It cannot be denied that a lot of what is happening is because of our own misdeeds over the years, resulting in the radicalisation of the society. Yet, external interference has played the proverbial role of “adding fuel to the fire”. Let there be no doubt that external manipulation exploiting and aggravating skilfuly internal dissensions has pushed Pakistan to the brink. The debacle of East Pakistan is a classical example of external orchestration of the inner political unrest. A similar situation is taking place again, particularly in Balochistan,


The RAW (spelled WAR in reverse) was established in 1968 – i.e. after the 1965 war when India that is several times the size of Pakistan was nearly humbled. Realising that open confrontation with Pakistan had proved futile, it seemed to have opted for the “strategy of indirect approach” - to weaken the country from within through covert operations before confronting it with open aggression to deliver it the coup de grâce.

Within three years of RAW’s establishment, we lost East Pakistan through covert operations deftly orchestrated by it. The Agartala Conspiracy was followed by political unrest leading to civil war and militancy by Mukti Bahini (trained and equipped by the RAW) and finally by massive military intervention by India. The diplomatic and media blitz by India ensured international isolation of Pakistan beforehand. Thus, the political turmoil in East Pakistan provided the “opportunity of the (20th) century” to India - as Mr Subramanian put it at the time - to break up Pakistan through covert operations - Spanning political, diplomatic and military dimensions.


Unfortunately, wrong decisions by the “commando” President provided yet another “opportunity of the (21st) century” to India to try to undo the rest of Pakistan by capitalising on the occupation of Afghanistan by its strategic partner, the USA, and with the pro-India (anti-Pakistan) Northern Alliance in the driving seat at Kabul.

What is even more unfortunate is that neither the Government of Pakistan, nor even the armed forces have fully grasped the implications of the covert war, which has been thrust upon us by a cunning enemy. The politicians are reluctant to employ the armed forces in Balochistan and urban areas, like Karachi, for political reasons. While the army that has “burnt its fingers” several times in the past is not willing to get involved on its own.

It is imperative for the armed forces to take appropriate countermeasures on war footing, as there is little time to lose. They cannot afford to sit back and wait for a call “in aid of civil power”, which applies only to peace time conditions. The armed forces must provide the lead and get proactively involved to effectively counter the covert war and act as the catalyst for internal security, and thus ensure peace and prosperity for the country. They must not fail the nation at this critical juncture.

The writer is a retired air marshal and member of the National Security Forum.

Pakistan is facing covert war | The Nation
I like how they used the point "RAW" reversed is "WAR"! Thanks for that! That's all the proof is needed!

After reading so much BS Indian (or "Desi" as it is called) journalism it is good to know shoddy/ignorant/malicious/false journalism knows no nationality!
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