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Pakistan in trouble over what it did and didn't know

Army of Pakistan


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May 4, 2011
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Pakistan in trouble over what it did and didn't know

PETER CAVE: The US military operation on its soil without its knowledge has left the Pakistan government in a delicate situation.

It's facing criticism at home from its own people asking how it could not have known and how a foreign power could strike deep within Pakistan's sovereign territory with apparent impunity.

At the same time it's facing suspicion from abroad as we've just heard that it was knowingly harbouring Osama bin Laden.

Correspondent Philip Williams is in Islamabad.

Philip Williams, what are the inconsistencies in the story that the Pakistan military were not in the know about the attack?

PHILIP WILLIAMS: Well simply this - that several analysts have pointed out that it's very difficult to fly helicopters some distance over a foreign territory without being detected. That's the first thing.

The second thing to remember is that this is a military garrison town. There is a large military establishment there. There are forces at the ready - they're at a 15 minutes deployment ready.

And the forces, the American forces were on location a few hundred metres from this base for 40 minutes and yet it appears there was no deployment. Nobody came out, nobody came to investigate, there was certainly no firefight.

Now if they knew nothing about it did they simply sit in their barracks and think, oh well we'll wait 'til a bit later? Or were there orders for them not to intervene? :cheers: And that's another question we simply can't answer.

PETER CAVE: I guess the other inconsistency is if there is that level of readiness and military awareness there, how was Osama bin Laden able to live in the midst of them without being detected and known about?

PHILIP WILLIAMS: Well that's the other side of the coin, and this is the side that - the conventional side in a sense - that the intelligence services here have said consistently, we didn't know about it.

The politicians have said, we didn't know about it. We're embarrassed about it. We should have picked this up but on this occasion we failed.

Now that's not seen as credible by very many people either. So you've got these two conflicting accounts.

Now the advantage for the Pakistani government were they to say we knew nothing is that simply that they don't then suffer the backlash from a) letting in a foreign government to do this sort of work, and b) from those that support Osama bin Laden being seen very firmly on one side of the camp or the other.

So there are lots and lots of questions and mysteries still that may never be answered but certainly there is a lot of speculation either way about who knew what when and whether commands were sent through via the Pakistani government particularly for their own troops to do nothing.

PETER CAVE: So what is the government saying? How is it managing the story?

PHILIP WILLIAMS: Well the government simply is saying, look we knew nothing about it. We support the result.

They're not really addressing the apparent embarrassment of a foreign government intervening on their soil.

They are saying that yes, we should have known about this, our intelligence services should have known about this, they didn't and it's just one of those things, but not many people believe that.

Most people believe that if you had Osama bin Laden within a few hundred metres of one of your top military academies someone somewhere along the line must have known.

And the question is then who was it? Of what level was any protection afforded if there was any at all?

PETER CAVE: What sort of things are being said by people in the street and indeed in the media?

PHILIP WILLIAMS: Well in the street the people are incredulous.

I was up there a short while ago and people just can't believe that in this small, relatively small city that's always been quite peaceful because of the heavy military presence that something like this could've been under their noses all along, and so some of them actually refuse to believe it. They just think it's just not possible.

The other flip-side of that coin is that they are now afraid that if there is to be revenge attacks that they'll be the ones to suffer that.

And so they are worried that having escaped the worst of the atrocities so far - the bombings and the shootings - that they may now find themselves and their previously peaceful town now a target.

PETER CAVE: What is the level of security in Islamabad at the moment?

PHILIP WILLIAMS: Quite high. There are lots of roadblocks you have to get through, particularly to the embassy areas and the more secure areas where the government buildings are, that's always the case but there is certainly a heightened awareness now, people speak of that.

People are on high alert because there is an anticipation that al Qaeda or at least some of its supporters, even loosely aligned, will want to make some sort of statement they're still in business and that they're not taking this without some violent reaction.

PETER CAVE: Philip Williams.

even if they have left the pak airspace

Pak fighter jet should have followed them and destroyed them within afghanistan

this is really shamefull

from the last two days i am very much in tension
even if they have left the pak airspace

Pak fighter jet should have followed them and destroyed them within afghanistan

this is really shamefull

from the last two days i am very much in tension

actually pakistan air force couldn't response due to load shedding so no blame on Pakistan Air Force ..... wapda should be blamed for that
People complain about US being after our nuclear assets - having seen the display I'm sure they could get them if they wanted in a few apaches.

My cousin who is ex retired captain said that Idiotic military actually thought it was a military excercise at 1am in the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha what a pathetic excuse.
even if they have left the pak airspace

Pak fighter jet should have followed them and destroyed them within afghanistan

this is really shamefull

from the last two days i am very much in tension

People complain about US being after our nuclear assets - having seen the display I'm sure they could get them if they wanted in a few apaches.

My cousin who is ex retired captain said that Idiotic military actually thought it was a military excercise at 1am in the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha what a pathetic excuse.

You do realize that this is being said for the publics consumption. The facts are quite obvious even if the intent is very ambiguous. Sit down relax and then think a little of not the evidence but just what is and is not possible that has been claimed in the 'statements'. e.g. the claims that Pakistan was not involved, let alone knew nothing about anything, is purely ludicrous as is the claim that the helis came undetected did their business and then flew off into the sunset after a 40 min operation (remember what happened in Mogadishu? Either the Somalis had some ferocious SAM coverage or this whole notion is extremely idiotic). Ask the American military pros here they'l tell you the same. I repeat what I have stated else where: The 'game' that has been played is not obvious or apparent and cannot be deciphered this easily but what is obvious is that a 'game' has indeed been played.
According to reports we have down here the President of the USA contacted the Pakistani government shortly after the American helis entered Pakistan's airspace and requested clearance for those choppers. It seems that Pakistan had scrambled one or more jet fighters but after the call from the White House, the military was given orders to step down which it complied with.
US seeks explanations on OBL’s hideout Updated at 18:37 PST

WASHINGTON: The United States warned yesterday it would probe Osama bin Laden’s support network in Pakistan, raising tough questions for its anti-terror ally after killing the Al-Qaeda key player in a daring raid.

Officials said DNA tests had proven conclusively that the man US Special Forces killed Sunday in the city of Abbottabad was indeed their reviled foe blamed for the deaths of 3,000 people in the September 11 attacks in 2001.

President Barack Obama’s top anti-terror adviser John Brennan said that it was “inconceivable” that bin Laden did not have a support network in Pakistan.

“I am not going to speculate about what type of support he might have had on an official basis inside of Pakistan,” said Brennan, when quizzed by reporters on oft reported links between Pakistani intelligence and radical Islamists.

“But we are closely talking to the Pakistanis right now.

“We are looking right now at how he was able to hold out there for so long and whether or not there was any type of support system within Pakistan that allowed him to stay there.”

In another sign of mistrust between Washington and Islamabad, Brennan said that US officials did not notify Pakistan of the raid until its helicopters exited Pakistani airspace with bin Laden’s remains.

Pakistan’s main Taliban faction threatened to attack Pakistan and the US, calling them “the enemies of Islam.”

Meanwhile, President Obama and White House staff was yesterday debating the release of a video showing bin Laden being buried at sea. (AGENCIES)
People complain about US being after our nuclear assets - having seen the display I'm sure they could get them if they wanted in a few apaches.

My cousin who is ex retired captain said that Idiotic military actually thought it was a military excercise at 1am in the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha what a pathetic excuse.

I wouldnt be so harsh on your cousin, if last week i had said the US could fly 4 blackhawks into Abbottabad with out anyone stopping them i would have been laughed off the forum. Military town after all how often do people hear helicopters or planes and think nothing of it?
If ISI was sheltering OBL they had the whole pakistan to hide him, Why do so at their doorstep which will point all fingers towards them. Specially considering the existing mistrust.
What I cannot decide between is that was ISI dumb not to know where he was or was ISI dumb enough to know where he was and yet not to know the American intent to come in and eliminate him?

However, one thing is true for sure! If at all Pakistan was hiding Osama and his family, he'd be kept in a location truly away from any town center that is easily and quickly approachable by any foreign helicopters or aircraft etc!! In this case the benefit of the doubt goes to the accused, i.e ISI!! Still I am dismayed over this oversight and blunder by the concerned and most certainly consider this a very low point in our history as a country. People will forget everything in about a year's time, but what they will most certainly remember (to my regret) is that OBAMA KILLED OSAMA IN PAKISTAN!!
the US has said that it reserves the right to conduct more raids if it finds more al qaeda...now pakistan has two options here...either conduct our own raids before the US gets here....or get some guest houses ready for UNCLE SAMS stay....adn fukc the UN...they can go to hell......adn somebody knock some sense into gilani...he says that ti was the worlds intelligence failure....not pakistans....carla bruni should give him a good slap.
Pfft..Army, what army? All we have are a bunch of glorified pencil pushers and pretend hard men barricaded up in concrete palaces. Face it ladies and gentlemen, a fighting force we are not.

Coming to the issue of OBL... Great, they should have done this a long, long time ago. Hats off to the Americans. God Bless the USA.
According to reports we have down here the President of the USA contacted the Pakistani government shortly after the American helis entered Pakistan's airspace and requested clearance for those choppers. It seems that Pakistan had scrambled one or more jet fighters but after the call from the White House, the military was given orders to step down which it complied with.

according to witnesses....the army cordoned off a 1km area approximately 1 hour before the operation.....i tink that we knew that the yanks were coming but we just didnt wanted to get ourselves in the al qaedas spotlight.
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